Episode 28 – Christine DeAngelis

Christine trains her way to better connections


This year, Christine DeAngelis will complete a half marathon and several obstacle course races, including the Bone Frog Challenge and Spartan Trifecta. Those names alone intimidate me enough to not even want to sign up. But Christine is going to do them all as part of her newfound appreciation for fitness and healthy living after having her daughter a few years ago.

In this episode, we talk about how there are always little points of connection that come up in conversation, you just have to look for them. We also discuss how talking about her races not only provides a point of connection with others but also holds her more accountable to push further.


Christine DeAngelis is the President and CEO of Epiphany Consulting Group, where she helps companies grow by providing outsourced CFO and Controller services. Prior to that, she spent several years in both public accounting and industry. She is a graduate of the AICPA Leadership Academy, was voted one of New Hampshire’s Top 10 Young Professionals to Watch and was recognized as one of New Hampshire’s 40 Under 40 Young Professionals earlier this year and was even an adjunct professor of Accounting at Southern New Hampshire University.

Christine has a BS in Accounting from the University of New Hampshire and an MSA from Southern New Hampshire University, after which she served as an Adjunct Professor for two years.


Other pictures of Christine

(click to enlarge)

Christine with her daughter

Working out

Out and about.

Christine’s links



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    John: Welcome to Episode 28 of the Green Apple Podcast. Before I introduce this week’s guest, I just wanted to remind you about my anonymous research survey. The more data points I have the more legit the research, so if you haven’t done so already please just go to greenapplepodcast.com, just click the big green button. It will take 60 seconds to do and I really, really appreciate it.

    Okay. So now let me introduce you to this week’s guest, Christine DeAngelis. After a few years as a CPA in both public accounting and industry, she just started Epiphany Consulting Group where she focuses on helping businesses grow by providing outsourced CFO and Controller-type services. And here’s some other really cool stuff. She is a graduate of the AICPA Leadership Academy, was voted one of New Hampshire’s Top 10 Young Professionals to Watch, and was recognized as one of New Hampshire’s 40 Under 40 Young Professionals earlier this year, and was even an adjunct professor of Accounting at Southern New Hampshire University.

    So, Christine, you really, really know a lot about accounting which makes me wonder, how did you get into it in the first place?

    Christine: I actually was a Marketing major when I went to college.

    John: So you wore the cool colors and the bright stuff and had the cool presentations?

    Christine: Yeah. I totally wanted to be like a graphics designer and I had this whole grand plan that I was going to be a Marketing major. And of course, when you’re a business major of any kind, they force you to take an accounting class so you can sort of kind of know what you’re talking about when it comes to the finances of your business. And I took my first accounting class and it just clicked. It sounds kind of like icky from the CPA perspective for me to say this but it was totally my calling, like I just knew right away in that first class that I was naturally really great at it and I spoke the accounting language. And so I switched my major and here I am.

    John: That’s so great because it’s not often that you pluck somebody out of Marketing.

    Christine: No, usually goes the other way.

    John: Yeah, usually does, like you guys are having way too much fun over here in Marketing, I’m going to go over to Accounting, they seem quiet.

    Christine: Yeah. It was sort of an unusual transition but it really just clicked for me. I enjoyed it, I was really good at it, and I had this grand dream that I was going to grow up and be a really important CFO somewhere and that was the vision. So I graduated as an Accounting major and went straight to work for a public accounting firm right out of college and got my CPA license, and still plugging away.

    John: Yeah! Well, good, and you can always go back to Marketing later.

    Christine: I can. Well, they don’t tell you these things like when you’re a business owner that you actually have to wear all of those hats, so now I get to do some Marketing for my own business, like I get to sort of pretend.

    John: Yeah, design your logo and all that fun stuff, business cards, all that stuff. Yeah, that’s great. Yeah, you certainly wear all the hats but all the hats require numbers and it all comes down to the dollars so having that Accounting background comes in handy.

    Christine: It’s very true, absolutely.

    John: So obviously, you’re very, very busy with this and with Epiphany Consulting Group, but when you’re not busy and you have a little bit of free time, what is it that occupies a lot of your nights and weekends when you have that free time?

    Christine: So my free time, I have a two-year old and she occupies a lot of my free time. But I also like to really squeeze in fitness, it’s been something that I’ve become very focused on since having her is really living a truly healthy lifestyle. And so I’m in the middle of training for my first half-marathon right now and after the half-marathon I’m going to be doing quite a few obstacle races this year.

    John: Okay, so kind of the Tough Mudder type or something along those lines?

    Christine: Yeah, that’s very similar to a Tough Mudder. So the first one is actually a Bone Frog race which is sponsored by the United States Navy SEALs, so that one doesn’t sound challenging at all. And then me and two of my friends are going for the Spartan Trifecta this year, so Spartan races have three different I guess like course length, shortest to longest, and if you do all three course length in a year you’re considered to have hit Spartan Trifecta so that’s the goal for the end of 2016.

    John: Holy moly, we’re not going to do one, we’re going to do all three?

    Christine: We’re going to do all three.

    John: Yeah, yeah. What, you only have three, how come there aren’t five? Come on, like Christine’s got courses to do, let’s go.

    Christine: I know, yeah! We’re going to have to call Spartan and ask them where the other two are and to put them on the schedule, to keep me out of trouble.

    John: Hopefully they’re me lying on my couch eating ice cream, hopefully that’s where they are because I got two down. That’s impressive, that is very impressive. So are these all back-to-back then or are they spaced out hopefully?

    Christine: The first couple are not that spaced out, no. My first half-marathon is in two weeks and then the Bone Frog is the weekend right after it. And then I have a two-week break and my first Spartan race is after that. So the first few are very, very close together. It was totally accidental, like I scheduled them all when I thought that this is a great idea and then looked at the calendar and then went “Oh, wow, that’s not a lot of time in between.”

    John: Like I feel bad we shouldn’t be recording this podcast, you should be stretching.

    Christine: I should be out training somewhere. Yeah, I should be getting a massage or something to prepare myself.

    John: Right, right, wow! No, I’m exhausted just hearing this but that’s very impressive, that’s so cool. So how do you go about training for things like this, do you just roll around in mud and like throw trees around, what do you do?

    Christine: Yeah, that’s actually not a joke, that’s how they suggest that you train. One of the suggestions on like if you get into the Spartan training they have blogs and stuff that you can follow and they suggest doing all of your training outdoors, like right down to doing like your morning yoga routine outside in your backyard in kind of a mud puddle to get used to being really dirty and wet all of the time.

    John: Oh, boy, yeah.

    Christine: Yeah. And carrying around awkward objects, like they suggest that you consider doing some form of a log carry and stuff as part of your training so it’s definitely not a joke that you can kind of just go out and find some tree limbs and practice and that’s all good practice.

    John: Wow, I was completely making that up, it sounds like I wrote the brochure.

    Christine: You’re already ready to go, you’ve already got the mindset ready to go.

    John: I have that mindset, sadly, that is scaring me. What is even more scary is that you talked friends into this.

    Christine: Oh, yeah.

    John: So this was your idea to get them in or were they…?

    Christine: It was my idea and they just sort of went along with it. I don’t think that they quite knew what they were getting themselves in to, but I sort of figured that if we were going to torture ourselves the more the merrier, so why not.

    John: Yeah, definitely, misery does love company. And all of a sudden, they’re doing Indian-style sitting in a mud puddle and they’re like “Wait a minute, Christine, what did we sign up for?” and you’re like “Oh, wait until the barbed wire comes in.”

    Christine: I guess the only like peace for me is that they’ll already be in the middle of the race course at that point so they’ll be short of thought.

    John: Right. You want out of this, you got to run the second half.

    Christine: Right, you’re halfway there, you can’t quit.

    John: Right. The SEALs are watching, come on!

    Christine: That’s right, you can’t quit on the Navy SEALs, they won’t allow it.

    John: This is so impressive and did this all start this year or you said when you had your daughter two years ago or so is when…?

    Christine: Yeah. So she’ll be two in another month and when we were trying to get pregnant I really kind of delved a lot into health and fitness and really focusing at the beginning on clean eating and changing our lifestyle to just be healthier. And I don’t think that I was aware and a lot of people aren’t, like I just didn’t have a good working knowledge of what sort of chemicals are affecting us on a daily basis and what sort of chemicals are in our food sources.

    So it started with just a lot of research about our environment and what I was putting in to my body and then it kind of led to this fitness aspect and those two things hand-in-hand have really just totally changed my lifestyle. She definitely inspires me to be the healthiest version of myself that I can be because I want to be a good role model for her and I also want to be around for a really long time.

    John: Yeah, that’s definitely very impressive. My wife tries to talk to me about stuff and I don’t want to hear about it.

    Christine: Eating your veggies, like that.

    John: I do eat the veggies, it’s just, you know… yeah, ice cream or meat or stuff, all the stuff that you grew up on. You can’t go cold turkey on, you can’t have nothing, come on.

    Christine: No, you and my husband will get along great. I’m usually like looking for him in the steak section of the grocery store and dragging him out of the ice cream aisle. You can have all of those things, you just have to… Sometimes that’s a common misconception is people think that they have to give everything up and you don’t have to give everything up, sometimes it’s just finding the healthier version of the things that you’re looking to eat.

    John: Yeah, that’s true. Did my wife send you, what’s going on, this is an intervention.

    Christine: She and I chatted a little bit beforehand, she told me the things that she wanted me to like put bugs in your ear about.

    John: The problem is that healthier version costs like $40 or something crazy.

    Christine: Yeah, that is the hard part. I had to do a lot of work to make sure that we’re doing out clean eating on a family-friendly budget but it can be done and Pinterest is definitely your friend.

    John: I guess it’s better than dying of a heart attack, so that’s all good.

    Christine: It is.

    John: No, that’s very impressive, and taking it to the extreme here with a half-marathon. I did one and then retired, I don’t even run down the block anymore. If somebody in New York’s going to mug me I’m just the easiest one, I’m not even running away, I’m done running ever again.

    Christine: You’ve only had so many miles in you and you’ve already met your quota.

    John: Yes, and luckily it was downhill for that last 0.2 or whatever it is.

    Christine: That’s every runner’s dream is that you get to the end and it’s like just a nice downhill slope.

    John: Oh, man, it was almost like doing somersaults, I felt like “Uh, just end this pain.” But I think that the Bone Frog and the Spartan, that will be fun because it distracts you a lot, I think, while you’re doing the race.

    Christine: Yeah, definitely. There’s a lot less running and it’s a lot more broken up by the obstacles and that’s just a whole other level of goal setting for me because that requires a lot more upper body strength which has been something that I’ve had to really focus on developing to be able to do these races.

    John: Right, yeah, and you sent a picture doing the pushups with the dumbbell weights, I was like “Holy moly, it’s a good thing we’re not arm wrestling. I would just get housed.” That pays off with Epiphany Consulting Group probably when somebody comes to you with some information late and you’re like —

    Christine: We try not to threaten the clients but maybe I can have that as like a side business, like if they’re having customers that are having a hard time paying them, yeah.

    John: Look at this, we’re already blowing up your business, you’re going huge now. And that other arm will be the gun show, that take us to the gun show. So have you done any of these other obstacle races before or is this going to be the first one?

    Christine: These are going to be the first like really challenging ones. Last year I did a Mudderella with a bunch of girlfriends which is an awesome, awesome mud run. I’d encourage anyone to try a Mudderella because they’re definitely a little bit easier, like a good starting point for people that are thinking that they want to try it and they’re so much fun. And it was a really empowering race to do it with a bunch of girlfriends and just get dirty and have a good time.

    John: With Mudderella, is that a girls-only thing, or does it just sound like Cinderella?

    Christine: Yeah, guys can definitely participate in it but you have to be invited by a female team captain. So you have to have like sort of the approval seal that the girls think that you’re cool and worthy of coming.

    John: Right, right, and willing to run it in heels.

    Christine: Oh, there were some guys in tutus last year which was really cool. They got way too into it.

    John: I’ll do what I got to do to get on the team, that’s what happens. That is so fantastic. And I guess just out of curiosity, is there anything about the fitness and the training and eating healthy that’s helped you develop a unique skill set for work?

    Christine: It’s certainly an interesting point of conversation when you’re talking to people. I have been able to gain some clients and I’ve been able to I think start some more conversations with a lot more people that I wouldn’t necessarily have been able to otherwise just because you sort of have this interesting thing to talk about and people think that it’s cool and they want to ask you questions and they want to hear about your experience. So it’s definitely a good conversation starter, for sure.

    John: Yeah, because I have to imagine, I mean, everyone’s like me and they have 47 questions about it and it’s like “What, how did you get into this, what did you do, when was the first one, do you need extra logs to throw around your backyard…”

    Christine: Yeah, it definitely is an interesting conversation starter. I also think that it’s sort of given me the mindset of like I can do anything, it’s inspirational for me personally to see how far I have come from the beginning and how much work I’ve put in to something. But to be able to actually manifest these crazy goals that a year ago I thought were totally unachievable is just sort of a reminder to myself that you can really make anything happen if you set your mind to it, if you’re willing to do the work and take action towards achieving something you can absolutely make something happen. Nothing is actually impossible and that’s really completely changed my perspective in running my own business and having faith and what I’m capable of doing.

    John: Yeah, that’s very profound and a huge confidence boost which certainly when you’re on your own or with a small group like that then that certainly helps keep that momentum going forward.

    Christine: For sure. Some days you just need a little reminder that you’re on the right path and if you’re not on the right path it’s all good, you can just kind of redirect yourself and you can push yourself in a different direction if that’s what needs to happen.

    John: Right. That’s usually when I eat more ice cream is when I– I’m kidding! I’m just saying this so if your husband listens, he’s like “Okay, I’m not the only one.”

    Christine: I will fully admit that some days aren’t ice cream days, some days you just have to admit, you know what, it’s an ice cream day.

    John: It is, it is what it is, yeah. And so when you talk with clients or prospective clients, does it sort of come up organically, the exercise and the fitness and what have you, or do you kind of force it in there, how does that come about?

    Christine: No, I don’t usually force it. It’s definitely a part of my personal life, I think, so it happens a lot where someone will just say something like “Oh, my wife is a runner” or they’ll be talking about something as simple as like “I sought a chiropractor for such and such” and I’ll start talking to them about their chiropractor and then I’ll say “Yeah, I have this great chiropractor that I know that I’ve gone to for this, this, and this and it started when I was running.” Sometimes you just have those little tiny things that you maybe not would necessarily have noticed otherwise coming up in conversation, but those little tiny connections that just kind of get your foot in the door, and it makes a little bit personal connection when you’re talking to someone to be able to share those experiences with them.

    John: Right. And I think that’s the most important thing is just having your antenna up for when those opportunities arise because I think a lot of times people skip over those or they miss them, they think “Oh, well those never happened to me” because you’re not listening for them, I think.

    Christine: Absolutely, absolutely, it’s a huge piece. I think, too, like it’s something that I’m so passionate about that I love talking about it and it makes me feel really inspired and it’s a good reminder for me when I’m talking to my clients too to kind of hone in on that energy and know that whatever they’re talking to me about is that’s how they feel about what they’re doing and what they’re spending their time on is they feel that same inspiration and passion as I do. And so for me it’s a good reminder to really honor that and listen to it and give them the opportunity to share all of the things that make them feel really good.

    John: Yeah, that’s really cool, yeah! And I think that good words besides passion but the inspiration, as well, that we all get from those things that we do outside of work for free. We’re not getting paid for this or have to do this, but it’s just inside us and we can’t keep it inside anymore.

    Christine: We got to let it out.

    John: Yes, exactly, that’s so great, that’s really great. And so when you worked maybe in public accounting or before you had your own firm, were you always open and sharing or is this kind of what cracked it open for you?

    Christine: No, my mother would definitely tell you that I was always like an oversharer, I’m a total social butterfly. No, I’ve always really loved meeting new people and talking to new people, I think that this is just sort of cracked open a door to a whole other world that I didn’t know existed before. For years when I got out of college, I was sitting for the CPA exam, and then I was getting my Master’s degree in Accounting and everything was like accounting, accounting, all of the time. And as I got older and I started spending my time on different activities, going to different boards and joining different associations and now with these extracurricular activities that I do me myself, it just sort of introduces you to a whole other world of people that you might not have necessarily met otherwise.

    John: Right, yeah! And that’s a good point though is when you’re first out of school and you’re just hammering away at that exam or even finishing your Master’s or what have you, that it’s hard to have those real-world experiences to share with real people because you’re so buried in the accounting at that time. But it’s okay to not keep on that path, I think is what’s most important because we get out, we hear that, and so then we just keep on that hamster wheel of super accountant and then it’s like “Oh, I’m going to be the best accountant. I’m going to memorize all the FASBs.” And it’s like “What are you doing? No one wants to talk to you, ever.”

    Christine: No, no, nobody’s ever going to ask you about FASBs at a party, that’s for sure.

    John: And if they do you’re at the wrong party.

    Christine: You’re at the wrong party. Very true.

    John: Yup. Come over here with the marketing types, that’s where you need to be. Yeah, that’s a great point though is just at first it’s hard because you are buried but then you need to consciously do that and shift gears to get out of that rut or you’ll get stuck.

    Christine: Yeah, absolutely.

    John: Yeah, that’s for sure. And one thing that I like to think about because I have the time is how much, when it comes to kind of creating a culture for people to share — for you it’s easy, oversharing — but is it more on the organization to create that culture where people can feel free to do that or is it more on the individual to speak up when appropriate or somewhere in the middle maybe?

    Christine: I think it’s probably somewhere in the middle. I mean, it’s always helpful to have both sides of the coin for a really healthy relationship. But I think maybe there’s a little bit more responsibility on the organization side to kind of really open the door for people. If you want people to thrive and be successful in your organization and I think it’s important to create that type of company culture that allows people to really be themselves and the cornerstone of business is still that personal connection, whether or not you’re selling widgets of you’re selling your personal services, you’re not going to have customers if they can’t believe in you and trust in you whether it be your product or your service that you’re selling. So I think always creating the opportunity for people to be the best versions of themselves and encourage other people in their organization to do the same thing is where everybody benefits.

    John: Yeah, that’s excellent. Unless you’re in Tax, then I don’t know– no, kidding. That’s so good, you dropped this really profound, very eloquent knowledge bomb and then I’m like, “Eh, Tax!”

    Christine: It has to be the best version of yourself when you’re in the office 70 hours a week, let’s be honest.

    John: Oh, yeah, most definitely! You just get burned out and stressed out and maxed out, you’re just losing your mind, you think Monday is Tuesday, stuff like that.

    Christine: That, absolutely. See, and that’s when you’re supposed to tell yourself “I really need to become a runner so that I can take a half-an-hour every day to just go out and clear my head.”

    John: Misty Megia was a guest on a prior episode of the Green Apple Podcast and she and her team, every day, would do a ten-minute walk outside.

    Christine: Absolutely!

    John: Granted they were in the Bay Area so it’s always seventy degrees.

    Christine: Yeah. We’re not going to do that here in New England in January when it’s snowing.

    John: Yeah, that would be the worst, I guess, if busy season was July, August, September, that would be the worst.

    Christine: It would be the worst.

    John: At least it’s in… we just get all their bad stuff all at once — the snow, the ice, long hours, no sunlight, yes, let’s just pile it on. But I agree, you definitely need to get outside and run or exercise or just change focus, that way then you can come back refreshed, that’s for sure. I think unfortunately though, a lot of people at the top tend to think Facetime and more hours, just keep working on it harder, and it’s like well, that’s not going to work.

    Christine: No, it’s definitely not something that’s super efficient, I don’t think. Some of my best aha moments have come after I have taken even just a 20-or 30-minute break to let my brain rest and then all of a sudden you come back and the right synapses are firing and you’ve got the solution to the problem that you’ve been working on. But more hours does not necessarily always mean more quality work getting done.

    John: That’s exactly, exactly right. So I’m thinking I guess what might be some things that you’ve seen at some companies or firms that you’ve been around where they do that help them to encourage others to share, to open up, to create that good environment.

    Christine: Sure. Well this is just related to creating a nice environment for me but one of the firms I worked for actually had a gym right in the office which is really cool and had a whole wellness program built around the employees, making sure that we were encouraging them to be healthy and to be fit and encouraging them to take a break if they needed to during the day and having the facilities right there and accessible to them so that you could. Even if it was snowing in the middle of January, you could go take a 15-minute walk at lunch if that’s what you needed to do to kind of unwind and then go back to your desk feeling a little bit refreshed.

    John: Yeah, that’s a great idea, those are great ideas, definitely. And then just that wellness program to educate and also encourage people that it’s not a problem if you do this, we’re doing it too type of thing.

    Christine: Right, we want you to do it. And I’ve always really appreciated too and I think even more so now that I’m a parent but the organizations that can really recognize how important that family time is too and put a lot of emphasis around your family coming first.

    John: Yes, yes, that’s for sure, which is tricky because they always want that billable hour and things like that but if you’re not happy then you’re not productive, that billable hour doesn’t mean anything.

    Christine: Right, it doesn’t.

    John: I guess coming in for kind of a landing here, what might be some barriers that people see to why they don’t want to share or open up maybe to coworkers, clients, what have you?

    Christine: I think that maybe for me initially, I don’t think I talked about this as much as I do now because there was a little bit of fear of failure, like these were really challenging things that I was doing to kind of push myself but if I didn’t reach a certain goal I didn’t want to be like “Oh, I wasn’t able to do that.” But, over time, what I realized for me is that talking about it actually holds me a lot more accountable and helps me push myself further. So I’ve been able to really improve the more that I’ve talked about it with other people and the more I’ve shared and felt other people encouraging me to achieve those goals, the more accountable I felt to actually hitting those marks because I felt like everybody was cheering me on.

    John: Yeah, that’s great. That is a good point because then if yeah, that fear of failure is real because if you didn’t do it then everyone that asked about it because they’re genuinely interested and then you have to relive not doing it over and over and over–

    Christine: Over and over and over again, yeah. That’s not cool. But it’s awesome when you’re able to get past that initial fear and sometimes too I think that people are afraid that other just might not be interested or might be judgmental of whatever activity it is that they find is inspiring or that they feel passionate about for them. But I always just think it’s so interesting to hear what other people are doing with their free time because it’s all different, like I just learned not very long ago that my neighbor could play the piano. We’ve been friends for years and years and I had no idea that he could play the piano. And now we’re talking about him giving my daughter piano lessons and it’s just crazy how you just might now know these little things about people.

    John: Right, right, yeah! And the thing that I found too that was even more alarming is if you don’t share something then you’re completely forgettable. If you have nothing well then that’s what people are going to remember about you five or ten years later. Even though you work next to this person every day, ten years from now they’re going to be like “Do you remember…?” “No, I don’t remember that person at all” and that’s the scariest to me is how long you can be around people and then them not remember you if you don’t give them something to at least latch on to.

    Christine: For sure.

    John: Yeah, and it’s got to be something outside of work unless you just design a bridge really poorly or something disastrous.

    Christine: Which is not what we hoped for. We hope it’s something really, really cool.

    John: Unless you’re the lead partner on like Enron which I don’t think you want to be remembered for.

    Christine: No, trying to scare the goals in a different direction.

    John: Yeah, absolutely, by just sharing a small thing that you’re doing anyway, it’s not even hard. You have to try and figure it out, it’s what you’re doing probably right now while you’re listening to this podcast.

    Christine: Absolutely!

    John: This has been really, really great, Christine, really great. It sounds like we would definitely get along but I always have my rapid-fire 17 questions to see if we can really hang out type of a thing. So these are the kind of things that I wish that had we been in the interview process that they had asked because it’s a lot faster and then I think you can tell whether or not someone’s on board.

    Christine: Somebody’s got to be a good fit.

    John: Yeah, yeah, exactly. When you open up your arms arm to your Epiphany Consulting Group these are the questions you use.

    Christine: All right, sounds like a plan.

    John: Here we go. First one, cats or dogs?

    Christine: Dogs.

    John: All right. How about a PC or a Mac?

    Christine: Oh, PC.

    John: PC. How about right click or left click?

    Christine: Oh, right click.

    John: Right click, all right. Do you have a favorite sports team?

    Christine: Oh, the New England Patriots, for sure.

    John: I’m going to ask you again, do you have a favorite– no, I’m just joking. How about a favorite color?

    Christine: Purple.

    John: How about a least favorite color?

    Christine: Probably red.

    John: Red, all right, that’s interesting.

    Christine: It’s a very angry color.

    John: It is an angry color, that’s true. How about Sudoku or crossword puzzle?

    Christine: Sudoku.

    John: All right. How about a favorite animal?

    Christine: A panda bear.

    John: Panda bears, is there a reason why?

    Christine: They’re so cuddly.

    John: They’re so cuddly, because I cuddle with them all the time. They have like seven pet pandas. Star Wars or Star Trek?

    Christine: Star Wars.

    John: Yeah. Diamonds or pearls?

    Christine: Diamonds.

    John: Ooh, I felt a twinkle when you said that.

    Christine: A little sparkle.

    John: Yeah. How about do you have a favorite actor or actress?

    Christine: Not really, actually. I’ve been a big George Clooney fan my whole life.

    John: Sure, I can’t imagine why.

    Christine: He’s a great actor.

    John: He’s such a great actor, yeah. So good. Balance sheet or income statement?

    Christine: Income statement.

    John: Movie that makes you cry?

    Christine: Armageddon.

    John: Armageddon!

    Christine: Yeah. I still tear up every single time at the end when Bruce Willis saves the world, it’s just a tear-jerker.

    John: Right, and then Aerosmith kicks in, it’s all over.

    Christine: Absolutely.

    John: It’s all over, get the tissues.

    Christine: For sure.

    John: Yup. Do you have a favorite number?

    Christine: Three.

    John: Three, is there a reason why?

    Christine: It’s just my lucky number, since I was a kid it was my softball number all through high school.

    John: Yeah, yeah, three is a good number. How about pens or pencils?

    Christine: Pens.

    John: Two more. Least favorite vegetable?

    Christine: Asparagus.

    John: Oh, yeah, I’m onboard with that one, that is, yeah.

    Christine: It’s awful.

    John: Yeah. You can’t put enough ketchup on it, no, I’m just joking.

    Christine: No. I’ve tried it so many different ways, it’s just not good.

    John: Right, right. And the last one, how about the favorite thing you own.

    Christine: The favorite thing that I own… something that’s really personal is I have this gorgeous china cabinet that my dad actually hand-built for my husband and I as a wedding present. And on display on the china cabinet is my great-grandparents, it’s like this beautiful hand-done copper plate that was a wedding gift to them. So the whole piece is just this really beautiful personal piece in my home.

    John: Wow, yeah, that is very, very neat, that is very cool. That’s certainly understandably one of your favorite things, that’s for sure. That’s really cool.

    Well, thank you so much, Christine. This was really great and I’m sure everyone learned a ton and I’m sure that they’re all outside right now throwing stuff in their yard, for their Spartan Trifecta —

    Christine: Feeling inspired, lifting some logs.

    John: Yeah, I’m going to start doing it now. Hopefully New York City doesn’t arrest me or something. But thank you so much, Christine, I really appreciate it.

    Christine: Thanks for having me.

    John: Oh, that was fantastic. I really hope you enjoyed what Christine had to say especially how there are always little connections that come up in conversation, you just have to be looking for them.

    You could see some links to Christine including her Epiphany Consulting Group and some pictures at greenapplepodcast.com. And while you’re there, please don’t forget to that survey.

    Thank you so much for listening and helping spread the word so others can go out and be a green apple.


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