Episode 89 – Garrett Wagner

Garrett cycles his way to better business relationships


Garrett Wagner started riding bicycles when he was young and has never quit. He started riding competitively after a good friend invited him to join the team. Since then, he’s done many 100-mile rides, biked parts of the Tour de France course, and participated in many races and triathlons. He really enjoys the challenge that cycling forces you to conquer and the pure joy and freedom he experiences on the road.

In this episode, Garrett and I talk about how cycling has impacted his career, teaching him to push himself harder. He finds there are a lot of similarities to being a CPA — it takes a lot of hard work and discipline to be successful. He’s also developed some great coworker relationships after riding together. He says, “The connection isn’t what you do at work, it’s why you do these things you’re passionate about.”

Garrett Wagner is a Business Therapist at Thaney & Associates, CPAs in Rochester, NY.

He graduated with a B.S. in Accounting from Ithaca College.

John talks with

Garrett Wagner

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Garrett Wagner           Garrett Wagner          
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    Other pictures of Garrett

    (click to enlarge)

    Feeling the freedom that comes with riding.

    Garrett takes a break after training.

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