Episode 109 – Live from QB Connect!


John broadcasts live from the QB Connect Conference in San Jose


John Garrett takes his digital recorder around the QB Connect Conference to interview accountants who are shattering the stereotype.

In this episode, he talks with a group of professionals who have interests outside of work including video gaming, meditating, photo journaling AKA “camera chronicles”, running, biking and skateboarding.


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    This is John Garrett coming to you live from QuickBooks Connect Day 2 here on Thursday in San Jose, and I’m so excited to be bringing you more people that are shattering the stereotype and just making a difference in the world and showing people that accountants aren’t nerds, that’s basically what’s happening and I’m really excited to bring to you my first guest of the day, from the UK, Bobby Chadha. Thank you so much for taking time to be with me on the Green Apple Podcast.

    Bobby: No problem, John. Glad to be here.

    John: Yeah, yeah, and you’re with Deloitte now, is that correct?

    Bobby: I am, yeah, absolutely. Prior to Deloitte, I was actually with Intuit, so it’s awesome coming back to well, with the company I just left but it’s a brilliant experience for me because I actually worked with product, I was a product manager there. And so now at Deloitte, I’m still building products but now I’m more involved in the actual small business accounting firm within Deloitte as well. So now I’m seeing it for both realms as the maker of a particular product and now also as a customer so it’s pretty cool.

    John: That’s awesome. Very cool, very cool. Back to the family reunion.

    Bobby: Absolutely. I’ve met a few people here and a couple of people I owe drinks to back in the day.

    John: Oh, no. they remembered.

    Bobby: They’ve called them drinks in.

    John: Right, right. That’s fantastic. So when you’re not busy with Deloitte, what hobby or passions do you love to do outside of the office?

    Bobby: So a few things. I think the product manager in me, so I was a product manager for six and a half years and a key component of that is you use your empathy and understanding people’s problems and pain points so one of the things that I love to do is solve problems and that could be either through designing a particular solution. I built a table recently for my nephew and it’s only because my nephew’s left handed and he loves to game up on Xbox at the same time whilst eating so I was like, hey, you know what? I’ve got a bit of time. I’m going to make a table for you.

    I love the whole element of understanding pain points and people’s behaviors and then coming up with a solution. So I love that. I also love to game. I’m an Xboxer and I love my Call of Duty and my FIFA as well. It’s good to just come home sometimes after work and just switch on the Xbox and just game up, I love that.

    And last but not least, I love to meditate. I’ve been doing that for, gosh, since I was 18, 19 and I absolutely love it. It brings me a bit of peace and tranquility in my life where London is such a busy place like you get on the underground, on the trains and you’re packed in sardines and by the way, there’s no air-conditioning in the undergrounds so it’s really cool to just unwind like with a few minutes of meditation as well. So those are the three things I love to do outside of work.

    John: That’s awesome, man. That’s awesome. It sounds like all three of those translate to the office. I mean you said the problem solving and building furniture and creating new gadgets and stuff like that clearly. But how about the gaming? Do you feel like that translates to the office? I guess when you want to just like kick balls around the office, that’s how that works?

    Bobby: Well, interestingly, we do actually have a FIFA tournament in the office so we actually have a PlayStation in our office and I’m playing against other accountants and other people within the firm.

    John: And just destroying them.

    Bobby: Just destroying them. It’s quite worrying because my manager has now picked up on the fact that I’m really good at FIFA so he’s now questioning and looking at my time sheets and thinking gosh, how much time are you spending on FIFA versus working? But I think it does. I think there’s an element of communication and collaboration and just having fun.

    I think traditionally as accountants, it’s always been the case of heads down, time sheet, just working, getting jobs done. Having a collaborative space where you guys could just chill out together and just game up or just have a conversation about something different is pretty cool and it makes us as a team stronger. It actually helps our clients because it means that those skills and those soft skills, that openness that we display to each other, we also display to our clients which is amazing.

    John: That’s awesome, man. That’s exactly where it’s at right there. I mean it’s just creating that shared experience for everyone to talk about other than just work.

    Bobby: Yeah, absolutely.

    John: I guess as a senior manager level, how do you look at — because I have a survey out there, anonymous survey, asking people what are reasons you don’t share your hobbies and passions at work? A lot of the answers are there’s no charge code for socializing or we don’t get paid to get to know each other. As a senior manager level, how do you look at that as non-billable charge code, if you will?

    Bobby: Yeah, I think especially where I am in Deloitte in the UK, we’re really changing things, we’re changing our mindset. I’ll give you a great example. My team actually sits in the WeWork’s office which is a collaborative space. We’re actually not based in the Deloitte office bases and I think that’s incredible because these are open spaces where you can collaborate with each other but also, we’re surrounded by startups like we’ve got a couple of startups around us who are worth a lot of money, who’ve got great funding and are very well known and they’re literally like a stone’s throw away from us.

    So when we all chill out in the kitchen and have lunch together, you’re continuously communicating with other people and I think just that mindset and that internal mindset we have within our team helps breakdown those stereotypes around time sheets and everything, and I think that really, really helps.

    Now, don’t get me wrong. Typically, when you’re in engagements or projects, time and materials is still a key component on how you would charge a particular client but It depends on what area you’re working in and I think when you’re working in the innovation team like myself where we’re building products and solutions, it’s incredibly important to take time out, to understand your clients which are not necessarily chargeable, you’re asking them soft questions and this is not like a tangible benefit that you could show.

    It’s not like I could create a PowerPoint after doing some user research with some clients, and I think this type of mindset really helps us be super effective in our roles and I just hope that this mindset will actually spread amongst the firm and we’ve seen that happen all ready which is awesome.

    John: Yeah, I know. That’s really cool. Yeah, I mean it doesn’t always have to be going 60 miles an hour forward, you know, it’s okay to pause, take a breath, just chill out a little bit and then move forward. No, that’s fantastic.

    I mean this has been really, really great but I do have my rapid fire questions I like to run you through before I get on the plane, fly to the UK and Xbox it up with you and then we meditate during the half time and then we go back to it. So yeah, I’ll get it started here. The first one I’ll ask you, pretty simple one. Are you more of a PC or a Mac?

    Bobby: I’m a Mac guy.

    John: You’re a Mac guy.

    Bobby: Yeah, because I use design tools like Sketch which really only work on Mac. I’m not a fan boy of Apple. I mean my phone is actually an Android phone.

    John: Wow, you said that out loud. It was nice knowing you, Bobby.

    Bobby: I did, man. I’m not a fan boy but when it comes to designing products and solutions, just use a Mac, it’s super easy.

    John: That’s cool, man. That’s cool. How about do you have a favorite ice cream flavor?

    Bobby: I do. I would say it has a mix of peanut butter and chocolate.

    John: That’s a solid answer. Solid answer right there.

    Bobby: Right? I mean it’s good and every time I come to the US, I buy — what’s that? Chocolate Reese’s?

    John: Oh, yeah.

    Bobby: I love that stuff. I always clear out the shelf in duty free and it’s not good for my health, but hey, we got to do it.

    John: That’s fantastic. That’s so funny. The last one I’ll ask you is do you have a favorite number?

    Bobby: I do. Number 11. I’m a Manchester United supporter and number 11 is the great Ryan Giggs. He’s now retired unfortunately and when I was younger, I always thought, I wanted to be the next Giggs-y on the left wing in football but I was never that good so there we are.

    John: That’s awesome. Well, very cool. Well, thank you so much, Bobby, for being with me on the Green Apple Podcast. It was great.

    Bobby: Awesome. Great being here. Thank you.

    John: All right. I’m back here at QuickBooks Connect and live on Day 2 and I’m so excited to have Arianna Campbell with Boomer Consulting, an old friend from back in the day. You recognized me and still said hi so thanks so much for taking time to be with me on the Green Apple Podcast.

    Arianna: Absolutely.

    John: We go way back.

    Arianna: We did.

    John: It’s cool. It’s just exciting to have you on now finally. I trapped you and made you do this.

    Arianna: Oh, you didn’t have to trap me at all. You know I’m a big supporter of this, huge supporter.

    John: Huge supporter. I know that you’re traveling quite a bit and super busy with Boomer Consulting but when you’re not, what hobby, passion, do you love to do outside of work?

    Arianna: It drives my family a little bit nuts but I love taking pictures. I like to document what’s going on in our family, to keep a journal of what we’ve done. It’s nothing, no kind of professional pictures, really just those in the moment with the camera phone because it’s so convenient, not obnoxiously but making sure that I’m documenting when we’re having events of our everyday life and then I actually turn them into photo books so not scrapbooks but actual, you know, the digital photo books.

    John: You send them in and get the books made.

    Arianna: And then get the book back.

    John: Yeah, that explains the selfie that we took just before we started recording.

    Arianna: Exactly. I love taking the pictures to kind of be able to look back and reflect but I’ve started what I call the Campbell Chronicles for our family and so starting back with when my husband and I met that first year and so it’s a volume for each year so that the kids will be able to go back and know not only our story, me and my husband’s story and kind of the pre-kids or things like where do we go, where do we travel but then their stories as well. Campbell Chronicles each year is a different volume and so of course it’s slow going because I am on the road and things like that but I believe we’re on our third volume and the kids love them.

    John: Yeah. That’s really, really neat because then they can go back and look at things that they don’t necessarily remember but then they can see that.

    Arianna: And they can see and they get to read about our first date and how we met, and go back and see pictures from that and then of course the story progresses to when they come on the scene.

    John: Yeah, that’s awesome. Very, very cool. Yeah, and so do you think that any of that translates over to your business side and your work at Boomer?

    Arianna: I think there’s two parts of it that do. One is just being observant and in the moment because when we’re on site with clients and you need to be listening and attentive and capturing the moments, and I may not capture them of course with a camera phone but you do have to capture them mentally so that you can circle back to those and really bring out those points that matter but also helping clients to document their journeys because really, that’s what it’s all about is building on your past successes and getting stronger from those so being able to help them put that into words and create that story for them.

    John: Yeah, the story, because that’s what their able to then tell to their clients and their staff and all of that so then people know why we’re here and what we’re doing. That’s so amazing because no one in business school tells you to go take a bunch of pictures and create your own year book type of thing because it’ll make you better at business. That’s such a cool takeaway from that. That’s awesome. One thing that I like to talk to people about is just the stereotypical accountant definition if you will. Do you feel like it’s an accurate description of people?

    Arianna: Well, I think that the stereotype itself exists but I don’t think that it’s necessarily true. I think that it goes back to the point of what you’re really trying to capture is that maybe because of certain attributes, people were drawn or are drawn to the profession but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have other things that impact your life and sure, you may be an accountant but what else makes you that person?

    I think that historically, you have to leave that part outside and it’s not really a career choice that allows you to blend those two together but I think it’s changing. When we’re looking at how disruption is impacting the profession and how things are changing there, we’re going to need different profiles, different people, different ways that they’re able to connect with their clients in order to be advisers beyond just the stereotypes.

    John: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, no, I mean that’s exactly it because I mean I think that firms, they don’t realize that they hired the whole person not just the accountant part or the lawyer part or whatever side and you have to shine a light on and nurture and celebrate that whole side of them because that’s probably a greater part of it. It’s not a 50-50 split, it’s like an 80-20, 80 passions in life. Accounting is like 20% of me and yet you’re telling me to suffocate the 80% of me so that you get more work out of me and it’s just cool to see that firms are recognizing that and some places are getting that and really rocking it.

    Arianna: Well, they have to because ultimately, you want to be unique, you want to make a difference, you want to be differentiated and it’s your people that allow you to do that and so the more that they can focus on that 80% that makes that person unique, they’re going to get even better from that 20% that may be career specific and it makes the firm better as well.

    John: Absolutely. Man, that was awesome. Really, really good. Well, before I get on a plane and fly down and get in some of your family pictures, I have my rapid fire questions that I like you to run you through, so you know, as a fan of the podcast, you know how it goes.

    Arianna: Let’s go.

    John: I’ll start you out with an easy one. Do you have a favorite color?

    Arianna: Purple.

    John: Purple, all right. How about a least favorite color?

    Arianna: Brorange.

    John: Wait, what’s that?

    Arianna: Brown and Orange.

    John: So the Cleveland Browns basically? Brorange.

    Arianna: Well, it doesn’t have to do with them. It’s just the color itself.

    John: Yeah, it’s kind of two weird colors together. It’s like two negatives don’t make a positive and that sounds —

    Arianna: And weird.

    John: Absolutely. No, that’s a solid answer. Solid answer. Those are kind of one and the same, so I’ll do two more. How about do you have a favorite band or musician?

    Arianna: Not currently.

    John: Not currently?

    Arianna: I’m kind of eclectic with music. So it’s all over the place.

    John: Okay. How about do you have a favorite movie of all-time?

    Arianna: Of all-time, that is a hard one but my current passion for movies is on the Divergent series so there’s the Divergent, Insurgent, and then Allegiant but that one wasn’t very good.

    John: So that was not in the mix, but yeah.

    Arianna: Not so much but Divergent and Insurgent, I can watch them over and over and over again, and not get tired of them. I don’t know if it’s all-time but it’s for right now.

    John: Yeah, yeah. For right now. Well, that’s all that matters right now, is right now. And then last one I’ll ask you is how about the favorite thing you own or the favorite thing you have?

    Arianna: I guess I don’t really put much thought behind the things that I own because those are things that can go away at any point. The things that I have that I value the most are relationships, for sure. So starting with family relationships, and then relationships with clients, and friends, and people like you.

    John: I was waiting for it. I was like Arianna, you better, I’m right here.

    Arianna: I was there.

    John: No, no, that was awesome. Well, thank you so much for taking time to be with me on the Green Apple Podcast. This was really good.

    Arianna: It was amazing. Glad to be part of it. Thank you so much.

    John: There we go. All right. I’m back live from QuickBooks Connect in San Jose and I’m so excited to bring finally, an American Jeremy Allen. Thank you so much for being with me on the Green Apple Podcast.

    Jeremy: Yes, John. It’s an honor to be here. Thanks so much.

    John: Absolutely. No, it’s so cool. Where are you out of and the name of your firm?

    Jeremy: System Six Bookkeeping is the name of our firm. I’m based out of Seattle with several of our team and we’ve actually got 15 employees in five different states around the country not in Canada but in the United States.

    John: Holy cow. That’s impressive, man. Very cool.

    Jeremy: Yeah. Thank you, man. We’re really proud of what we built, proud of our team.

    John: Yeah, yeah. That’s a lot of hard work. A lot of hard work, man. When you’re not running that team, what hobby, passion do you love to do outside the office?

    Jeremy: Gosh, I think the team said it well, we arrived yesterday, we all kind of filtered into the Fairmont and as I got there, one of the team reached over and they whispered something to another team member and we all were saying hello, and I said, “Okay. Well, great. Good to see you guys. I’m going to go on a run now.” One of the team member’s like, “You owe me five bucks because they know.” That’s how I like to clear my mind like get here, great —

    John: Right, after a long flight.

    Jeremy: Totally. Yeah, let’s go around, let’s clear the mind, let’s get down and get some miles. For me, that’s the huge out of the office, let me run, let me push my — I’ve got two girls. One’s three, one’s one. You just got the double stroller and can’t go nearly as fast but put those gals in the strollers, go for a run, get a couple of miles and it’s just a great opportunity to think and process for me.

    John: That’s cool, man. That’s cool. So do you have a favorite run that you’ve done or is it more just running for fun?

    Jeremy: I’ve done half Ironman’s, half marathons, races like that but really, the fun for me is just walk out the front door, lace up the sneakers and go. We live in Seattle on the water and so up and down the hills, along you can see the boats, and one of the things I love doing and there’s no app for this, I wish there was.

    Somebody that’s listening, maybe you can create this but I love listening to Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, great speakers and then overlaying that with some really great movies, no words in the music but want to hear something driving with a great beat, I’m listening to some inspirational motivational and just putting good stuff in as I turn the legs over. So for me, wherever I am, it’s more about what am I getting in the mind and we can ride in San Jose, we can ride in Seattle.

    John: Yeah, yeah. That’s awesome, man. Do you feel like the running translates to your business side in running your firm? Do you feel like it helps at all in your business skills?

    Jeremy: You know, it’s something — that’s a great question and I think that for me, there’s so much that goes on up here. Getting out on a run helps me start to — and I have conversations in my mind with okay, here’s how I talk with that team member or that potential client or here’s how we’re going to have to have that hard and necessary conversation with a client. I think it’s time to just kind of roleplay and rehearse and sometimes just coaching myself, getting myself up mentally, and give myself a pep talk.

    So it absolutely helps but it’s so abstract. Whatever is going on in my mind that day, that’s what I’m processing through when I’m on my run. I wish I could be that organized but I don’t have a list of, and when I run today, I should think about these things like no.

    John: The running to-do list.

    John: Yeah, no, just go get out and start processing and think through it.

    John: That’s great though, man. Yeah, yeah. But I mean it clearly makes you better at doing your job where if you were to take that time running to stay in the office and do more work, it’s billable but it’s not necessarily productive.

    Jeremy: Yeah, I fully agree. I think there’s yeah, there’s a law of diminishing return there, sit at the desk, keep working, no I don’t need to go run. That’s an hour, hour and a half at lunch time that I can’t — no, that’s a huge investment. It’s time well spent.

    John: Yeah, yeah. That’s so cool to hear from somebody that’s running a team. That perspective. That’s really great. And so now, how do you feel about the definition of the stereotypical accountant? Somebody that just does work and then goes home and does more work and super introverted, nerdy, whatever? Is that a real thing or is it just make believe that people fall into line with?

    Jeremy: You know, I mean here we are at QuickBooks Connect, and to all our clients, super honored and excited to go. I’m giving a talk tonight about building a million on a firm, yet, it’s a nerd fest. I mean like bookkeepers and accountants and we’re all getting together to talk numbers and software, and I think there is a stereotype but so much of that has changed and I mean the millennial, the younger workforce, I’m 41 and I love technology.

    Yes, I love debits and credits, but I don’t have a pocket protector. I’ve got a laptop and a phone and an iPad and love seeing all the digital plumbing come together whether it be QuickBooks online, desktop, hooking all these things up to help businesses, that’s not stereotypical accounting and I think our industry’s changing, it’s about being great digital plumbers as much as it is.

    John: Digital plumber, I like that.

    Jeremy: Being a debit and credit expert.

    John: That’s a new business card title right there.

    Jeremy: It could be. Digital plumbing.

    John: That’s awesome, man. That’s really cool. Before I lace up the shoes and fly to Seattle and come running with you for a while and it’ll be like a mile and then we’re going to have to stop.

    John: You’re welcome to come. That’ll be fun.

    John: But I do have my rapid-fire questions that I like to run people through just to kind of give you a quick see if we can hang out because that’s going to be a long time hanging out while we run.

    Jeremy: It’s a long mile.

    John: It’s a long mile. So yeah, actually, just a couple of quick questions. Do you have a favorite TV show of all time?

    Jeremy: Gosh, you know, we don’t watch much TV in the house but when we do, my wife would really love to watch The Office, I’ve been a big fan of Narcos.

    John: Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, really good shows. Excellent. Are you more balance sheet or income statement?

    Jeremy: Can you say try balancing both in there?

    John: Oh, yeah. You can. Absolutely. That’s the boss in you. I need it all.

    Jeremy: I need all of that information, man.

    John: That’s a good solid answer, solid answer. And the last one I’ll ask you, favorite toppings on a pizza. Load it up, whatever you want.

    Jeremy: Dude, so there’s a place in Seattle, it’s called Pegasus Pizza. Shout out to those guys. They shred their pepperoni into slices and they put it on the top of the pie so it comes out crispy and then they add these little sunflower seeds so all the toppings are great but crispy pepperoni with sunflower seeds, fantastic.

    John: That’s awesome. Well, thank you so much, Jeremy, for being me with me on the Green Apple Podcast. This was really, really, great.

    Jeremy: Yeah, what an honor. Thanks so much for having me.

    John: So I’m here at QuickBooks Connect and I’m so excited. I ran into Sarah Prevost who I met last year at QuickBooks Connect and she still says hi to me. I’m just so excited to have you on the Green Apple Podcast. Thank you so much, Sarah, for taking time to talk with me.

    Sarah: Thank you. Of course, I would say hi to you. We laughed together.

    John: We laughed super hard together last year at the TSheets party was off the chains so it was so fun.

    Sarah: Oh, my god. It was awesome.

    John: I just said off the chains, I don’t even know what that means.

    Sarah: I’ll go with it.

    John: You’ll go with it. But absolutely. So yeah, so when you’re not running Mintage Labs, and where are you out of?

    Sarah: Portland, Oregon.

    John: Portland, Oregon. Nice, very cool. And you don’t even look like a hipster at all.

    Sarah: Well, thank you. I try a little bit.

    John: Yeah, great. But when you’re not running Mintage Labs, what kind of hobby, passion do you love to do outside of work?

    Sarah: Well, I love biking and cycling but my newest thing is learning how to skateboard.

    John: Skateboard? What?

    Sarah: I love it. I have an 11-year-old boy and obviously, you can’t just stand on the sidelines, you have to learn so I got on a rather fat board but I did it with my husband’s help.

    John: That’s awesome. That’s very cool.

    Sarah: Yeah, he’s longboarder, he’s an avid longboarder, long time skateboarder, so my son decided to pick it up, went to a skate park and there we go, and we did it.

    John: Were you at the skate park or are you more like on the side walk?

    Sarah: Well, I’m not in the skate park itself, no.

    John: Not on the ramps.

    Sarah: No, I do the little thing around it, the little park around it.

    John: That’s still impressive.

    Sarah: It’s awesome, yes. I’m getting through the little cracks in the cement, I guess you could say. Those are fun.

    John: That’s awesome, that’s so cool. That’s really cool. I actually skated when I was in 6th grade and we lived overseas and I used to skate, I had a Thrasher magazine subscription and all that, and yeah, I forgot the name of the board, Lance something board and it was like a big deal like what kind of board you had and all that. That’s really cool, really cool.

    Sarah: It’s awesome, sure.

    John: Yeah, so fantastic. Do you feel like learning how to skateboard translates at all to running Mintage Labs or making you a better accountant, if you will?

    Sarah: Yeah. I think a lot of it has to do with when you’re learning how to ride, of course you’re trying to get the feel of the board, how to balance, right? And not literally smack your face into the cement. So you start with this and then you realize you get this down on the smooth surface and you don’t always stay on the smooth surface, you have to move to the street.

    John: Yeah, you have to get out there.

    Sarah: Yeah, and those cracks are massive at times.

    John: There’s potholes.

    Sarah: There’s potholes. There’s things you have to learn to swerve around. So yeah, I feel like in my first year of business, this is quite literally a reflection of who I am and of course I pick something uniquely to my late in age to learn how to do but I’m going to do it.

    John: Well, good for you. That’s awesome.

    Sarah: Yeah, thank you. Be fearless.

    John: Yeah, and I will say, if you do smack your face while doing bookkeeping, you’re probably doing it wrong but just in case you’re listening, you’re like, she does it too. No, no, she does it literally.

    Sarah: God, I hope you don’t. You do imagine a Zoom session like that.

    John: I just banged my face against my computer. Okay, you’re doing it wrong, that’s for sure. No, but I think that’s so great and it’s so cool how you’re able to see the parallels there and oh, my god, but you’re able to just go out there and throw all care in the wind and be like, I’m giving it a shot and I’m going to learn this and you’re doing it.

    Sarah: That’s how I feel about my first year. I’m going to have mistakes, I’m going to have fun, I’m going to do it, and I’ve enjoyed every moment, every moment is hard, and every moment is fun in the same moment, right? You can’t have wins and losses without each other. Yeah, you got to mix.

    John: A little bit of work with a little trial and error, yeah, the yin and the yang. Kudos to you. I mean that’s so exciting. So fantastic. One thing that I like to ask people too is just, and I think that you clearly fit the person that’s not the stereotypical accountant, where do you think that definition came from and is it even still a real thing?

    Sarah: I think I struggle with the accounting word at times because people have an idea that it’s tax or bookkeeping and there’s a lot of in the middle squishiness going on. You can really, through your own practice, figure out that you’re helping someone figure out what does overhead mean? How does it affect my profit? How do I charge more? How do I recoup things? Through that journey, and I feel like what I like to do is tailor it to their situation regardless of the industries I serve, it’s your situation. Do you feel comfortable with charging that price? Do you feel comfortable going out and asking more of your clients, you got to want it as much as I’m trying to help you and I can’t better —

    John: Better adviser, more for the business and understanding how the numbers work but applying it forward thinking.

    Sarah: Exactly. It’s like I call it music or art. Numbers are music or art. It tells you the story, you see it, the pattern’s there. You just have to know how to pop out those things, right? And then you get to formulate the direction going forward so we could do it together or you could do it solo but I’ll set the foundation or help you through the journey, it’s your journey.

    John: Oh, man. That’s so perfect. The way you said that was so fantastic. I do have my rapid-fire questions. If you’re a fan of the podcast, you know. I like to run people through so before I come out and put on all the pads because I’m older now and get a skateboard and come out ride with you, I’m just going to do three rapid fire questions. So I’ll do some short ones here. So do you have a favorite number?

    Sarah: Yes, 7.

    John: Seven, and why is that?

    Sarah: Because it’s everywhere around me.

    John: It’s everywhere around you, there you go. That’s as good at it gets. So when it comes to financials, are you more balance sheet or income statement?

    Sarah: Balance sheet.

    John: Balance sheet.

    Sarah: Yeah, it’s my favorite.

    John: All right. Do you have a favorite band or musician?

    Sarah: Well, right now, in my head what I’m singing right now is Rocket Man.

    John: It’s an Elton John.

    Sarah: I guess, it’s a song, yeah. Elton John. That’s what’s going on in my head right now. You know, like a Rocket Man moment with you.

    John: Oh, wow. That’s quite the complement. You’re a rock star in your own mind, don’t kid yourself, sir. Thank you so much for being with me on the Green Apple Podcast. This was perfect.

    Sarah: Thank you. It’s awesome. Thank you.

    John: Very cool. There we go.

    So there we go. That’s a wrap on Day 2 at QuickBooks Connect. So fun talking with Sarah Prevost and her skateboarding and the Jeremy Allen and his running and Bobbie Chadha and his gaming and meditation and Arianna Campbell documenting things with her family yearbooks and just really, really, cool so it’s so great talking with all these people here at QuickBooks Connect shattering the stereotype so be sure and check it out at greenapplepodcast.com and be sure and subscribe so you can catch all the episodes coming up and thanks so much for sharing this with your friends and coworkers. And don’t forget to go out and be a green apple.

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