Adding Machine-Music Video

Adding Machine

(parody of “Dancing Queen” by ABBA)

Written by John Garrett.

Directed and edited by hayman studio.

Vocals by Eric Seiffert.

Shot on location at RKL in York, PA.
Thanks to RKL’s office in York, PA for being so accommodating! It wouldn’t have been possible with their help.


You can add, you can divide,
Printing it out as you go
See that girl, watchin’ me,
Diggin’ my adding machine

Friday morning the end is near
In eight hours the weekend’s here
First I need to make sure that, everything is clear
On this balance sheet
And that’s where you come in…

You are my adding machine, on the screen, your numbers’ green
Adding machine, dress up like you for Halloween, oh yeah
You can add, you can divide, printing it out as you go
See that girl, watchin’ me, diggin’ my adding machine
Diggin’ my adding machine.

(Lyrics ©JohnGcomedy 2015)

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