Episode 30 – Kelly Richmond Pope

Kelly films her way to better connections   Kelly Richmond Pope is on a mission to show what an accountant is not. She’s shattering the stereotype of an accounting professor by continuously looking for new ways to keep students engaged…

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Episode 29 – Rebecca Berneck

Rebecca speeds to better client connections   Rebecca Berneck likes to go fast. Really fast. Land speed record holder fast. All on a vintage motorcycle. And when she’s not doing that, Rebecca road races competitively throughout the country. In this…

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Episode 28 – Christine DeAngelis

Christine trains her way to better connections   This year, Christine DeAngelis will complete a half marathon and several obstacle course races, including the Bone Frog Challenge and Spartan Trifecta. Those names alone intimidate me enough to not even want…

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Episode 27 – Kristen Rampe

Kristen views client connections through a different lens   Kristen Rampe is a very busy woman. When she’s not running her own consulting firm, she’s shuttling her twin boys around and finding free time to pursue her creative side through…

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Episode 26 – Ron Seigneur

Ron clowns his way to better business relationships   When he isn’t writing a children’s book, grilling some delicious pork chops or being a clown in Denver’s Distinguished Clown Brigade, Ron Seigneur is a highly regarded business valuation expert. In…

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Episode 25 – Rick Roberts

Rick is a real court jester     Rick Roberts manages to keep a busy comedy schedule while also being a Partner in a law firm. He’s performed at Caroline’s Comedy Club in New York City as well as Mohegan…

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Episode 24 – Megan Varani

Megan barbecues up some great coworker relationships   In 2010, Megan Varani and her husband Brian began participating in BBQ competitions in several different states. Just six short years later, they opened Mookie’s BBQ Restaurant and also have a catering…

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Episode 23 – Misty Megia

Misty makes the workplace her stage   When she was growing up, Misty was so shy she used to hide behind her parents in family pictures. That all changed after taking an acting class. Now she regularly acts and directs…

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Episode 22 – MB Raimondi

MB’s stained glass projects make for colorful client relationships   Several years ago, a friend invited MB (Mary Beth) to a stained glass workshop and now she can’t stop. And when the stained glass studio made the move to QuickBooks,…

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Episode 21 – John Choe

Clients enjoy that John is a modern day George Plimpton   John Choe has played one game of professional baseball and he’s also tried out with an NHL team. And you better believe that clients and coworkers gravitate toward these…

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