Episode 12 – Donna Bruce

Donna races her way to better client relationships


Donna Bruce started running almost 5 years ago and hasn’t stopped, having completed 19 marathons and countless other races — including the 2013 Boston Marathon.

In this episode, we talk about how running has given her an identity that clients are interested in. Donna spent many years at a Big 4 firm before starting her own firm with two other Partners, that was later merged with BKD.

Donna graduated from Mississippi State University and is currently a Tax Partner and also serves as Tax Director for the Mississippi practice of BKD.  She works primarily with high net worth family groups, closely held businesses, nonprofits spending a large amount  of time with income tax, retirement and estate planning.

John talks with

Donna Bruce

John talks with         John talks with        
Donna Bruce           Donna Bruce          
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    Other pictures of Donna

    (click to enlarge)

    Donna poses after finishing the 2014
    Boston Marathon.

    Donna poses with some friends just before the Tupelo Marathon.

    Donna runs the 2014 Mississippi Blues Marathon.

    Donna’s links



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