Angie is a Consultant & Colorado Native
Angie MacPhee, Consulting Managing Partner for Baker Tilly, shares her passion for being a Colorado native, mainly hiking the mountains of Colorado. She talks about how hiking has helped her with setting goals at work, how Baker Tilly encourages its employees to discuss their hobbies and much more!
Episode Highlights
• Getting into hiking
• Disconnect Day
• Her favorite hike
• Setting goals
• Finding balance in yourself
• How both the individual and the organization play a role in workplace culture
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Welcome to Episode 537 of What’s Your “And”? This is John Garrett. And each Wednesday, I interview a professional who, just like me, is known for a hobby, or a passion, or an interest outside of work. And to put it another way, it’s encouraging people to find their “and”, those things above and beyond your technical skills, the things that actually differentiate you when you’re at work.
And if you like what the show is about, be sure to check out the award-winning book on Amazon, Indigo, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, Audible, and a few other websites. All of the links are at The book goes more in-depth with the research behind why these outside of work passions are so crucial to your corporate culture. And I can’t say how much it means that everyone’s reading it, and writing such nice reviews on Amazon, and more importantly, changing the cultures where they work because of it. And if you want me to read it to you, that’s right, this voice reading the book, look for What’s Your “And”? on Audible or wherever you get your audiobooks. And please don’t forget to hit subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss any of the future episodes. I love sharing such interesting stories each and every week.
And this week is no different with my guest, Angie MacPhee. She’s the managing partner of consulting at Baker Tilly US. And now, she’s with me here today. Angie, thanks so much for taking time to be with me on What’s Your “And”?
Angie: Thanks, John. Excited to be here.
John: Yeah, this is gonna be so much fun. But before we get into it, I got 17 rapid fire questions. Get to know Angie out of the gate here. So probably an easy one. Let’s start soft here. Favorite color?
Angie: Purple.
John: Purple. Okay.
Angie: Purple is my favorite color. In fact, my office is actually painted purple. That was a COVID adjustment when I got tired of the white walls.
John: Very good. Yeah. Not super popular answer, but it’s coming around. There you go. How about a least favorite color?
Angie: Oh, anything like an army green or like the mustardy yellows. I think it’s like one of the worst decorating colors. It looks awful on me.
John: Right? It is funny to me how like the least favorite color is always something that looks terrible on me. And that’s how the response is usually. How about are you more talk or text?
Angie: Oh, talk. I’d much rather have a phone call. All of my texts have spelling errors even with autocorrect.
John: Okay.
Angie: The phone thinks I’m insane.
John: Right? That’s funny. How about a favorite actor or an actress?
Angie: Oh, that’s a good one. Well, I like romcoms, so a few different romcom actresses come to mind. And of course, I’m gonna blank on some names, but like Rachel McAdams. Yeah, I really like her and. So then, of course, Ryan Gosling, ’cause we’re gonna go with the entire Notebook theme there, which is one of my favorite movies.
John: Yeah, totally. How about more heels or flats?
Angie: Before pandemic, it would have been heels. Now, I would definitely say either platforms, or flats, or tennis shoes. There’s amazing amount of dressy tennis shoes nowadays.
John: Yeah, you’re right. They really are. They’re coming out. I mean, for guys too, it’s like all right.
Angie: Oh, guys started. Guys have so many choices. We haven’t caught up, but it’s definitely getting there.
John: Right. Just anything without reflective tape. Like we don’t need to— Like we’re not actually running in these. Like we’re just looking for comfort. I like it. How about a favorite TV show of all time?
Angie: Gilmore Girls for sure. I love Gilmore Girls. I’ve even re-watched all 7 seasons over and over. And I was so excited for the reboot, but I didn’t actually care for it. So it was just this one.
John: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like the reboots aren’t as good for some reason. I don’t know if we’ve changed or if they’re just getting lazy, but yeah, reboot’s not always— Yeah.
Angie: Agreed.
John: It’s not good. How about when it comes to puzzles? Sudoku, crossword, or jigsaw puzzle?
Angie: Jigsaw.
John: Jigsaw. Yeah. The picture.
Angie: I also do like Sudoku if I can say it correctly. I’m not a good crossword puzzle, but I do the New York Times Word, the word one where you pick the letters, can’t even think of what it’s called right now. I do that one every day. I like that one.
John: Nice. Okay. How about more Star Wars or Star Trek?
Angie: Star Wars.
John: There you go. Yeah, that was a quick one. All right. your computer, a PC or a Mac?
Angie: PC.
John: PC. Yeah, me too.
Angie: Although my mobile devices are all Apple.
John: Yeah, everything else Mac, right? That’s funny. How about ice cream, in a cup or in a cone?
Angie: Ooh, both. If I have more than one scoop, I would prefer it in a cup, you know, ’cause otherwise it drips on to the cone, but I actually really do like the traditional sugar cones.
John: Yeah. Oh, yeah. The old school sugar cones. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Prefer more hot or cold?
Angie: Probably I would be like one of the Goldilocks where I’d say the middle. I don’t like it to be super cold even though I live in Colorado. And I don’t like it super hot either. But if I have to pick one, I’d prefer like ’80s or ’90s versus 15 or 10 degrees.
John: Yeah. Down the middle. I’ll let you slide. I’ll let you slide. We’re good on that. #since you have the accounting background, balance sheet or income statement?
Angie: Income statement.
John: Oh, there it is. Just show me the numbers. Boom. How about a favorite sports team?
Angie: Broncos. Born and raised a Bronco fan.
John: There you go. You’re a Colorado native through and through. There it is. All right, we got four more.
Do you have a favorite number?
Angie: 22. So, 22 is a lucky number for both my husband and I.
John: Oh, okay. So, perfect. Yeah, that is a lucky number. So, that’s great. There you go. How about books, audio version, e-Book, or real book?
Angie: e-Book. I actually was very early adopter, not because I’m a technology adopter, but because my husband is and he bought me the very first Kindle, but he brought it because he was tired of my carryon bag for our vacations weighing so much ’cause I would bring 6 or 7 books. So I read a lot of books. So I actually really enjoy the electronic now. It makes my bag a lot lighter.
John: Yeah, exactly. That’s hilarious. That’s really, really funny. We got two more. Cheeseburger or pizza?
Angie: Neither.
John: Neither. Solid. That counts.
Angie: No. I love say chips and dip. I love like chips with guacamole or spinach and artichoke dips, etc. I’m not a big hamburger or pizza fan, but I think it’s also ’cause I don’t really like cheese.
John: Oh, oh, okay. All right. Yeah. Chips and dip totally counts. I’m one of those where if they keep bringing baskets of chips, it’s like a goldfish. I’m just gonna keep eating them. I’m like get in the way.
Angie: Yeah. I can have an entire meal. And I’ve had entire meals that are just chips ’cause you fill up on it so fast.
John: Now, you’re bragging. No, no, I love it. No, that’s awesome. That will be your “and” next time. Chips connoisseur. And the last one is the favorite thing you have or the favorite thing you own.
Angie: So I’m not particularly materialistic, but I still have my teddy bear from when I was 3.
John: Oh, wow.
Angie: So that’s probably my favorite possession. And it’s moved with me throughout multiple houses, apartments, etc. as I’ve been an adult.
John: That’s really cool. Yeah. I mean, that you’ve had it this long and that means so much, you know, so that’s really awesome. Well, let’s get into being a Colorado native and hiking. And I saw your post on LinkedIn, which is how we connected to have you on the show, which I’m super excited about. But how’d you get started hiking or is it just how you get around in western Colorado? Like it’s just what you do.
Angie: I think it’s a fantastic escape that you can do as part of Colorado, right? It doesn’t take that much to be able to go hiking. So you just need a good pair of boots and hydration, way to stay hydrated, and you can hit the trails. So I’ve been doing it for a number of years. And we now do a lot of vacations around it, but I’m excited you picked up that post. That was actually a post for Disconnect Day. So our firm disconnects once a month. And you can use the day to do anything. And so, on that particular one, I had gone hiking. And I find it a great way to actually have creative thinking, to escape a little bit from the traditional computer day Zoom call life.
John: Yeah, no, and I love it. And so, once a month, the firm does this. So, a weekday is off like disconnect and no one’s emailing. And everybody’s doing the same disconnect day. So it’s not like you feel guilty about coming back to 100 emails.
Angie: Exactly.
John: That’s fantastic.
Angie: We do vary them internationally in order to sometimes match up with their bank holidays if we’re talking about the UK. But in the US, we have the same holidays. And we have a holiday and a disconnect Day every single month. So we have a minimum of 12 of ’em, plus the more traditional holidays. And that’s exactly it. You can use disconnect day to go hiking. You can use disconnect day if you wanna catch up. You can use disconnect day for something personal. It’s basically to give you the freedom to have a day away ’cause, you know, I mean you go on vacation, which I love. And I think it’s still really important, but you work extra before you go and you work extra when you get back and sometimes also on vacation. And so, this is a great time that we’re all off together.
John: Yeah, I love it. And that is once a month, you know. That’s so fantastic. And it was also cool how you posted that on LinkedIn. Did you ever like cross your mind of people are gonna judge you for hiking instead of working more type of thing?
Angie: I didn’t actually. I think it’s because of the spirit of what Disconnect Day is. I think it demonstrates that everyone should be doing exactly what they need for that day. So, in that particular day, I used it as a way to recharge. Again, it was a great time to start thinking creatively. I have a lot of great ideas when I’m hiking. I’ve actually come up with areas of our business that we stood up. I did a hike once and came up with the idea for what we call our transformation hub, which is the area of our business that helps us transform as an organization.
So, normally, you do that as your sixth, seventh, eighth, or ninth job on top of, what, everything else. We have an actual group that we’ve put together that focuses on transforming us. And I actually came up with that idea because it was hard to think about when are you gonna allocate the time to work on transformation and innovation. Hey, we should have a whole group that specializes in just doing that. And I joke when I put this group together that “Hey, I thought about it on the way up. I got to the top of the hike and then I called the CEO on the way down and said, ‘Hey, I think we should do this.'” So, that’s one example.
John: Yeah, no, but I mean it’s the fresh air and you’re unplugged. And so, those creative ideas can then float up because you don’t have all the layers of work, work, work that’s what’s right in front of your face on the screen type of thing.
And I love that. And so, do you have any hikes that you’ve done that have been more memorable or some of your favorites?
Angie: I do. So we also will do some hiking for vacations. We’ve done some of the bigger routes. Not Everest. Never gonna do anything like that. But we did Kilimanjaro in 2019. Okay. So, summer of ’19, we hiked Kilimanjaro, which was fantastic. But I will say that it was a unique experience because, as a Colorado native, I didn’t anticipate altitude bothering me, but I did actually have the impact of altitude. So it was a great lesson in and mental fortitude, I suppose, and also setting a goal. You’re gonna achieve that goal. And once you’re on Kili, you can’t really get off of it anyway, but I came away really excited and really impressed with how strong you can be even when you’re faced with some of those challenges like altitude. So that’s probably one of the more memorable ones we did.
John: Yeah, that’s impressive. That’s really cool. That’s not just like going over and just a quick little flat hike. It’s like, no, no Kilimanjaro. It’s like, whoa, wait, what, you know, type of thing. That’s really cool. And I would imagine that what you just said translates to work as far as a skillset that you’re able to use even subconsciously at work that makes you better at your job.
Angie: Absolutely. You know, it’s setting a goal. Certainly, you can say it translates. So you set a goal and you accomplish the goal. You know, every journey toward achieving a goal typically will have different roadblocks, and different things that will come in that will challenge you, so that definitely presented itself in the Kilimanjaro example. So I think a lot of those are applicable to work, and you learn a lot of lessons in what you do outside of work that also translates into work.
John: Yeah. I mean, that’s the thing from doing all the research for my book and for this podcast that’s so cool, is at no point, I’m guessing, in your business school did they tell you to go be a hiker because it will make you better at your job, but it clearly does, you know. And in all of our “ands” in some way, at the very least, it humanizes us and makes us relatable, but it also oftentimes gives us a skill that we bring to work. And I think it’s cool that Baker Tilly is encouraging this Disconnect Day to go do your “and” like go away from the computer, don’t catch up, like go do those things, and we care about you as a human. and these other sides of you.
Angie: Yeah. I 100% agree with that. We announced our purpose this past year of unleash and amplify talent. And part of that was thinking through that you bring more than just your technical skills. So we’re public accounting, so you bring more than just the ability to file a tax return or help your client file a tax return. And you bring more than the audit skills that are required. Or in my case, the group I work with, more than your consulting skills. You bring all kinds of different things to the table and unleashing and amplifying talent. We’re looking at bringing all of that. And I loved that about your book and what your podcast stands for because I think when you know more about someone beyond just their technical abilities, then you’re able to create those better connections.
And especially in today’s world of post lockdown, and we’re not back in offices in the traditional sense, and we don’t plan to be, we’re gonna look beyond the office as an organization. You’ve gotta find those ways to connect. And I was sharing with you when we were talking earlier that we connected during the pandemic through Peloton. So we have a network now of 800 people that will meet and do rides together on Peloton. And so, just finding different ways to connect that you may not have even known about each other I think is fantastic.
John: No, I love it. I love it so much ’cause then you’re known, and you’re seen, and you feel like “Hey, you know, Angie gets me. Yeah. And valued. Yeah.” And it’s so fantastic that you and the firm recognizes that there’s talent outside of work as well that people are bringing it to the table because, on paper, everyone’s passed a CPA exam. Everyone has an accounting degree. Okay. But they’re not the same. They’re not the same. Like, I mean, I’m way not a tax person by a mile. I mean like not at all. You know, I’m one of the cool CPAs.
Angie: I’m not either.
John: Yeah, see, you and I. That’s why we’re the cool ones.
Angie: Yeah.
John: But on paper, you would think that we’re the same as, you know, someone else. We’re totally different and it’s not just within the technical skills side. It’s that our “and” give us a unique perspective and unique skills. And it’s awesome to hear that you’re leaning into that even more and that’s so great.
Angie: It creates a way to connect, I think, as humans as you’re saying. And I know some of the super cool CPAs that are tax professionals that connect with them in many different ways and have a lot of fun with them as well.
John: Right. Exactly. But I can’t connect with him over tax. So we definitely have to connect over “ands” for sure like yeah. But I think that’s so fantastic. And throughout your career, have you always been open about sharing the hiking side of you or what have you or has it been something that’s more recent?
Angie: Well, I didn’t certainly have a social media outlet in earlier parts of my career, but I’ve always been pretty open about that.
I usually talk to people about you find your way to create balance in yourself. I mean, I’m not talking about work-life balance. That’s also extremely important obviously. But I think in your own self, you have to find your way to find balance. And for me, exercise is a way to create that balance. I work out every morning in order to show up more present. And sometimes, that means I go for a walk. And sometimes, that means I go for a run, you know. It just depends on what it is. But it helps to balance me, wake me up, get me ready, and to be very present for the day. So I’ve talked about that pretty openly throughout my career. And I’m not saying exercise is the only way to do that. I always just say everyone finds what that is for them. That helps them to feel that presence needed
John: Feel alive.
Angie: Yup.
John: I mean, that’s the “and.” You’re a consultant and something else. And that’s a container. Maybe it’s hiking today. Maybe tomorrow it’s running. Maybe it’s volunteering at the dog shelter. Maybe it’s painting your office purple. Like whatever it is, that’s a container that can change for whatever it is that lights you up on a deeper level. And yeah, that’s great because, I mean, sometimes people get in their own heads of “Well, you know, they’re gonna judge me if they find out that I like to go hiking.” It’s like I’m gonna judge you as being awesome. You know? Like what do you mean? If they’re judging you negatively, maybe you’re not in the right place, you know, like good Lord.
Angie: And I love that about pursuing the discussion about the “and” and framing it that way. You know, we’ve done various different team building exercises that people have talked about. What’s something that you do that would surprise you? And I found out somebody I’ve worked with for years and really close to loves drag racing. Like I didn’t know that. I thought that’s so cool. You love drag racing and metal, heavy metal, you know. So there’s different things that you learn about each other when you pursue these conversations. And even though I don’t personally enjoy heavy metal, I ride heavy metal bike rides with her now on Peloton because it’s important to her. And she loves it. It energizes her.
John: Right. And that’s the stuff that you’re never gonna forget about somebody, you know. Like it’s what was her job? I don’t know. It’s also replaceable ’cause then someone else is doing that job now or whatever, but not the human side behind the job title, you know. And that’s what’s really important. And it’s so cool to hear that you guys are doing that and that it’s not just me making it up in like a bubble. It’s “No, no, it’s real world that it matters.”
Angie: Yeah. And I love the framework though of how you’re putting it together. And I was telling you I think in one of our opening conversations that I think there’s use for it, especially consulting typically was the road warriors. So, if you actually suggest that the engagement teams pursue their “ands” and/or discuss them, they’re gonna find commonality and that’s gonna mean being on the road wherever you’re traveling to is more fun. Maybe you’re gonna go to a museum together ’cause you love museums, or maybe you’re gonna go visit a humane society because you wanna play with the puppies, or I’m gonna be in Kentucky next week, so there’s great opportunity to check out some of the distilleries. You know, whatever you’re gonna do, you’ll find that commonality with one another so that you’re enjoying your time working even more.
John: Yeah. I love that so much. Enjoying the time working. Sometimes it’s from the work, but sometimes it’s not. But every time, it’s from the human side of all of us. And that’s so fantastic. And how much do you feel like it’s on the organization to create that space to create things that are Disconnect Days or what have you or how much is it on the individual to just maybe do it for themselves?
Angie: We have a saying at Baker Tilly of both and. So I would say this is the both and.
John: There you go.
Angie: I think it’s our responsibility, certainly as an organization and as leadership, to create that and to foster an environment in which we enjoy that, praise that, know those things about one another. But it’s also on us and myself, as an individual, to be open about sharing it, be comfortable finding other people that might wanna go to the Humane Society and play with the puppies. You know, I think so both of us have to come to the table to make it really a powerful part of the organization.
John: I love that both and. That’s awesome. Yeah, that’s exactly it. That’s exactly it. Yeah. And I agree totally ’cause people have to be willing to jump in. But I do love how, you know, setting the tone at the top really helps, I believe, set people at ease to feel like “Oh, it’s not a trap. You know, it’s for real. Angie went hiking on Disconnect Day and posted about it on LinkedIn. Not just did it and then didn’t tell anyone.” That’s kind of like if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around. If a professional has a hobby, but doesn’t share it with anyone, then does it matter? You know? Like do they really have a hobby, you know, type of thing. And it only matters if you’re sharing it. And it makes you better at your job for sure.
Angie: And I posted on LinkedIn, but we encourage people to post it on our internet. So there’s a lot of really great pictures that will be shared on our internet. We’ve also done some fun creative competitions. So I’m part of our senior leadership team. And in, I think it was, December of 2020, as part of the entertainment for the rest of the firm, they sent us all a gingerbread kit.
John: Oh, okay.
Angie: And then they had us make a gingerbread house and then judged it on the most creative one.
John: Oh, no. Oh, no.
Angie: One of the women I work with is extremely creative. So I called her and I said “I need help. How am I going to make an interesting gingerbread house?” And so, she helped me to design it, and I won. I was super excited.
John: Well, congratulations.
Angie: ‘Cause there’s a little competition there obviously.
John: Yeah. Yeah. But it also just humanizes leadership like that. And especially at a firm like Baker Tilly, it’s so big that to humanize someone that I only see an email from or don’t see in 3D type of thing, it’s cool to see that side of them, so good for you. That’s awesome. And bringing in the ringer like that.
Angie: I know.
John: That’s how you get ahead right there.
Angie: Well, and I would say everyone consulted somebody ’cause I don’t know that any of us would have been skilled gingerbread bakers.
John: No, for sure. Right. It would have been a stack of gingerbread cookies and then some icing next to it. You’ll be like “All right, I think I’m done.” But that’s super fun. So do you have any words of encouragement to anyone that might be listening that’s has a hobby, but they feel like no one’s gonna care ’cause it has nothing to do with my job?
Angie: Oh, I think everyone should share their hobbies. I think every hobby can have a connection to your job. If nothing more than it gives you some kind of wonderful value and feeling for yourself, right? You don’t do it if you don’t really like it and it doesn’t mean something to you. So the fact that you do it because you like it and it means something to you is important. And that’s an important part of what you bring to your job, is all of you. I mean, belonging is about bringing your whole self to the job. Not just your technical skills, or your writing skills, or your speaking skills, or your podcast skills. It’s bringing everything to the job. So I would tell them that while you might not find if you have a very, very specific hobby, you may not find someone who does exactly that, but I bet you would find someone who finds it super interesting that you do that.
John: Oh, yeah.
Angie: Or you might find others that have some common interests that it all kind of weaves together and you can have a great conversation about it. And it creates, again, a different point of connecting. So we often, I think, would connect over families, children, where we live, things like that. I think this we’re expanding generationally to be connecting over even more and more. And hobbies are certainly one of those.
John: Yeah. Hobbies. I mean, it transcends generational differences. It transcends the DEIA conversations. It transcends during consulting, I’m in tax, whatever, audit, you know. It transcends all of those things, which has been a really cool and really powerful thing from the consulting work that I’ve done with organizations just to see that be like “Oh, wow, that’s really awesome.” You know, just to see that happen. And it brings people together. And it only brings them together if you’re willing to share. And so, you’re a great example of that. So, so great. Well, I feel like it’s only fair before we wrap this up, since I rudely peppered you with questions, that I turn the tables and we make this the Angie MacPhee podcast, so I’m all yours. Whatever you wanna ask.
Angie: Okay. So what are the top two things you think that I should do to make sure that I bring the What’s Your “And”? into our organization?
John: Oh, wow. Okay. That’s a loaded question. I mean, there’s obviously buy a book for everyone and bring me in to do the implementation programs. But something for you to do, I would say I think it’s encouraging people to share their “and”, I mean after listening to the podcast, so they get the idea of what it is, but encouraging people to share it and asking them, and maybe even starting all staff meetings or like meetings with people, or even coaching, mentoring sessions. Lead with the “and” and then we’ll get to the work stuff after that.
I refer to work as almost like your heart beating. Like you don’t have to think about it. Like you don’t even think about it. It happens. Work’s gonna happen, but what I don’t think about is stretching. So I need to be intentional with that, you know, type of thing. Or it’s not gonna happen and being intentional with and making it first with, you know, what’s your and and how is it going? You know, the coaching, mentoring, it’s “Oh, I know you love to hike. Well, when’s the next hike on your calendar? What was the last one? Tell me about it. You got pictures? Let’s see it.” And then it’s “Oh, wow, you care about me” type of thing. You know, those little things. It’s simple, but not easy, but I would encourage that for sure.
Angie: Yeah. I like the idea of just us incorporating it in the very first of a meeting. So often, we’ll say “Hey, what’d you do for the weekend?” You can even take it to a different level and say “What did you wish you could do for the weekend? What’s your and?” If you ideally have time, hey, are you gonna do that on the next Disconnect Day, etc.?
John: Or it’s a group that’s every week or every month. And It’s a different person. It’s a 3-minute show and tell. Let’s see some pictures of what you love to do outside of work and tell a story about it. And 3 minutes, done. All right, cool. You know? And I had no idea, what, you know, type of things come out of that.
Angie: Okay. You told me you’ve been in Colorado 5 years. What’s your favorite thing now about living in Colorado?
John: No humidity. 100%.
Angie: Yeah.
John: Like it’s the greatest thing ever. Like I thought I hated rain. No, I hate humidity. I grew up Midwest, East Coast, and humidity— and like it just makes cold feel super cold. Like I didn’t realize that. I know humidity in the summer is gross, but humidity in the winter is brutal. And so, that’s what’s really killer. And so, no humidity 100 and the sunshine of course, but no humidity is definitely #1 on my list.
Angie: Yeah. I enjoy not having humidity when I travel. It’s such an adjustment ’cause I’ve lived here my whole life. I’m not as accustomed to it.
John: Totally. Like I walk off the plane and I’m like “Whoa, what is this? Ooh.”
Angie: Sometimes you feel like you’re swimming when you get off—
John: Oh, totally.
Angie: …through the air.
John: Totally. Yeah. Or like I was in Louisiana a little bit ago. Like I was walking through molasses. I was just like “Am I in slow motion?” Like just “Oh, man.” Yeah. No humidity. Definitely.
Angie: That is a definite perk of Colorado. Okay. So I won’t ask 17 rapid questions, but I’ll just ask two quick ones. So what’s the music of your soul?
John: Ooh, the music of my soul. Wow, that is deep. That is really deep. Wow. Music of your soul. All right.
Angie: You can also just say your favorite.
John: Yeah, I know, but I love that so much. I mean, it’s probably some like upbeat alternative rock, you know, like something that is musically probably not very complex, but you can just turn it on any time like a Blink 182, or Killers, or something like that that’s just upbeat, fun, energetic, old school. Green Day, Offspring, you know, like going way back. Just stuff like that that you just put on and be like “yeah, all right” type of thing. So that’s always my go to or like my walk on music type of stuff when I did comedy. Like always stuff like that.
Angie: Excellent. Okay. And your favorite Disney character?
John: Oh, favorite Disney character. That’s a good one. Yeah, I’m typically like a Goofy or a Donald Duck, somebody like that. Like some of the old school characters, but not Mickey ’cause that’s just too whatever. But yeah, probably like Goofy or Donald I’d probably say.
Angie: California or Florida?
John: Oh. So I’ve only been to the one in Florida.
Angie: It’s much bigger.
John: Yeah. So I’ve never been to the one in California, so I’ll have to say the one in Florida, but I’ve been a couple times, but it’s been a while actually since I’ve been there.
Angie: We’re doing an event in Florida that will be the first ever for us, first of a kind. We’re gonna bring all of our managers and above to what we’re calling the Value Architect Summit. So we’re gonna have 2,800 people in one resort. There’s only two towns in all of the US that has resorts large enough to hold those before you end up going to conference centers, but Orlando’s one. So we’ll be on that campus in December.
John: Yeah, that will be really great. Awesome. Well thank you so much, Angie, for being a part of What’s Your “And”? This was really, really fun.
Angie: Thank you. I really enjoyed it.
John: Yeah. And everybody listening, if you wanna see some pictures of Angie from her hikes or connect with her on social media, be sure to go to All the links are there. And while you’re on that page, please don’t forget to hit the big button, do the anonymous research survey about corporate culture. And also, check out the book. And thanks again for subscribing on Apple podcast or whatever app you use and for sharing this with your friends so they get the message that we’re all trying to spread, that who you are is so much more than what you do.