Episode 641 – Franky Lopez

Franky is an Accountant & Fan of Competitive TV Shows

Franky Lopez, a senior accountant at BMSS Advisors and CPAs, shares his passion for competitive TV shows. Franky dives into his love for "Survivor," "Big Brother," and "The Challenge," as well as game shows like "Wheel of Fortune" and "Deal or No Deal." And let's not forget the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA. Growing up, his family frequently watched these shows together, which fostered his competitive spirit and interest in people's stories. Franky also recounts the excitement of putting in applications to be a contestant and his family's near-appearance on "Family Feud" a few years ago. He emphasizes how these interests help him connect with colleagues and build deeper relationships at work. Tune in to hear how Franky's unique hobbies impact his professional life and personal growth.

Episode Highlights

· Franky loves watching competition shows like Survivor, Big Brother, The Challenge, and game shows like Wheel of Fortune with his family, which was a significant bonding activity growing up.

· He appreciates these shows not just for the competition but also for the personal stories of the participants, which make them more relatable and engaging.

· Sharing his interest in competition shows at work helped him connect with colleagues, leading to activities like a Survivor Fantasy League with 20 participants.

· Franky believes it’s crucial for organizations to create a culture where employees can share their personal interests and connect beyond work-related topics, fostering a supportive and engaging work environment.

· He emphasized the importance of having supportive relationships at work, sharing a personal story of how his colleagues supported him during his father’s illness and passing.

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Podcast Transcript

Franky Lopez [00:00:05]:
Hey, guys. This is Franky Lopez. And when I’m not watching competition shows on television, I’m listening to John Garrett on What’s Your “And”?

John Garrett [00:00:16]:
Welcome to episode 641 of What’s Your “And”? This is John Garrett. And each Wednesday, I interview a professional who, just like me, is known for a hobby or a passion or an interest outside of work. And to put it another way, it’s encouraging people to find their “And.” Those things above and beyond your technical skills, the things that actually differentiate you when you’re at work. It’s the answer to the question of who else are you beyond the job title? If you like what the show’s about, be sure to check out the award-winning book. It’s on Amazon, Indigo, Barnes and Noble bookshop, a few other websites. All the links are at www.WhatsYourAnd.com.

John Garrett [00:00:51]:
The book goes more in-depth with the research behind why these outside of work passions are so crucial to your corporate culture. And I can’t say how much it means that everyone’s reading it and writing such great reviews on Amazon. Thank you so much for those. And more importantly, changing the cultures where they work because of it. And if you want me to read it to you, that’s right. This voice reading the book. Look for What’s Your Ann on Audible or wherever you get your audiobooks. And please don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast.

John Garrett [00:01:15]:
You never miss any of the future episodes. I love sharing such interesting stories each and every week and this week is no different with my guest Franky Lopez. He’s a senior accountant at BMSS Advisors and CPAs in their Birmingham, Alabama office. And now he’s with me here today. Franky, thanks so much for taking time to be with me on What’s Your “And”?

Franky Lopez [00:01:34]:
Thanks for having me, John. Looking forward to it.

John Garrett [00:01:36]:
This is gonna be awesome. It was so great meeting you at the Alabama Society of CPAs conference over the summer. And so, yeah, just super cool to have you be a part of this. So thank you.

Franky Lopez [00:01:46]:
Yeah. I really appreciate it. I mean, I definitely took a lot from what you spoke about with what you’re in, so I’m excited to kinda share a little bit more of my story as well.

John Garrett [00:01:54]:
Yeah. Absolutely. It’s our message. That’s how I really view it. It’s all of our message, you know? So you’re a piece of that too. So this is gonna be awesome. Well, I started out rapid fire questions, get to know Franky out of the gate here. We got 17.

John Garrett [00:02:06]:
So are you ready?

Franky Lopez [00:02:07]:
Oh, man. I don’t know. Well, I guess we’ll see. I’ll do my best.

John Garrett [00:02:10]:
Alright. Here we go. Buckle up. Seat belts are here here we go. Maybe an easy one. Favorite color? Definitely orange. Orange. Okay.

John Garrett [00:02:18]:
Alright. How about a least favorite color?

Franky Lopez [00:02:20]:
You know, I would probably have to say, like, purple, maybe. Purple.

John Garrett [00:02:24]:

Franky Lopez [00:02:25]:
Yeah. Interesting. I don’t know. No reason why, but I just know going back to orange, I had even my room was painted orange whenever I was growing up in high school

John Garrett [00:02:32]:
and in

Franky Lopez [00:02:32]:
high school. Yeah. My mom was not too pleased with it, but they said we could pick a color and that was my color. So

John Garrett [00:02:38]:
That’s amazing. Okay. Wow. You’re all in on it. I like it. Are you more oceans or mountains?

Franky Lopez [00:02:43]:
Definitely oceans, especially at the beach. I need the sunshine. Yeah. Definitely oceans.

John Garrett [00:02:47]:
Very cool. How about puzzles? Sudoku, crossword, jigsaw puzzle?

Franky Lopez [00:02:52]:
You know, I kinda like them all, but really, I’ve been on the big Wordle trend. Every morning, I start with the Wordle. I start with the daily crossword and connection. So New York Times is definitely getting an hour of my day in the mornings to start off my

John Garrett [00:03:05]:
Wow. Impressive, man. That’s good. I mean, I I like it. How about a favorite band or musician?

Franky Lopez [00:03:11]:
I would have to go with Mumford and Sons. They’re more Oh. Folk and, a little bit indie, but I think they’re definitely my number one.

John Garrett [00:03:18]:
Nice. Very cool. How about a favorite actor or an actress?

Franky Lopez [00:03:22]:
Steve Carell. No joke about it from The Office. Any Office fans out there? I mean, he’s my idol. Hope to meet him one day.

John Garrett [00:03:29]:
Yeah. He’s amazing. Super funny and a really nice guy from everyone that I’ve talked to that I’ve met him. Yeah. Really cool. Star Wars or Star Trek?

Franky Lopez [00:03:38]:
You know, I don’t think I really have a side on this one. I guess I would say Star Wars just because I’m more familiar with it, but I’m not obsessed either way. So

John Garrett [00:03:45]:
That’s cool. I’ll take it. This one, you have to have a solid answer. Least favorite vegetable?

Franky Lopez [00:03:50]:
Oh, gosh. Definitely I would say brussels sprouts, maybe. I think I just can’t get by the smell. I think that’s probably the one I’d probably say my is my least favorite.

John Garrett [00:04:00]:
Like, if you have to, like, fry it and put bacon on it, then that’s a lot of work. Yeah. Exactly. We’re in the grits level now where, like, I gotta word work at it. You know? Like, it’s like, oh, man. How about a favorite number?

Franky Lopez [00:04:13]:
612. For some reason, growing up in sports, I think I always had those numbers in 6, multiple of 12. Being an accountant, I guess that works in my head, but, yeah, 612 are my two numbers. Nice. Okay. How about balance sheet or income statement? I think I would have to go balance sheet even though this morning I was working on 1. Couldn’t get it to balance. So I don’t know.

Franky Lopez [00:04:32]:
Maybe I might go income statement just today, but normal balance sheet.

John Garrett [00:04:37]:
You just gotta plug Goodwill or something. I don’t know what to do. They’re call it even. How about are you more early bird or a night owl?

Franky Lopez [00:04:43]:
Early bird. Don’t think past 7 o’clock at night. I’m too useful. I’m definitely a morning person. Like, starting off my mornings with a cup of coffee, but, yeah, definitely a morning person.

John Garrett [00:04:54]:
Okay. How about ice cream? You go in a cup or in a cone?

Franky Lopez [00:04:57]:
Cup. Never been a cone guy.

John Garrett [00:04:59]:
Interesting. Alright. There you go. How about pens or pencils?

Franky Lopez [00:05:03]:
I think pens would probably be my go to.

John Garrett [00:05:05]:
Yeah. No mistakes. I like it.

Franky Lopez [00:05:08]:
No. Plenty of mistakes. Don’t get me wrong. I just scratch it out. Yeah. Right?

John Garrett [00:05:13]:
Favorite day of the week?

Franky Lopez [00:05:15]:
I think I would have to go with Thursday because Friday would probably be a number one. But Thursday, it’s almost like you see Friday coming, the weekends, all of that. So I would say Thursday. My least favorite’s Tuesday. I know you didn’t ask, but I wanna go ahead and say that because that’s always my toughest day. Any single week, Tuesday’s my

John Garrett [00:05:32]:
worst day. There you go. That makes total sense because, I mean, for the same reason that you love Thursday, of course, you would not like Tuesday. There you go. PC or Mac on your computer?

Franky Lopez [00:05:41]:
I would say PC. I like Macs too. But just in the accounting world, I think PCs are a little bit more user friendly for me.

John Garrett [00:05:47]:
Yeah. That’s the ones they give you. Right. There you

Franky Lopez [00:05:49]:
go. Don of choice.

John Garrett [00:05:51]:
Yeah. Right. There you go. The favorite thing you have or the favorite thing you own?

Franky Lopez [00:05:55]:
So I would say, so I’m a big brewery guy. I like going out to the breweries and exploring different cities and all of that stuff. And we always get signs from the brewery so you can get sticker signs. And back home on our pool deck, we have signs from all the breweries we’ve been to. So I think I know it’s not one item, but those brewery signs are probably my favorite collectible, I guess you could say.

John Garrett [00:06:17]:
Yeah. Because all the memories that then go with that. Exactly. That’s cool, man. That’s awesome. Well, yeah. I mean, that’s definitely an and, but I know that so is reality competitive TV shows. Yep.

John Garrett [00:06:29]:
How’d you get into that? How did that start?

Franky Lopez [00:06:32]:
If you knew me, I mean, everyone knows I’m obsessed with this stuff. So there’s things like Survivor, Big Brother, The Challenge, But even not just reality, but also just competition TV shows. So you go more in, like, Wheel Forged and Deal or No Deal, and even sports, of course, but specifically NBA. And I know this summer, I’m super excited for the Summer Olympics. So anything competition on TV, that’s my thing. And I think a piece of why I kinda got into this is because growing up, I mean, my family, we loved watching all of the competition shows. Game show network was probably on our TV all the time. Family Feud, we would watch it every single night.

Franky Lopez [00:07:07]:
So it’s fun because it’s competitive and maybe playing sports growing up, I had that competitive side. But I think, most importantly, why I love it is because when you really watch these shows, you get to learn a lot about people and, more specifically, their stories. And I think that’s what kinda draws me in on these kinda shows is because you get to learn why someone is like who they are and you just kinda learn their backgrounds and kinda makes see what makes them who they are today. And so I get really attached to TV shows and all the competition shows and rooting for your favorites and being sad when they lose. And so I would say that’s probably my how I fell into this interest.

John Garrett [00:07:43]:
That’s awesome, man. Yeah. And plus watching some of the game shows, you’re like, well, I’m not the dumbest person on the planet. Like, how the hell did you just say that? Like, you know, like, type of thing. There’s that too.

Franky Lopez [00:07:51]:
Right. And sometimes I am because I’m like, I should know this stuff, you know?

John Garrett [00:07:56]:
Yeah. You’re like, how do I not know? Oh, there it is. No. That’s awesome, man. I love it. And just growing up, were there some memorable moments that you’ve had from watching these shows where, like, moments that stick out maybe with your family or, you know, shows in particular?

Franky Lopez [00:08:11]:
Well, I think growing up, I mean, because my dad, we would text all the time if I wasn’t living at home, but it’s also just being at home. We would watch it every single night and have this stuff on. But, also, it’s just a good communication starter. So at home and then even now in the workplace, you’d be surprised how many people are really into watching these shows and kinda have their associations as to which shows they like, how they fall into it, what were they interested in. And then, specifically, I actually have put in for a couple applications on my own to see if maybe one day I could be on one of these shows. Hasn’t happened yet, so if you have any connections, let me know.

John Garrett [00:08:44]:
But I would say that

Franky Lopez [00:08:46]:
we put in one time for Family Feud during COVID, and we did get a callback. And so my family and I, we got on Zoom, and we were with the casting director, kinda walking through what it would be like. And I think that was such a neat experience. We didn’t work with scheduling to get on the actual show. But just to have that moment where it was pretty neat to just kinda go through and see what it felt like, you know.

John Garrett [00:09:08]:
Yeah. What it’s like behind the curtain, you know, type of thing of, oh, okay. So when last comic standing was out, twice I auditioned for that and had a I didn’t have to wait in line. Like, I had to pass, just go in, audition, whatever. Man, they rip your heart out because they make you feel like, oh, you’re definitely gonna be in the final ten or whatever and then just like, you know, mortal combat just go in and just grip your and you’re just like, what? No. Like, you can’t just like belittle me in front of what? No. This is not okay.

Franky Lopez [00:09:40]:

John Garrett [00:09:41]:
So I have a hard time watching like the singing shows now or whatever, because I know what it’s like, and it sucks. And I get emotional. And so I can’t watch them. Because, you know, they show those stories. And it’s like, oh, they’re doing a story about me. I’m gonna make it. No, you’re not, you know, and it’s just like, oh, man, that’s just, you’re just setting people up to just get them the rug pulled out from under them and for the viewers, you know? And it’s like, yeah, but these are real people, you know? And and they didn’t just fall out of a truck and were, oh, hey, you’re a good singer. You should go.

John Garrett [00:10:12]:
No. They’ve been singing for a while. And they’ve been working hard and all the people have been working hard at their craft or at their thing. And, you know, the ninja people, I mean, good lord. Yeah. Look, they they don’t just, like, show up out of nowhere. Like, it’s

Franky Lopez [00:10:24]:
I won’t be on that show. I know that. No.

John Garrett [00:10:28]:
Me either, man. Like, if there was an opposite of that, like Yeah. Right. I’d like a watching the ninja show. I’ll be on that show. Like, it’s like, you know, type of thing. That’s awesome.

Franky Lopez [00:10:37]:
I think what I love the most about it, I think those are fair points, is just the fact of, like, learning their stories. And so, like, the Olympics is, you know, you have all these people who are in these big competitive races. But more importantly, they’ll have those cut scenes prior where you get to learn

John Garrett [00:10:51]:

Franky Lopez [00:10:51]:
Like, Michael Phelps and you get to learn his story. And, like, just different people, And it’s kinda neat. And it’s almost like you have more of an attachment to them. And so kinda that’s what I love about it. It’s like the personal side outside of just a competition show. You know?

John Garrett [00:11:04]:
That’s awesome. And then, obviously, your NBA games, those are are there’s nothing more real than sports. You know, I mean, there’s 0 scripting here. So we don’t know what’s gonna happen and it’s crazy exciting. And, you know, being live is obviously the better of the choices, but you can’t always go to every game, you know, type of thing. And that’s also fun too. You know, I mean, I get super wrapped up in sports. I can’t

Franky Lopez [00:11:27]:
I’m a Dallas Mavericks fan going on to sports, and that was a tough one. But luckily, I got to the game 4 of the NBA finals. For those who might not be aware, the Dallas Mavericks made it to the championship. And game 4 was in Dallas, and it was on my birthday. And so my mom surprised me with a trip to go to Dallas and go see him and read him on. And so That’s great. And we won. So that was an also a good birthday present.

Franky Lopez [00:11:48]:
We didn’t win the full championship. But game 4, I think they brought it home for me. So just If

John Garrett [00:11:53]:
you had been at every game, they would have won the whole thing. But so I blame your mom for not getting tickets for all the games. No. I’m just teasing my Mom,

Franky Lopez [00:11:59]:
if you’re listening, just make sure make sure you make note.

John Garrett [00:12:02]:
I used to like him, but I don’t anymore. Who is this John guy?

Franky Lopez [00:12:05]:

John Garrett [00:12:07]:
But still, to be able to go to an NBA finals game, like, how many people have said that? Not a lot as a percentage of, you know, the total population. So that’s super cool, man. Do you feel like any of this gives you a skill set that you bring to work?

Franky Lopez [00:12:19]:
Definitely. So, like I said, the people aspect, I think it kinda really emphasizes importance of getting to know people and understanding who they are. And then, also, just like that connection piece, I’ll never forget, at my current firm that I’m at, I disclosed that I was really into these shows, you know, just in conversation over lunch one time. And then someone was like, no way. I am too. And I was like, okay. Well, that’s pretty neat. You know, that’s awesome.

Franky Lopez [00:12:44]:
And then we someone else overheard, and then it was just kind of a ripple effect. And then come to find out it was actually for Survivor 2 seasons ago. I kinda threw a random feeler out there to see if anyone would be willing to do a Survivor Fantasy League just like fantasy football and, you know, all of those things. And lo and behold, we ended up getting 20 people wrapped into the 1st Fantasy League of Survivor, something that we just kinda threw together a week before. So That’s fantastic. Yeah. So it’s, definitely is just kinda twofold with getting to know people and know their stories, but, also, it’s just a good connection piece and a good talking point to connect with others too.

John Garrett [00:13:21]:
And, I mean, do you find that I mean, your relationship with everyone at the firm is great, but do you find that with those people, it’s just a little bit different? It just up a level just a little bit?

Franky Lopez [00:13:33]:
Yeah. I think so. And it’s just a connection piece because, I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m the closest with all 20 people in this league. Sure. You know? But it’s kinda like you look around. It’s like, okay. Hey. We’re in the same thing or it’s a good way to message or, hey.

Franky Lopez [00:13:45]:
I saw you. Were kinda last in the leaderboard. What’s going on over there? You know? So it’s kind of a funny way to just kinda connect with people and also bridge that gap to where people I may not have normally connected with have a better way to kinda get connected and just learn more about them just in a different light.

John Garrett [00:14:02]:
Yeah. And even if they’re not in audit or not in tax or not in maybe they’re in operations even or admin or whatever. You know? Like, it’s or not even in the Birmingham office type of thing. And now it’s I have friends in other areas type of thing instead of just complete strangers now. That’s super cool, man. I love it. I mean, it’s something that simple as just, hey, I’m into survivor. And then all of a sudden, somebody’s like, really? Me too.

John Garrett [00:14:26]:
And it’s like, you know, this isn’t illegal or super taboo. It’s just I watched reality TV show. Like, what’s wrong with that? Then all of a sudden now, you’ve got a whole team of people, you know, that are all into it. Was there a part of you that was like, hey. You know, this has nothing to do with accounting. I should probably not tell anybody.

Franky Lopez [00:14:43]:
Yeah. Absolutely. And I and it’s not even just in the workplace, but just in normal everyday life. It’s maybe not something I openly disclose or just kinda feel comfortable. Hey. My name is Franky Lopez, and I love reality competition shows. It’s not a go to. But I don’t know.

Franky Lopez [00:14:58]:
I think it’s just it’s been pretty neat to allow myself to be intentional about disclosing who I am and just a piece of me and a piece of my and kinda like what we’re talking about today.

John Garrett [00:15:08]:
Yeah. I mean, just who else are you? I mean, hi. My name is Franky Lopez, and I’m a senior accountant.

Franky Lopez [00:15:12]:

John Garrett [00:15:13]:
I mean, that’s a hard stop to a conversation. Probably not too many follow-up questions on that one. But I am Franky Lopez, and I love reality TV shows. I guarantee there’s a follow-up question. Even if somebody doesn’t even know anything about reality TV. Wait, what?

Franky Lopez [00:15:27]:
Exactly. Exactly.

John Garrett [00:15:28]:
So it’s like, oh, there you go. It’s that easy. And so, like, how much do you feel like it’s on the organization or leadership to create this space? Where, hey, let’s find out what people’s ends are? Like, who else are you? Or how much is it on the individual? Just, hey, we were at lunch and I brought it up.

Franky Lopez [00:15:47]:
I think it’s twofold. I think it’s definitely important to be coming from the higher end of the organization and creating a culture and a structure where people are able to have the conversations and open up and kinda connect in a different way outside of work. But then it’s also on the individuals and the employees to be willing to be, I guess, you can say transparent or just kinda open enough to have these conversations with each other. Because if the company creates a space, but then at an individual level, you’re not willing to be open about who you are, it’s kind of a wasted area. So I think it’s twofold, and it kinda it’s a 5050 match on that one.

John Garrett [00:16:23]:
Yeah. You’re right. I mean, if leaders create that space and no one steps into it and participates, well, then now it’s weird and awkward and, well, now what? You know, type of thing. Yeah. And it doesn’t have to be, like, you know, super intimate thoughts and detail. It gets no. It’s just, hey, man. This is what lights me up outside of work right now.

John Garrett [00:16:41]:
And then see where the conversation goes, you know, type of a thing. And how important is it that people have an end? I mean, you know, like, well, that isn’t what we get paid for. So why even have one? Or why does it matter?

Franky Lopez [00:16:53]:
I think it’s a part of who you are. And so if you’re trying to open up and connect with people, I think having an and is so important because we’re all accountants or we’re all administrators or we’re all kind of in this role. But, we’re so much more than the role that we’re in. And there’s so much more to it that you should be willing and comfortable enough to kind of open up about in your workplace and having that relation and kind of that I’m happy that I’m working with people that I enjoy working with. But I love it even more because I have relationships that we’re friends too and that we have a connection, or I’ll just go ahead and say it when we’re going through hard times. It’s nice to have people that you can support on at work, you know, as long as it’s not taken away from the actual work that’s being done. I felt comfortable or I feel comfortable opening up to people about, hey, this is what’s going on outside of work. Prime example, last year, I’ll go ahead and say it last year, my father, he was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma, and within 3 weeks, he ended up passing away.

Franky Lopez [00:17:51]:
And so, I think that was a pivotal moment working where I’m working is I was fortunate enough to have relationships with people that I could be open and transparent about, hey, here’s what’s going on. And they supported me and kinda had that, but I don’t think that would have happened if we didn’t have those connections and the ands and have those relationships prior than just being another number at an organization and working.

John Garrett [00:18:13]:
Yeah. No. And I mean, you shared when we were on a panel together at that conference, you know, just how people reached out, people that you don’t even work with, people not even in your office, you know, because leaders, they care about you as a human. Like, I care about Franky, not just senior accountant Franky, all of Franky. That’s so encouraging to hear that that you know like you’re at a place where and I mean Mike Brand has been a guest on the podcast. We had Tyler and AJ on the podcast and they’re awesome too. So I mean BMSS is a cool place where there are those people there. And so it’s encouraging to hear there are professional organizations that care about humans, you know, and that that have unique outside of work interests.

Franky Lopez [00:18:56]:
And I think that’s everywhere too. Like, I love my firm and love BMSS. But there are organizations and companies out there who are following suit on your framework with making taking important care of the employees. And I’ll never forget an undergrad. I had a professor, doctor Collins, who it was an organizational behavior course. And the one thing I took away from this course was the most important thing a company can have are the people. And so I think that’s something that it stuck with me, you know? And so in a senior level course, I mean, that has been so important for me to understand as I was working through my corporate career currently.

John Garrett [00:19:33]:
Yeah. No. Absolutely. I mean, he’s a 1000% right because you could have all the clients, but who’s gonna do the work? And you could have all the AI bots, but who’s gonna run them and manage them and code them and, you know, you still need humans and then humans wanna have genuine connection. You know, we’re tribal at the very core. And so we want to know about others and be around others and care about others to an appropriate degree. And I think in the corporate space, even just a little bit is so much because you’re starting at 0. You know? Right.

John Garrett [00:20:08]:
You know, a little bit of color in a gray world is amazing, you know, and a little bit of personality and a little bit of flavor. And so I love that you’re a living example of this, you know, and that you’re able to recognize it and and see it. And like, do you have any words of encouragement to anybody listening that maybe they also love reality TV shows or, you know, competition shows and but they’re like, it has nothing to do with my job?

Franky Lopez [00:20:30]:
No. I think it’s important to be who you are and not try to put up a front or try to be someone that you’re not. Kinda hear who they are and kinda what makes them who they are today.

John Garrett [00:20:40]:
No. I mean, that’s an excellent point that you brought up of, you know, it’s not just getting a bullhorn and doing a monologue. Well, here’s what I love. It’s also following that up with, well, what about you? You know, sort of a thing. And then have, you know, 1 or 2 questions of, how’d you get into that? Or I don’t even know what that is. Yeah. Or what? And so, you know, because then see where the conversation goes. I mean, just the same way at lunch, it accidentally came up.

John Garrett [00:21:06]:
I mean, you didn’t go to work that day going, alright, I’m gonna go to lunch, and I’m gonna tell everybody we’re doing I love survivor. And did you guys see that episode? It just comes up, you know, because it’s just being you, you know, and that’s always with you. That’s at the core. And no matter how many layers of whatever you put on top, it’s still there.

Franky Lopez [00:21:25]:

John Garrett [00:21:25]:
And unfortunately, a lot of people have forgotten what that thing is, which is fair, but just go digging. You know, it’s in there. It’s definitely not gone.

Franky Lopez [00:21:35]:
And I think everyone it’s important to name that. Everyone has multiple ands, and there’s multiple things that I mean, this might be my and right now in this moment, or this is probably one of my higher ends because of how much I love it. But it doesn’t mean it’s my only end, and it’s not, you know, I mean, and it’s things change based on your situations and kinda where you are in life. And so I think that’s also a big point when you’re kinda learning about others and hearing about them and who they are is understanding there’s multiple layers that people can bring to the table. And so learning about what that really looks like is pretty neat.

John Garrett [00:22:10]:
Yeah. And the skill set and the mindset that each person has from their end that’s different, you know, type of thing. And there’s expertise there that doesn’t have a college degree or a certification, but there’s definitely expertise that people have been working on for almost all their life type of thing. So, you know, so this has been awesome, Franky, but I feel like it’s only fair that we turn the tables. And since I rudely peppered you with questions at the beginning, we will make this the Franky Lopez podcast. And it’s all yours. I’m your guest. Thanks for having me on.

John Garrett [00:22:41]:
Whatever you want to ask, I’m all yours.

Franky Lopez [00:22:43]:
Cool. Well, thanks for being here. But first question I have for you. Coffee, tea, energy drink. How do you start your mornings? Any of that?

John Garrett [00:22:50]:
Yeah. You know, lemon water. I missed the coffee train and never got on it. And, yeah, I I just missed it. I don’t know how or why or whatever. But I’m kinda glad now because I find a lot of people can’t function without it. And I’m like, oh man, that would be brutal. So, yeah, I mean, I will have tea sometimes, but like in at night, you know, in the evening time.

John Garrett [00:23:11]:
But, yeah, like, you know, some lemon water and then, you know, breakfast type of thing. So, yeah, on occasion, some celery juice, just try and stay healthy, But, that’s just for health. That doesn’t taste good at all.

Franky Lopez [00:23:23]:
Yeah. Right. Next question is, you have one free day off. How are you gonna spend it?

John Garrett [00:23:29]:
Oh, wow. Yeah. I mean, like, my ultimate would just be a Notre Dame USC game at Notre Dame with my family and, like, you know, friends and I mean, because it’s always middle of October. The weather’s amazing. You know, leaves are changing. Notre Dame wins by 40, of course, since I get to design it. And but, yeah, I mean, I just love that. I mean, I was in the band and so I mean, I just love all of the pageantry that goes with the whole day, you know, like, above and beyond the game.

John Garrett [00:23:59]:
So Okay. Yeah.

Franky Lopez [00:24:00]:
And I have one more very important question. It’s

John Garrett [00:24:02]:
been driving

Franky Lopez [00:24:03]:
me crazy this entire time. Your least favorite vegetable, just like And

John Garrett [00:24:09]:
I I guess besides brussels sprouts Yeah. Right. Yeah. I mean, cauliflower is a close second where it’s like, I don’t know. There’s no flavor. Like, there’s no I don’t even know. Like, again, you gotta put cheese on it or you gotta, like, make it into rice and then put other stuff on it. Like, it’s like, what do you I don’t know.

John Garrett [00:24:26]:
Yeah. So probably cauliflower would be a close second to brussels sprouts, but brussels sprouts is pretty strong.

Franky Lopez [00:24:32]:
I’m telling you, it’s a smell. Sorry if you’re a big brussels sprouts fan, but it’s the smell. I can’t get by.

John Garrett [00:24:36]:
Or if the brussels sprouts are listening, get it together and take a shower and, like, soap up a little bit. Like, it’s not good. Right. But there you go. Well, thank you so much for Franky for being a part of What’s Your “And”?. This was super fun.

Franky Lopez [00:24:48]:
Yeah. Thanks for having me, John. I really appreciate it.

John Garrett [00:24:54]:
Absolutely. And everybody listening, if you want to see some pictures of Franky in action or watch some of those competitive, shows or even at the games or connect with them on social media, be sure to go to www.WhatsYourAnd.com. All the links are there. And while you’re on the page, please click that big button, do the anonymous research survey about cult corporate culture. And don’t forget to read the book. So thanks again for subscribing on Apple Podcasts or whatever app you use and for sharing this with your friends so they get the message that we’re all trying to spread that who you are is so much more than what you do.

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