Episode 91 – Tim Cowley

Tim’s rugby scores big with coworkers


Tim Cowley started playing rugby after a friend suggested they both join a team as they were watching a match on TV. It had been several years after his college football ended, but Tim thought those skills would translate well to the rugby pitch. Besides, it was in his blood because his grandfather had played Gaelic Football in Ireland and then a little bit after immigrating the US. He’s also really into table top games and microbrewing beer, all of which give his skills that make him a better CPA.

In this episode, Tim and I talk about how important it is for accountants to know how to network. Through his hobbies, he’s learned that there are a variety of people out there, some with non-traditional jobs, so they might be looking for someone who isn’t a traditional accountant. He also finds that it’s really important to take the time to talk with everyone because “making a non-business connection to others is the key to being a good accountant.”

Tim Cowley is the Managing Partner of Cowley CPAs outside Detroit, MI. He’s also an Adjunct Professor at Oakland Community College and an active member of the AICPA.

He graduated from Kalamazoo College with a BA in Economics, Business and then received his MS, Accounting from Walsh College. While at Kalamazoo College, he was a member of the football team.

John talks with

Tim Cowley

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Tim Cowley           Tim Cowley          
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    Other pictures of Tim

    (click to enlarge)

    Tim poses just before a beard modelling contest.

    Game night at Tim’s house.

    The combination of two of Tim’s passions: a game based on micro-brewing beer.

    Playing rugby and enjoying the hits more than the running!

    Tim’s links



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