Shatter the Stereotype

No matter where you are in your career, it’s important to differentiate yourself to achieve your goals. The future professional doesn’t define expertise simply in college degrees and certifications. They have passions outside of work that enhance their ability to develop stronger levels of trust with colleagues and clients. Through hilarious stories and extensive research, this keynote encourages everyone to share their passions because they are the very heart of your organization’s culture.

Many people tend to look at accountants and consultants like they look at apples: they’re all the same. They’re all boring, red apples. If you put them all together then you won’t be able to tell one from another. John’s mission is to encourage your team members, and therefore your Firm, to become engaged and to stand out – by giving them permission to have the confidence to be a green apple in the bin of “boring” red apples.

Twelve years after leaving the Firm, John was invited to speak at a PwC Town Hall Meeting. A Partner who he never worked with – and John doesn’t ever recall meeting – saw the list of speakers and said, “I know John Garrett! He’s the guy who did comedy at night.”

Twelve years later.

What are you doing now to develop those relationships so coworkers and clients remember you in twelve years?

Play John’s Keynote Demo Video

John is a thought provoker on a mission to help teams break down barriers, foster unity and strengthen bonds.

He simply does it with a different approach–laughter.

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Why Does Your Culture Matter?

Making culture a priority shows that the firm is dedicated to fostering an environment where engagement is the norm. A Psychometrics Engagement Study states that “disengaged employees cost as much as $500B in the US in low productivity.” Adding to the problem, these disengaged employees chase away your best employees and best customers.

While organizations are beginning to understand the importance of employee engagement, according to Gallup, “Engaged employees stand out because they’re relatively rare. Gallup finds only 30% of all U.S. employees are engaged in their jobs.”

If you don’t think this matters, check out how many millions of dollars could go straight to your bottom line by using this Employee Engagement ROI Calculator.

What You Can Expect From John

Engaged Team Members

Having conducted his own research study, John knows the most effective way to team engagement. Rather than just tell you about it, he’ll guide you through the process without your team even realizing they are growing closer together.

Better Client Relationships

The positive effects of John’s program extend beyong your office walls. John will teach your team how engaged employees who take the time to develop a relationship more likely to serve their clients better.

Real World Experience

As a CPA, John attended his fair share of corporate events in his previous professional life. Like you, John grew tired of messages from a speaker who hadn’t worked a single day in a cubicle so he works hard to incorporate personal stories that relate to the audience.


John knows that one of the easiest ways to keep workers engaged is to have fun. Today, John is a corporate entertainer on a mission: to help teams break down barriers, foster unity & strengthen bonds. He simply does it with a different approach– laughter.

Some of John’s Corporate Clients

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