Episode 16 – Randy Watkins

Randy rocks his way to better client relationships


All the Partners at Anton Collins Mitchell have website headshots that show their hobbies or passions. When Randy became a Partner, golf was already taken so he had to dig into his past to bring out his guitar. By opening up a little about his college guitar playing days, clients began asking him to jam with them. That’s when he had to admit that he needed to practice quite a bit before taking the stage with them, which shows that you don’t have to be proficient in your hobby to share it with others. You just have to be passionate about it.

I talk with Randy about how Anton Collins Mitchell uses a Fun Calendar to encourage staff to develop stronger relationships with others that share the same passions. And how, as a Partner, he looks for people who are eager to continue to grow — which is only enhanced by bringing your hobbies and passions to work.

Randy graduated with a degree in Accounting from University of Northern Colorado and has worked in public accounting ever since.

John talks with

Randy Watkins

John talks with         John talks with        
Randy Watkins           Randy Watkins          
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    Other pictures of Randy

    (click to enlarge)

    Randy let’s loose on the golf course.

    Randy poses with Blues Traveler after the NOCO Unify Suitcase Party fundraiser.

    Randy’s Blues Traveler tattoo signed by lead singer John Popper.

    Randy’s links



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