Episode 196 – Twyla Verhelst

Twyla is an accountant and runner

Twyla Verhelst is the Co-founder of Helm, a cash flow forecasting app and Co-founder of Twenty Eighty, an accounting firm in Calgary, Alberta. Twyla has entrepreneurial experience in accounting, advisory, and software with an underlying passion to help others find their confidence and discover what lights them up. Twyla is committed to empowering bookkeepers and accountants to create the business they desire using tangible tools along with the most invaluable and intangible tool, their authentic self.

Twyla tells us about her journey to become a runner, including some memorable moments like completing a run with her daughter on Mother’s Day, how she started sharing her passion for running in the office, and how sharing this passion has inspired some of her colleagues to run as well!

Episode Highlights

• How Twyla got into running
• How training for a marathon is similar to accomplishing milestones in a career
• Finding ways to share her experiences in the workplace and the effect it has on her co-workers
• Why she feels it is a trickle-down effect from the organization to the individuals to create a culture that promotes sharing experiences

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Twyla’s Pictures

(click to enlarge)

Golden Gate Half Marathon, November 2019 (the day before QuickBooks Connect in San Jose)

Lost Soul Ultra Marathon, September 2014


Twyla’s links



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