Episode 23 – Misty Megia

Misty makes the workplace her stage


When she was growing up, Misty was so shy she used to hide behind her parents in family pictures. That all changed after taking an acting class. Now she regularly acts and directs theater shows while also working in business development in the accounting industry. Thank goodness we didn’t arm wrestle because CPA Practice Advisor named Misty as one of the Most Powerful Women in Accounting.

In this episode, we laugh. A lot. And then Misty talks about how when she began to open up at work, she stopped “acting” and became herself. And how something as simple her team’s daily 10-minute walks creates lasting connections.

Misty is the VP of Business Development at CPA Academy, where she continues to follow her great passion for helping companies and sole proprietors grow to their fullest potential. She also spends time as the co-founder of The Theater of Marketing, a creative marketing business.

Misty has a Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University-East Bay.


Other pictures of Misty

(click to enlarge)

Misty, the Director, poses after opening night.

Misty poses with Mathew Wiener, Tony Hawk, and Trevor Noah.

Misty performing in “All Shook Up”.

Misty’s links



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    John: Welcome to Episode 23 of the Green Apple Podcast where every Wednesday I interview a professional know for a hobby or a passion. I’m writing a book and doing some research so it’d be super cool if you’d go to greenapplepodcast.com and do my anonymous survey. It takes less than 60 seconds. It would really help me out. Now this episode is absolutely hilarious with my guest Misty Megia. I know for a fact that if we work together, absolutely nothing would ever get done. Today she’s the VP of Business Development of CPA Academy and was even named one of the most powerful women in accounting by a CPA practice adviser. So she’s big time. So Misty, thank you so much for being with me on the Green Apple Podcast.

    Misty: I am absolutely thrilled to be here. And I think what’s going to come out in this conversation is, it really is my hobby that has absolutely led me in this direction. So. We’ll leave it at that. Because I’m sure it’ll be uncovered soon.

    John: There’s the little cliffhanger. After the commercial.

    Misty: Stay tuned.

    John: As if, people are like two minutes in, “I think I’m going to turn this one off.” “This lady sounds boring.”

    Misty: Totally a snoozer.

    John: And everyone else will be like, “Did you hear the end? It was unbelievable!” “No, I turned it off.” That sounds like that’s really cool and certainly has you very, very busy. I have to imagine for sure.

    Misty: It is. It’s all in good ways.

    John: Right. All in good ways. But the hobby and passion that occupies a lot of your time when you’re outside of work is theatre, right?

    Misty: It is.

    John: How did you get into that?

    Misty: You know I actually was really shy as a kid which nobody believed now in my life, but I really was.

    John: You were just saving it all up.

    Misty: I know. Exactly. Majority of the photos of me when I was little are hiding behind one of my parents. I was just really, really painfully shy. And so they put me i dance at first, and in dance I found that I could express myself without really having to talk, and that was learning a whole new language for me and just really opened me up in that manner. And then we went the next step in junior high and they put me in theatre class, and it was such an environment where you could be yourself or be someone else. I learned how to be in front of people without having that fear. And so it just was incredible to learn the craft and find my true voice for sure.

    John: Yeah. That’s so cool. And then from there, it just blossomed and there was no stopping you?

    Misty: There was no stopping me. I know. So I went to college for acting and I got my acting degree, and then I went back and I got a directing degree. So everything that I’ve actually studied has been theatre. And it’s really interesting that I’ve been in technology from the moment I got out of college, because you would think it’s a very different skill set, different side of the brain. But I think it’s the constant problem solving and the having to think outside of the box on issues and thinks like that that theatre taught me that really help in multiple worlds.

    John: Yeah. Especially from the directing side, that’s for sure. That’s so fantastic, that’s really cool. So do you still stay active today in some acting theatre work?

    Misty: Absolutely, yeah. I just finished directing Pirates of Penzance and had rave reviews, and I’m still getting — it’s probably been three weeks since it closed and I’m still getting emails. I got one yesterday from somebody, a producer at another company that said, usually that’s so shallow that they sleep through and they were laughing nonstop and it’s bringing out the comedy of it. Okay, no problem. It’s what I do. I’m a funny gal. What can I say?

    John: Hold on, I got to take care of this accounting work. That’s so great, congratulations. That’s very cool. So what would you say is the most rewarding thing that you’ve done through all of the theatre over time? And it’s probably more than one thing, I would imagine.

    Misty: Yeah. I’ve won awards for what I’ve done and I’ve been nominated for a lot of things but I think the most rewarding is when I actually took a break from technology and taught theatre for a while to high school age. Seeing the growth in the students, they were me when I went in and I had one — I remember Kelsey and she came in and she was like this little petite thing with glasses and just really timid and shy, and she literally shook to her core getting up in front of the class. My heart was just feeling for her because all of us were just wishing her well, just like, “You can do it, you can do it, you can do it.” But she just had no self-confidence. And then taking her through all of the classes, and literally the last week of school, I could not get her off stage. She was like volunteering for everything and to see that kind of growth in kids, and then finding their strength was just a wonderful time in my life to really experience that.

    John: Did you tell her that you’re her ghost of Christmas future?

    Misty: Totally.

    John: “This is going to be you one day, Kelsie.”

    Misty: I know. She’s probably teaching right now. I don’t know.

    John: Yup. You’re going to work with accountants, buckle up. It’s going to be awesome.

    Misty: Who knew? Who knew?

    John: Yeah. She’s packed the tears. “No!” That is very cool though, and it has to be so rewarding when you can see, “That was me, 10, 15 years ago.” And now look today and where you’re at now and to see their growth as well and your impact on them have to be so rewarding. I believe.

    Misty: It really is. And I still keep in touch with a lot of my students. They are all doing phenomenal and growing in so many ways. Surprisingly, a lot of them are in sales and marketing. I don’t know what it is about theater.

    John: All right, there’s a script and you just tell what they want to hear and pretend a lot… As if I know anything about sales and marketing. All I know about marketing is in college, those we the guys wearing the colored ties.

    Misty: And the fun socks.

    John: Yeah. Exactly. All the accountants, we had blue suits with a striped tie, and some dude with an orange tie, it’s like, “Oh, you must be in marketing.” Who wears an orange tie?

    Misty: Around their head, mind you.

    John: Yeah, around their head. Exactly. So as far as your theatre training and background and even the directing experience, has any of those skills translated over into your work? I know you talked about the technology and problem solving, how was that of other things that have translated over?

    Misty: Oh, my gosh, there’s a huge list. It has helped me in every aspect of every job that I’ve had. For sales and marketing side, you have scriptwriting, you have understanding your audience, you have creative thinking, how to produce live events, obviously understanding personalities and the psychology of decision making. Because when you’re learning acting, you really are doing a lot of human study and analysis, and so really getting into people and how they communicate, how they learn. All those kinds of things are really helpful. Obviously public speaking, it’s a big thing. Visual concepts, memorization, I mean it really has helped shaped me in more ways than I could have imagined and it was the best step in my life to do something like that.

    John: It almost sounds like it’s a mandatory prerequisite. Almost, where without that acting training and background, you almost would not be able to do your job. Definitely not nearly as well.

    Misty: I think so. I think that a lot of people take traditional paths to their careers, and I could have gone down the marketing path or business or anything like that, but I really think the creative side and going down the theater path was 1) something that kept me going to school on a daily basis, because I was passionate and interested about it and so that was right there.

    And then 2) it just really helped me be a thinker that really didn’t just stopped at one solution. I look at things from very different angles than a lot of people and I really have enjoyed being able to develop that in an open environment. I’m teaching people know how to present and how to be on stage and how to speak in front of people without those fears. Because anyone can get up and do a PowerPoint presentation. I feel that learning how to really connect with an audience, get them to go on the ride with you so they feel that they have a stake on what you’re actually speaking about, and they leaver getting this emotion that is like, “That was so good!” And sometimes they don’t remember what you said, but they remember how you made them feel. And so that’s really important when you’re presenting to understand the emotional connection that you can make.

    John: That’s so perfect the way that you said that, and just that also you realize that these are skills maybe only you have because of your background that’s different than others that you are bringing to the table and contributing to this leader group and the other projects that you’re in. And others have their own things that they’re bringing to the table that you don’t have.

    Misty: Exactly. And that’s another thing I think too, is theatre — there is nothing solo about theatre. It is a collaborative effort because you are working with the actors, the directors, the choreographer, the producer, the set designer, the lighting designer, the sound designer. You do not do anything in a whole by yourself.

    John: Right. And there’s always a diva, right? Always a diva.

    Misty: And it’s just learning how to manage the diva.

    John: Right. We’re looking at you Doug, we’re looking at you.

    Misty: I’m so glad you didn’t say it was me.

    John: In ever even met him. And I don’t think I’m going to after I just said that.

    Misty: He’s in Hawaii right now so he doesn’t even know.

    John: Okay, you know what, let’s pile on him then. Who the heck goes to Hawaii and I’m in the freezing cold. That’s so great. And so is this something — I know that it is, something that you talk about at work openly? Did just that come up organically where I guess it came up in the interview so you kind of hit the ground running with it? But even in your other jobs prior to this?

    Misty: Yeah. I will say that at other jobs it did not come up for a long time, and I think that was mostly due — I hope this comes right. I think it was being a woman in technology; you’re often surrounded by a lot of guys. And as the young one in my 20’s in tech, I was too busy proving myself that I was worthy. Because I would go in — my first job, I was going in a meeting with CEO’s, executives and they’re like, “Are you 14 years old?” I was like, “Yeah, don’t worry. I’m a child protégée.”

    So I was really focused on not betraying them from my skill set and what I can do. And So I really wasn’t comfortable speaking about my outside hobby. And I think that was a shame. I found that once I started sharing with people what I was people, that you build this deeper conversation and connection that’s just beyond your office politics of “Hello” and “What projects are you working on?”

    John: Absolutely. And that’s interesting that you notice that. That that was the case. Because when I was in the middle of it I didn’t really know what was happening when I was with Price Water Coopers myself. We’d just talk about, “What’d you do this weekend?” I’m like, “Oh I did a comedy show at the Funny Bone.” And, “What?” And it’s not really dominating the conversation or shouting it from the rooftops or anything like that, but it’s just a little bit about what I did and what have you. But certainly, I didn’t realize at the time that the connections that I was making and the impact that I would have on people remembering me for that. That’s for sure.

    Misty: Yeah. And it just all of a sudden takes a layer off of the onion right, of getting to know somebody. Now they know when they need a joke they’ll come get you and go, “Hey, I need something funny to say.”

    John: Which was all the time. I had a partner on a big project that I was on, and I was almost like a jester. Like if he had bad news, he would, “Garrett, get in here. Make me laugh.”

    Misty: Perform for me, monkey.

    John: Exactly. And then I go in and juggle and there was trap door if he didn’t like it, then I’m down in the lions.

    Misty: “This is not working at my advantage at all.”

    John: No, no. This is a lose-lose.

    Misty: Right, now we’re telling people, do not tell people your hobbies. Just kidding.

    John: But that’s the thing. That’s what people remember about you. I’m sure if we went back to some of co-workers from these technology days, they don’t remember specifically what projects you did or things, but “Oh yeah, she’s the one who did theatre.” I couldn’t believe that when for me, I met a partner who I’d never even worked with from my PWC days and 10 years later, he was like, “Hey, you’re the guy who did comedy at night.” I’m like, “All the work I did and that’s what you remember?” And then that’s when I realize, that’s all I remember about everybody else too.

    Misty: Absolutely. And I think that when I wasn’t telling people, I think that was my acting job. And when I finally started telling people, I stopped acting and started being myself.

    John: That’s it right there, we’re done.

    Misty: I’m dropping the mic.

    John: That’s it. That’s so true and I think that that applies to everyone whether they’ve had acting training or not. They are acting. You’re acting like what you think a manager should be or what you think a partner should be, or what you think whatever your role is. And you’re not just being you. Wow. My brain hurts right now. And so by opening up, obviously I’d imagine co-worker relationships much deeper like you said, peeling back the onion. I like how you referenced me as an onion. That was nice.

    Misty: You’re making me cry over here.

    John: Good safe, good safe Misty. So then I guess one thing that I’ve always thought about and not sure what the answer is, and I’m sure it’s a spectrum of, as far as creating this culture for people to share, trying to get more people to open up and what have you — and you’re a perfect example because you’ve been on both sides of this is, should it b more on the organization to create this culture? Or is it more on the individual to open up when the time is right?

    Misty: I think it takes a little bit of both. If you’re in an organization that helps foster a time where you’re not all at your desks, it could be as easy as my team. When I was at the Sleeter Group, we would all go for a 4:00 walk. We would just stop everything we were doing, we would not take any technology with us, and we would just go on a walk together.

    John: Wow. And you do that every day?

    Misty: Every day. And so it’s just a matter of fostering that with your time. Some time away from work together, and it was only like a 10-minute walk but everybody looked forward to that. And if you weren’t joining us on the walk because you felt you were too busy, the team would just stand at your desk and just wait. It was like, “All right, I’m stopping.” Because they really ended up valuing that time together to connect and talk about our week, or what happened, or funny things we saw on TV. And it was just a moment to really just have some fun, get away, and then we would get back to our desks and hit the ground running for the last hour of work and be better for it.

    But you’re not going to force anybody on those kind of moments to talk, but you’re at least providing an opportunity and an environment And I feel like once other people start sharing, and the more they share the more comfortable the rest of the group feel sharing too. And so, sometimes as the leader you have to be the first one to open up and be vulnerable, and then it allows the door for people to go, “Okay she did that and she was comfortable with doing that. So maybe I can share this part of me.”

    John: Right. And then don’t laugh at them when they finally do.

    Misty: Unless they’re like you and you’re a comedian and you’re supposed to laugh.

    John: Yeah. Unless there’s just looking for attention. That is such a cool idea though. Just 4:00, before we come into a landing for the end of the day, let’s just take a break, 10 minutes, go for walk, relax.

    Misty: Connect.

    John: Just have a release. And then you come back and you hit it twice as hard. Because I know from 4:00 to 5:00 when I was working corporate, good luck getting me to do anything. You’re on fumes by then right? So yeah, a quick little recharge. I like that. That’s really cool. That’s a great idea.

    Misty: It’s like that sprint before you hit the goal. That’s hard to kind of finish strong. Finish strong.

    John: Yeah, absolutely. It’s all downhill from here, everybody. Literally and figuratively. That is such a cool thing. Have there been other things that you’ve heard of or seen where organizations that are encouraging this sharing or breaking down the walls if you will?

    Misty: You know the company that acquired Sleeter Group, Diversified, they actually did a really good job about doing constant things in their community. And one of the things they recently did, I forgot what they had called it, but they actually bought a ton of individual flowers that were wrapped, and it was complete winter in Portland, Maine, and they went out on the streets and just started handing out flowers to random people.

    John: Wow, look at that. That only works in Maine, everybody. You do that in New York City, good luck. You’d get arrested.

    Misty: Exactly. They’re like, tackling you. “What’s in those? Is this a gun deal?” “Oh no, I’m sorry, it’s just a flower. It’s not popping.”

    John: “Just trying to make people smile.” “We don’t smile around here.” That is so cool. That is a cool thing. Just, “Hey everybody, we’re taking the afternoon and go out to hand out flowers.”

    Misty: Yeah. And they would hand some people two flowers so then that person could pass it on, pay it forward. And so sometimes doing those things that just together you’re creating a memory, and doing something outside of the box that’s fun and creating bonding that way. It doesn’t always have to be, “All right, tell us your deepest, darkest story about yourself.” It could be as easy as, “Hey, let’s just all do a fun group activity that affects others.” And a lot of organizations do Habitat for Humanity, charity works and all those kind of things, and I think anything like that that gets the team out and about and having fun or giving to a community is going to create bonds that are going to keep your employees longer.

    John: These are two excellent takeaways for people that are listening that have any sort of influence to create that culture where we’re all people and we all want to relate to each other. And even if you’re not bringing your own experiences you’re creating those experiences with everyone at the same time, which is a cool thing. That’s really, really good.

    Misty: Yeah. I would say too that you don’t have to be in a leadership position to do that. I was doing that at my very first job. Every time I found out somebody was going to have a baby or it was somebody’s birthday, I went around and I took collections from everybody and went shopping for the person and created a huge party for them. That’s when I went back to a job that I had in my 20’s recently because I still own a portion of the company, but I went back for something and there was a woman there that I unfortunately don’t remember the name of, and she came out to me and she goes, “Oh my God, Misty. I still have those all stuff you got me for my baby shower and my kid is like 13.” And she remembers me for her baby shower. She doesn’t remember me for anything else.

    John: There you go, that’s a perfect example of nothing work-related that you did. And the baby shower, she’s still holding on to it. That’s so great.

    Misty: And I was a little salesperson. You don’t have to be the manager to do it, you can create anything. Absolutely.

    John: Definitely. I believe that as well. Even if it’s in your small circle. It doesn’t have to be office-wide or even firm-wide or anything bigger. Even if it’s within a small circle of a group, that it starts small and then get a little momentum and then builds from there. Because there was actually another guy and we used to write every month a newsletter kind of like the Onion, satirical newsletter about the firm. And so we kind of sent it to our start class and then it mushroomed like crazy. And I was like, “You guys might not want to leave this laying around,” and then I had people I don’t even know who they were that were coming up and be like, “Hey, where’s the–” we called the General Edger because we had not creativity, “Where’s the General Edger from this month?” And I’m like, “I’m trying to do work, hello?” But that became something that people looked forward to, and they loved reading it because it just kind of broke the ice and whatever.

    John: But just start small and it can grow bigger, and it doesn’t have to be taken shots at your employer, I don’t recommend that but apparently everyone else liked it too. So I was speaking the truth, power to the people right? I don’t even know what I’m talking about. So I guess what would be — even when you started and some of those barriers that people, I mean we’ve all been there, when you’re new. You’ve talked about one earlier, you wanted to prove yourself. What might be some other barriers maybe that you’ve seen or you’ve heard people bring up or talk about?

    Misty: You know, I have been really lucky that as somebody that has managed people — that I’ve always been able to get people to feel welcome to share. And so I know for some people, it really obviously it needs certain judgment. But we have Rick Mayfield whose one of our sales guys at Sleeter and he was a passionate cyclist. He would tell us about it and talk about it. He would talk about clients. He connected with so many clients that I have known for three years. He knew them for like a conversation and he’s like, “He’s a cyclist too and we’re both talking about tracks, events,” he made so many connections that were just beyond that I didn’t even know. And I talk to people a lot. A lot of m clients about what they o in their part time, and he was able to make phenomenal, phenomenal connections in the time that he was there. And he felt comfortable enough that he would come in his cycling gear.

    John: Wow, that’s very comfortable. It’s like, “We believed you when you said it, you didn’t have to come in costume.”

    Misty: That’s no fear at all. And then he would go change into his suit. We’re breaking down big barriers over here.

    John: No barriers. Maybe we need to build them actually. We needed to have like half walls.

    Misty: Right. They can carry it around.

    John: Yeah exactly. So what do you think maybe you did from a manager’s perspective that made people more welcome or more open? Maybe was it that ‘being vulnerable yourself’ thing that you brought up earlier?

    Misty: I think so. I think it’s that and I always liked to create an environment that just allows any ideas. I’ve seen a lot of people — like when you go into brainstorming with a group; it’s a very difficult thing sometimes if you have a leader that likes to shut people down and goes, “No, that’s a horrible idea.”

    John: Right. “If I didn’t think of it, then it’s a dumb idea.”

    Misty: And so I’ve created this environment that when we brainstorm, we wrote down everything. I didn’t care whether internally I thought, “Oh my God, that’s never going to work,” because I knew as a leader I can drive it in any direction I really wanted to. But you’re still creating that environment that everybody is heard, that you thought even if it’s a bad idea, you never know what that initially like, “Oh, gosh, I don’t know about that.” When we came up with a muppet for Mr. Swedish neighborhood, how do you think that went over in my accounting pitch? They were like, “You want to do what?” But they had gotten used to us adding levity and really understanding the company’s voice and so they were like, “All right, let’s do it.”

    And so once you kind of foster that environment, I think people just realize that they’re valued. And when people feel valued, then they’re willing to just be friends. I mean I’m no longer at this leader group and we are going out on Friday for lunch, all of my team that used to be my team. And so that to me, I was just like, “Hey, who’s available Friday?” and every single one of them said, “I am.” And I’m like, “All right, great.”

    John: Yeah. It’s not like they have to hang out with you anymore because you’re co-workers.

    Misty: Right. Or because I’m their boss and unfortunately they’re having lunch with me.

    John: “I’m not in charge of your raises anymore, everybody. Quit sucking up.”

    Misty: You don’t have to go. You realize that, right?

    John: “But you can buy me drinks. You can buy me drinks.”

    Misty: I know. I’m not paying.

    John: That’s so fantastic. So this has been really great. Do you have any maybe words of encouragement for others? I feel like all of these have been one big word of encouragement. I don’t even know if that’s a thing. But, any words of encouragement for others that are listening or anything that I skipped over you’d like to share?

    Misty: I think one of the things that — we didn’t touch on because we were talking about a lot of teams, but there’s a lot of sole practitioners out there and solopreneurs, and they obviously don’t have that time or a team to share 4 o’clock walk with.

    John: Well, that’s because no one loves them. That’s why they’re solopreneurs. Coming from a solopreneur himself. That’s what I tell myself anyway.

    Misty: So I think one of the things — and since you’re a solo person as well, is really knowing how they can have the same kind of connection. And so how do you do it?

    John: I started a podcast and invite people to talk to me. Actually, through the National Speakers Association or other groups of solopreneurs that you can at least have — or even other comedians when I was doing strictly the stand-up comedy. And that way then, other people that are in your same boat, they know what you’re going through, they know what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking. And you can also help each other. There’s best practices and things that you can share, but it’s also just fun to just relax and kick back and have someone else to talk to. So for me it’s been through mostly the National Speakers Association I guess, and things like that.

    Misty: See. And I think that’s exactly it, is you just have to find people that you can network. Right answer, I’m giving you a gold star.

    John: I’m the one who asks questions on here, Misty.

    Misty: You’re like, “Who’s interviewing who?”

    John: Yes. Exactly.

    Misty: I want to find out about you.

    John: Oh, this is crazy world up in here, don’t worry.

    Misty: But I think that’s key. If they don’t have a team, that they really have to realize that they’re not alone. And I think especially for those CPA’s and accountants that are working from home or working in an incubator office space, that that’s really important that you find that time to really connect with somebody else and share. So you realize that you’re not having to conquer it all.

    John: That’s an excellent point. And very good. Very cool.

    Misty: You like how I just said, “Yeah”? Yeah it is an excellent point. I’m just kidding.

    John: Yeah, it is. And I saw you with your arms outstretched like, “Of course!”

    Misty: That is not me at all. I just like to agree with you. You just called to be saying how amazing I am, I guess I have to agree. Please edit that out.

    John: Exactly. And on that note I think we’ve gotten to know the real Misty. Finally. She’s been acting this whole time, and then big Misty comes out. But I feel like I don’t know if we could truly hang out until we do my 17 rapid-fire questions, which are what I think every accounting firm should used for their interviewing skills. But until then, I’ll get a go in here. So we’ll just do 17 rapid-fire questions. Star Wars or Star Trek?

    Misty: Star Wars.

    John: Pens or pencils?

    Misty: Pens.

    John: Sudoku or crossword puzzle?

    Misty: Sudoku.

    John: Favorite Disney character?

    Misty: Stitch.

    John: Stitch? Nice! Balance sheet or income statement?

    Misty: Balance which is a move in ballet.

    John: Okay. That seems appropriate for this interview. Your favorite cereal?

    Misty: Cheerios.

    John: Cheerios? All right. How about a movie that makes you cry?

    Misty: Dead Poets Society.

    John: Oh, that’s a great movie. Your favorite number?

    Misty: Two.

    John: Two? Is there a reason?

    Misty: I just think sometimes all you need is one other person.

    John: Oh, wow. I just cried right there. I thought you were going to say, “Because I’m number one!”

    Misty: I’m really getting to know what you think about me.

    John: I’m totally joking, I’m sorry.

    Misty: That’s hilarious. Was that my subtext?

    John: Not at all, not even going to lie. It’s not at all. Not even in a million years. Favorite toppings on a pizza?

    Misty: Vegetable toppings of any sort.

    John: Okay. PC or Mac?

    Misty: PC.

    John: Right click or left lick?

    Misty: Left.

    John: Left click. Okay. Do you have a favorite color?

    Misty: Teal.

    John: Teal? How about a least favorite color?

    Misty: I don’t think I have one.

    John: Wow. Nice. I like it.

    Misty: If they’re used properly, all colors can be great.

    John: If they’re used properly. There’s the little asterisk. Diamonds or pearls?

    Misty: Diamonds I guess? They’re a girl’s best friend.

    John: Yes. Do you have a favorite actor or actress?

    Misty: Oh my gosh, I have many favorites. I’ll say Hugh Jackman if I have to narrow down to one.

    John: Okay, that’s a good pick. Cats or dogs?

    Misty: Cats. They have a musical after them.

    John: Right. Which I’ve seen and thank goodness for rocker cat or else I might have fallen asleep.

    Misty: I feel you.

    John: How about the last one. Here it is. The favorite thing you own?

    Misty: The favorite thing I own? It would take some explanation but I have a cooler.

    John: A cooler? All right, we’ve got time. Let’s hear about it.

    Misty: My students when I was teaching, my last day of teaching, they made me a cooler. And my maiden last is Schachtell, and so they called it the Love Shack, and they filled it with just amazing letters about how I changed their life. And so I still have that, and anytime I get anything positive in my life I put it in my love shack.

    John: That’s very cool. That’s so great. Oh, man, this was unbelievable. Thank you so much, Misty for being on the podcast with me.

    Misty: Thank you so much. My cheeks are hurting from laughing so hard. You’re amazing.

    John: I hope you had as much fun listening to this as I did recording it. Misty made so many great points especially that we’re all acting at working. And the minute she stopped acting, she became herself and good things happen. Go to greenapplepodcast.com for some links to Misty and some pictures, including one with Tony Hawk and Trevor Noah. And thank for sharing this with your friends and co-workers. Now go out and be a green apple.

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