Episode 3 – Greg Kyte

Greg jokes his way to better client relationships


Greg Kyte is a very busy man. When he isn’t being a Comptroller (he was able to give himself whatever title he wanted), he is performing at comedy clubs and delivering CPE no one in the audience will soon forget.

He definitely took the unconventional route into accounting. After graduating from the University of Washington, Greg moved to Utah and became a middle school teacher. Listen to the hilarious reason he left teaching and what it was about accounting that pulled him in. Greg provides some great insight on why “soft skills” are so important for accountants and how they’ve specifically impacted his relationships with clients. You’ll also get some bonuses like one of his first jokes on stage and what it probably means if you hear “strawberry” in a doctor’s office.

Greg really, really likes degrees: he has a secondary education teaching credential from Brigham Young University, a degree in accounting from Utah Valley University, an MBA from Utah State University, and took one philosophy class from Harvard Extension School. He likes to brag that his Harvard GPA is 3.7.

Oh, yeah, and he’s also a CPA.


Other pictures of Greg

(click to enlarge)

Greg tells jokes at Wise Guys Comedy Club.

Greg delivers great content during his Comedy CPE events.

Greg performing at a local comedy show.

Greg’s links



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    John: Greg, thanks for taking time out of your day to talk with me.

    Greg: No, problem. I’m happy – I’m happy to be here and I hope that I can add value to you and to your podcast.

    John: Well, that’s yet to be determined. But, no, this is going to be fantastic because not only is there one comedian in me, but a second comedian in Greg which we met in person about a year-and-a-half ago and, yeah, good things for you for sure, so I’m excited to get into that. But one thing that I’ve never actually asked you is how did you get into accounting?

    Greg: Great question. I’ve only been – I actually got license as a CPA in 2011, so I haven’t been in accounting for that long. I started my first job in 2008, but before that I was a – I was a middle school Math teacher and…

    John: Nice.

    Greg: Yeah. And, what I did, so I was teaching eighth grade and, you know, obviously you’ve got kids who struggle at Math and what I found out was that these student weren’t – they weren’t failing out of Math because they were too stupid, there’s maybe one kid. There’s one kid, he was too stupid, all the rest of them were failing, it’s just that they didn’t – they weren’t motivated enough.

    I started doing these things called Motivation Mondays which were basically me saying, what are you – what are you really excited about doing and  I could tell them that whether that was being a professional football player or professional skateboarder because all of them answered either professional football player or professional skateboarder.

    John: Not accountant? Nobody? Come on.

    Greg: Yeah, nobody – nobody said accountant. But the big thing that really – that’s really driven home for me was that nobody – nobody said middle school Math teacher neither. And it was like – and I realized that I didn’t – I mean I didn’t enjoy – I like the schedule, I mean it was nice having summer’s office and it’s nice being done by 2:30 in the afternoon or 3:30 or whenever it was, but I didn’t like, I mean I just didn’t like the job. So, it’s like – and the money sucked, so I was like, okay, I’m doing all these Motivation Mondays just to get these kids to really pursue, you know, to do what they want to do when they grow up and I’m going  — I’m not doing what I want to do. So, I went back for a second try at, you know, I went back to school and I started  I got my accounting degree and I got my MBA I got my license and launched into accounting.

    John: Yeah. So, I guess accounting sounds pretty awesome after teaching middle school?

    Greg: Yes. Sometimes I tell people like I was – I was teaching middle school, but then I really wanted to make a difference in people’s lives so I became accountant.

    John: Right. That sounds fantastic. So, while you’re, you know, you can do the accounting for so many hours, but then you have time off after you get home from work and on the weekend.

    Greg: Yeah.

    John: So, what is it that you do that occupies your time in that free time?

    Greg: I do comedy. I do stand-up comedy. I used to do some improv comedy, but I kind of gave that up because I, you know, you can only serve one master. It is what it is, so stand-up – stand-up comedy is it, I’ve been doing that – actually, I’ve been doing that since  2002 is when I started…

    John: That’s way before you started accounting.

    Greg: Way before I started accounting, yeah. So, I was – I’ve been doing that for a long time and I love it. It’s a – it’s fantastic hobby to have.

    John: That’s super cool. So, what are some of the bigger shows that you’ve done or comedy festivals?

    Greg: Well, the festivals I did, I did the Laughing Skull Festival in Atlanta in…

    John: Sure.

    Greg: And I think that was in 2012, I think? Yeah, I think it was 2012. And then, I did the Laughing Devil Festival in New York City which was when I met you and that was in 2013. I seem to do festivals that are laughing scary thing festivals, that’s kind of – those are my preferred festivals to go to. But, probably the biggest, the biggest show that I’ve ever been on was actually way near the beginning back in 2004. I opened for Weird Al Yankovic at the Utah State Fair and it was – it was – it was a fantastic show, but at the same time it was a miserable show because I showed up right before – right before I supposed to start and I’m trying to find the stage man I just don’t even know where to go or who to talk to.

    I finally find the stage man and says – he says, “So did they – did they tell you the rules?” And I was like, “No. No one told me anything except I’m opening for Weird Al Yankovic tonight.” And he’s like, “Okay. Here’s the rules, you got to be clean, you can’t do any song parodies, and no drug references.” And immediately I’m going through my set and I go, “Well, I do comedy in Provo, Utah, so clean no problem, song parodies no problem.” But then I go, “Drug references like I talk about how some people pay more for their pets per ounce that they pay for drugs. Is that a drug reference, I don’t know.” And it’s like – but this is like, you know, a few minutes before I’m supposed to go  and so, it’s like I’m not changing my set. And then, he says – he says, “Oh, by the way, do you mind doing your own off stage intro?”

    John: Oh, no.

    Greg: And I was like – and I was like and I’m like going I’m not going to say no because this is my big Weird Al show and I’ve only been doing stand-up for two years. So, I’m standing behind this, you know, it’s a big outdoor – it’s an outdoor thing and so, I’m standing behind these giants stacks of speakers trying to hide and I’m using my best announcer voice going, “Ladies and gentlemen,” you know that’s kind of big I go, you know, “Who’s excited to be here for Weird Al?” And all the, you know, all the thirteen-year old boys scream and then – and then I say…

    John: I would have been screaming.

    Greg: Yeah. And then – and then I say, “But first, please welcome to the stage your opening act, Greg Kyte.” And it was – and the first thing I hear when I walk out on stage is somebody go, “Who are you?” And about…

    John: I’m the announcer.

    Greg: Right. I was just, you know, so – and it just it was – at one point during my set, the people on the bleachers started to chant, I’m doing my comedy and the people in the bleacher chanting, “Weird Al, Weird Al” while I’m trying to do my stuff and it…

    John: No, that’s the worst.

    Greg: It was.

    John: When you open for a big name because no one came to see you, they came to see that person.

    Greg: Yeah.

    John: And – and it takes a lot of work to get them to, you know, enjoy you as well. Yeah. No, that is – that is crazy hard.

    Greg: When your key demographic is middle school students, I knew a lot about middle school students and I know that they don’t understand that there might be an opening act for the concert that you’re going to see, so they were just – it seemed like people are a bit – at least I tell myself that. I had my —

    John: Yeah. You should just brought up a white board and gone into your Math Motivation Mondays thing.

    Greg: Right. Exactly. Everybody take out your paper.

    John: And who wants to be a professional skateboarder? Okay. [Laughs] So, how did you get into comedy like what made you want to even get on stage and do comedy?

    Greg: You know what? I’ve always – it was one of those things that I just was always dragging my feet with.  I did like even back in high school, I did some, you know, you do some speeches for different things like I did some speeches for homecoming, I was like the – I basically emceed some – some talent shows and I got some great responses from my speeches from my stuff and I knew it was something that I needed to – to do and I pretty much was just dragging my feet getting into it.

    So, I actually I started stand-up later than most people. How where you when you started doing standup?

    John: Yeah, I was 24.

    Greg: Okay.

    John: So, you know, I was pretty late as well.

    Greg: I was 30 when I started.

    John: Oh, wow.

    Greg: So, yeah, it was – it was a late debut for me. But like I said I was – I was dragging my feet, but like I said it’s just something I always knew that I wanted to do and finally it was like I go, you know, same kind of thing as moving from teaching to accounting, it’s like this is something I want to do, so you’re not going to do it if you’ll never do it. So, finally I went to the local comedy club and, you know, just hell bent on not – not even getting up because I didn’t know anything about stand-up, I was just going to corner the comic either before or after the show and say I’d like to start doing this, how do you do that?

    And so, I did that I got invited to an open mic up in Salt Lake City, I went to that. And I don’t know how your first – your first set everyone, mine like I was surprisingly happy with how it went. What was yours like was it good?

    John: Yeah. Mine was – mine was actually surprisingly good and I actually have it on tape. And it was really funny because my – my parents the night before I went to go eat dinner with them and I said, you know, I’m going to do comedy and my  mom goes, “Well, you know, it’s just you up there?” And I’m like, “Yeah, I’m well aware of that.” And so, I said, “But I’ve got some joke ideas,” and I ran through some premises because I’ve stolen a note pen from my job and I’ve been jotting down joke ideas.

    Greg: From your accounting job?

    John: Yeah.

    Greg: So, you misappropriated some assets to do your first stint.

    John: Oh, I misappropriated every asset.

    Greg: [Laughs]

    John: And so, yes, so I ran through these jokes ideas and it was just the ideas it wasn’t the full joke and the only two responses I got were my mom saying to one, “You can’t say that,” and then my dad saying, “We didn’t raise you that way,” and to my comedy. So, I get up the next night, my parents are there about fifteen of my friends from my high school were there and so, I went up at the Funny Bone at Westport in St. Louis and, yeah, and it went surprisingly well and my parents taped it and my mom held the video camera because I was such a novice that I didn’t understand you were supposed to use a tripod.

    Greg: Right. Sure.

    John: So, my mom holding the video camera and every single time there’s a joke, my mom and my dad are hardest laughers of everyone in the crowd.

    Greg: Right.

    John: The same jokes that they heard the night before crickets. Tonight laughing hysterically, camera shaking violently, you would think we’re in the middle of an earthquake.

    Greg: Right. That’s awesome.

    John: And, yeah, but it went – it went surprisingly well. The second time, not very well.

    Greg: So, here’s the question for you because I’m turning this around and I’m interviewing.

    John: This is my podcast.

    Greg: Do you remember any of your jokes or joke premises?

    John: I do, I remember that first night, the Rams had just won the Super Bowl.

    Greg: Oh, nice.

    John: So, I did a Kurt Warner and his wife, Brenda had the exact same haircut.

    Greg: Nice.

    John: They both have a flat top. And I said that they should be sponsored by Flowbee and like at the commercial where they’re cutting each other’s hair and, you know, like polishing the Super Bowl trophy.

    Greg: Right. Good one. I did a – the one thing – the only joke I remember from my first night and it’s funny because I got mine on tape too, but I haven’t watched it in forever. The only think I remember my big closer was – because I – because I’m in Utah, lots of Mormons in Utah. Twice a year the Mormons have this thing called General Conference where they have all the speakers. It’s the most boring thing ever to listen to and you’re almost required to listen to it even if you’re not Mormon if you’re in the state, you’re exposed to that. And so, I said – I did this I said – I said because not being Mormon myself, I’m like I have experienced your General Conference and I feel as though its entertainment value is lacking, I feel though I have some constructive criticisms to tell you, better speakers like Chris Farley. And I had a very acceptable, I’m going to say  it was an extremely acceptable Chris Farley impersonation and I went on as if I was his Bennett Brauer character like – like I’m, you know, “The suits and ties tell me that, you know, that the..”

    John: Right.

    Greg: So, I did this entire General Conference speech as if I were Chris Farley’s character, Bennett Brauer.  And I – and I kept that for years, I did that one for years. It was my big closing at first night too.

    John: That is awesome, man. So what do your co-workers think about you doing comedy?

    Greg: They love it. Everybody’s always loved it. Now, it’s a weird thing because doing comedy, there’s – it’s kind of a double-edged sword because – because one of the things that like I had a – like a guy he used to be my boss here at the job I’m at right now. When we would meet like somebody new like we’d go and meet some new bankers or some new, you know, some new potential clients or something like vendors or something like that, he love like I’d, you know, we’d be having this meeting and I’d say something during the meeting that was funny and he’d say, “Oh, by the way, just so you know, Greg here, he’s a stand-up comedian.” And, you know, and then be like – like really stand and then all of a sudden he’s like, “Oh, you are? Tell us some of your jokes.” And he’s like, “No, that’s not…”

    John: Totally different.

    Greg: Yeah.

    John: It’s totally different. It’s just not in the comedy.

    Greg: So, the things that does – it’s a really it’s a great thing to talk about with people because stand-up comedy is not, you know, it’s one of those things where everybody is exposed to stand-up comedy, but I’d say like I didn’t know anyone who’d done stand-up before I started doing it. The subset of the population that does what we do is very small and there’s a lot of people who, I mean most people don’t know that they – don’t know anybody who’s ever even tried it. So, it’s a very interesting thing to – and people love having like co-workers love having conversations about. It’s a great thing my, you know, the guy I work with all the time, he’s, you know, it’s not uncommon for the Monday morning conversations to be, “So, do you have any gigs this weekend?” And we talk about that, so it’s, you know, it’s a fun thing to engage with. I think it’s, you know, obviously in accounting we’re not known particularly for our sense of humor and I love it that I can be at a meeting and everybody goes this guy is the accountant and because I’m in the industry, I don’t work at a CPA firm anymore, but like this guy is I can be there and I can – I can – I’m the guy who’s bringing levity to the meeting and that’s – that’s a great – that’s a great skill to have to be able to be the unexpected person who’s able to bring down people’s defenses and make – make it a funner place to be.

    John: Right. No, that sounds really fantastic. So, it’s obviously benefited your career.

    Greg: Yeah.

    John: In ways that you never would have even imagined.

    Greg: Yeah.

    John: You know stronger relationships with your co-worker you said.

    Greg: Right. Well, and even – and one other thing in terms of the career benefit, one of the things that was unexpected for me because as you know  one of the – one of the big times a year for us for booking gigs is Christmas time.

    John: Sure.

    Greg: And pretty much, so – so my job, I’m a comptroller for group of medical office buildings and I say comptroller because I’m able to choose my own title and I enjoy comptroller better than any – anything else. You can say CFO, you can say controller, I choose comptroller because it weirds people out. So, I’m a comptroller for group of medical office buildings, so there’s all these doctors, I don’t work directly for the doctors’ offices, I work for the actual physical building, but I have relationships with all the doctors’ offices that are here. So, I’ve been hired by several of the doctors’ offices that have offices in my building to do their Christmas party. And so, in preparation for these parties, I spend time with the office and I get to know what’s up with them and I – and I get to know their staff and, you know, the more, I mean you know how that works, you’re trying to do, trying to individualize to customize your performance for these things.

    And what’s happened is not only and so (a) I’ve been able to get to know these people and these companies in a very different way than I would just as the accountant, but then also you go there and fortunately I haven’t bond for anybody – any of these – these companies that – that are in my building and I’ve actually done quite well. And so, it’s cool because you, you’re not only developed the relationship from the prep work for customizing the performance, you also have this bond because you all laughed together and, you know, had this – had this great time together. I was able to facilitate their fantastic Christmas party so then we’ve always kind of, you know, so I kind of know some inside jokes with the buildings I know, you know, like there’s this one – this one office, I know that they – that they have a code word of strawberry and when – when a doctor tells one of the staff strawberry  as they leave in exam room, that means that they had a really stinky patient in there and that they need to go to use that room. I know that there’s another office, an oral surgeon’s office that their entire staff is convinced that the ghost of the oral surgeon who was in that office prior to the current oral surgeon haunts her office, they’re all a hundred percent convinced that their office is haunted. And I know that now and I’m able to bust their chops about their haunted office.

    John: Yeah. That is awesome.

    Greg: So, that’s been fanta – I mean that like I can’t even explain how cool that makes my job being able to – because basically these are my customers and they were my customers for my – for my moonlighting as a — as a comedian, but they’re also my customers from my day job and I have such a richer relationship with them because of the overlap of the two – the two roles.

    John: Right. Because you’re able to connect with them on a personal level as opposed to on  a transactional level as accountant-client.

    Greg: Yeah. It’s not just where is your rent? You’re late of your rent. It’s like…

    John: Yeah. That is so powerful, man. That is fantastic.

    Greg: Yeah. It’s really very – it’s been fantastic.

    John: Yeah. That is very cool. Now, before you got into stand-up pre-2002, I guess you weren’t even doing accounting, so…

    Greg: Right.

    John: …you know, maybe this question won’t apply, so we’re going to skip over that one.

    Greg: Okay. We edit that out then.

    John: Okay. We’re going to edit. Okay. [Laughs] And cut. [Laughs] What is this the second one you’ve ever done, Greg. Get on the horse. [Laughs]

    So, obviously having your manager introduced you as, oh, yeah, this guy does comedy and things like that, that makes it easy for you to let it out that that’s what you do?

    Greg: Right.

    John: Alright, but what might be some barriers that would have kept you from maybe sharing that you do standup at first because I would imagine that you didn’t let everyone know the first time you went on stage?

    Greg: I kind of did because…

    John: Oh, man, you’re crazy.

    Greg: Yeah. I did because when I start I was still a teacher, so teaching middle school when I did it. But I was totally excited about it and like I said I got some good – I got some good feedback right out of the gate, so I was feeling pretty juiced about this whole idea of doing stand-up. And so, I, yeah, so I – like even back then I was – like I was – I even told my students I would actually even try to get them to come to the shows.

    John: Oh, man.

    Greg: And when I was – when I got into – when I made the switch to accounting – well, actually funny story, when I was still a teacher the first time I headlined and the listeners can’t see the air quotes because that’s air quote headlined as a…

    John: Whenever anyone says headline, there’s always air quotes.

    Greg: Right.

    John: No matter who it is. Weird Al, you, anybody.

    Greg: Yeah. The time I did that was – it was on – I remember it was on a birthday and I – and I asked the principal of my school if I could use the theater in the school to do a show and I just wanted to see if – if I could do a forty five-minute set and if I could hold the audience for that. And so, I invited – obviously I invited all the teachers of the school, I invited everybody I knew and it went – it went okay, but I was like trying to incorporate that in there. Then when I switched over to accounting – well, actually – actually, sorry, even still back at the middle school, I started doing this thing, I had so much latitude, I don’t know why people gave me this much latitude to do stuff. But me and like the technology  teacher, I would like about once a week I would write jokes from the newspaper and I would just – I would just tell these jokes me and this one other teacher in his room he’d videotape them and it was called flying with the kite and it would just…

    John: Nice.

    Greg: ..the headline jokes from the newspaper and they play them once a week. I had – well, I had – I’d write them and then I’d ran them past the principal and she’d okay them and then we’d taped them and then they’d played them like after the morning announcements on the TV like I said once a week or something like that. And I actually have all of those on DVD. Again, I haven’t watched them for years, maybe won’t ever do that because I think they are pretty painful. But then – then I get into the accounting firm that I started at and I  was – and I started doing something similar to that to kickoff our staff meetings where I would write jokes based on the current issue of the Journal of Accountancy and I would decide…

    John: Oh, boy.

    Greg: …I’d go through the Journal of Accountancy, I’d write like, you know, five to ten based on articles in there. And I have a PowerPoint that I’d go to while I was doing it and it was awesome because – because it pissed off the general like the managing partner. He hated it, I could tell. He was like one time I talked about Ernie Almonte who was the – the AICPA president at the time and this guy goes, “That guy is a friend of mine, he’s a good guy, leave him alone.” This is from the managing partner of the firm and so I’m a little bit, you know, that – that makes me uncomfortable that…

    John: A little bit of a career limiting move like you’re not going to have your name on the door anytime soon.

    Greg: But there’s another partner that pulls me aside after one of our staff meetings and says, he says, ‘You know the only reason I come to these staff meetings is to see you part.” And so, I go, “That’s cool.” And what was really cool is there’s another guy, he was – he was just like maybe a – he was a peon like me at the time and he – and like I did one of my jokes and he goes – he goes, “Dude, that was totally cool, you know that joke was funny and I had no idea they had an article about that in the Journal of Accountancy.” Because nobody – everybody gets it, but nobody reads it and he’s like I needed to know that information. He’s like what page is that on and I was like, yeah, I’ll send you. So, it wasn’t just doing comedy, I was helping people, you know, do their job a little better by doing that at staff meetings. So…

    John: Yeah. No, that is awesome. So, did you put that you do comedy on your resume when you interview for your different positions?

    Greg: Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean that’s – although that’s something that I picked up just from I don’t even know where just general job, job seeker stuff is that people want to know that you’re three dimensional not just I help manage a multi-million dollar revenue company and I’m in charge of, you know, all financial statements, like no, tell something that makes you human as well. So, yeah, I’ve always put that on as like hobbies and interests as doing – doing stint.

    John: Yeah. I did as well and every interview would be three minutes on work experience and the next twenty seven on, “So, you so comedy? What’s this about?”

    Greg: Right. Right.

    John: You know for you I have two questions, what’s a comptroller? What is that mean and what’s this comedy stuff?

    Greg: Right.

    John: Like that’s every interview for you right there.

    Greg: Exactly. Yeah.

    John: That is awesome. So, like since you, were open to sharing, you know, your comedy with your co-workers and bringing it to work with you, what words of encouragement might you have for people that are holding back and, you know, what – how did that benefitted your career we obviously heard that, but do you have any words of encouragement that you could share?

    Greg: Yeah. I mean I think the one thing that I consistently hear through in the different – different organizations that I’m involved in different people that talking about, you know, the talent crisis all that sort of stuff is  that whole thing of like (a) our profession, the accounting profession it needs more – it needs people who have better soft skills. And in my estimation any – I mean obviously with stand-up comedy, that’s, I mean you’re talking communication skills out the wazoo, writing skills, you know, face to face communication skills all that stuff, you’re developing those with stand-up comedy.

    But I’d say regardless of your hobby, you’re developing different soft skills because you’re – because hobbies generally are things that you’re doing in a social setting and by being in that social setting, you’re helping to develop those soft skills. But also people, you know, it’s kind of like you said with the interview, people are so much more interested in – in what you’re going to bring to the table if they see you as being like a fully developed human being and not just – not just a CPA, not just an accountant, not just whatever you are, they want a – they want to know. It’s kind of the, you know, it’s the whole thing with like even reality television, people want to see real people doing real stuff and being real and authentic.

    And, I think, I mean I’m sure there’s got to be people who just love accounting for accounting sake, but I don’t – but anybody who…

    John: Those people are in tax.

    Greg: Yeah. That’s so true, [Laughs] so true. And they’re not partners they’re just managers that can’t get – can’t get past that because they have – because they’re horrible because they’re not fully formed human beings.

    John: That’s exactly it.

    Greg: And so – so I think – I think people just want to engage with you more when you’re more than just whatever it says on your business card.

    John: That’s an excellent point as far as, you know, developing skill sets that not everyone has because everyone else has that accounting background, everyone else has that experience, but what are you bringing to the table that’s totally different than everyone else or maybe even different than most people.

    Greg: Right.

    John: That soft skills that extra plus one to your skill set that really makes you stand out.

    Greg: Yeah.

    John: So, that’s really great, Greg. And so, I feel like we’ve really gotten to know you today, but I don’t feel like we get to know you fully until we give you my rapid fire seventeen questions get to know Greg.

    Greg: Bring them on.

    John: Here we go, superfast.

    Greg: Yes.

    John: Ready?

    Greg: Yes.

    John: PC or Mac?

    Greg: Mac.

    John: Balance sheet or income statement?

    Greg: Balance sheet.

    John: Favorite toppings on a pizza?

    Greg: Sausage and pepperoni. All meat, I’m all meat guy. If you got a meat like a like —

    John: Like stuffed meat crust in the meat?

    Greg: Yes. Give me…

    John: Pepperoni stuffed sausage.

    Greg: That’s it.  That’s it.

    John: Favorite cereal?

    Greg: Cinnamon toast crunch. Duh?

    John: Star Wars or Star Trek?

    Greg: Star Wars.

    John: Jeans or khakis?

    Greg: Jeans.

    John: Favorite number?

    Greg: 7.

    John: Favorite sports team?

    Greg: Seattle Seahawks.

    John: Boxers or briefs?

    Greg: Boxer briefs.

    John: Oh, you have to go throw in the curve ball.

    Greg: I can’t lie. It’s neither or the other. Tightly whities, no thank you. I chafed in my inner thigh. Boxers too loose, they’re not giving me the support I need I got to go boxer briefs.

    John: See this is where we’re past to get to know you. Now it’s like now I’m uncomfortable.

    Greg: If you really want to know we want to give you more specific, I ‘m going to say compression shorts.

    John: Oh, nice.

    Greg: That’s what we use. That’s what keeps it all right where it needs to be.

    John: That’s impressive. Sudoku or crossword puzzles?

    Greg: Neither. F both of those. I don’t know if we can swear on your podcast, so I’m just going to say F both of those.

    John: Name a movie that makes you cry?

    Greg: Oh, just Her. The movie Her, Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson.

    John: Favorite color?

    Greg: Blue.

    John: Least favorite color?

    Greg: We’re going to go like that lime green.

    John: Oh, yeah, that’s a good answer, yeah. Favorite ice cream flavor?

    Greg: AmeriCone Dream, Ben and Jerry’s. That’s the Stephen Colbert brand. I was…

    John: Big money guy.

    Greg: I was – yeah, well, the product placement was very persuasive and then I ate it and it’s amazing. I’ve got — honestly, they’ve got a sale and I got three pints of that waiting in my freezer right now. I swear I’ve [mowed] through like eight pints in the last two weeks. It’s horrible, I have a problem, but this stuff is awesome.

    John: Well, before we got to wheel you out. Three more. Favorite comedian?

    Greg: That would be Dane Cook. People will shun me, but I love Dane Cook.

    John: Pens or pencils?

    Greg: Pens.

    John: And favorite thing you own?

    Greg: I own a first issue of Marvel Comics’ Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Honest to God, there’s a Mother Teresa comics and I own issue number one. Do you know how many issues they made of that?

    John: One.

    Greg: One. And I have…

    John: And you own it. It’s the only one, they only printed one. It’s not like they printed hundreds. No, they printed one of this.

    Greg: Right. And for some reason an aunt or uncle of mine thought I needed it for Christmas and gave it to me.

    John: Well, that’s awesome. Well, feel free to tell everybody where they can find you because I know that you’re doing some cool things in the CPA world, so what’s your website?

    Greg: ComedyCPA.com is where you can find me on the internet. I also have a pretty active Twitter account at @gregkyte and you can check out like you can scroll through my history and see some hilarious accountant jokes on the Twitter profile so.

    John: There we go. Well, thank you so much, Greg. This was so cool to catch up with you again.

    Greg: You bet you, man, anytime.

    John: And I don’t want to keep you from your ice cream.

    Greg: [Laughs]

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