Episode 595 – Rafael Casas

Rafael is a Fintech Executive & Soccer Player & Jiu Jitsu Practitioner

In this episode of What's Your "And"?, host John Garrett sits down with Rafael Casas, the Director of Strategic Alliances and Partnerships at QuickFee. Rafael emphasizes the importance of discipline and work ethic, as he has honed these skills through playing soccer. He values the lifelong friendships he made on the field and highlights the importance of putting in time and effort. As a captain of his teams, he learned crucial leadership skills. Rafael also discusses his experience facing health challenges and how his background in Jiu Jitsu helped him mentally and emotionally. John and Rafael explore their ideal moments to time travel and discuss their personal interests, including their favorite travel destinations and their preferences for various aspects of everyday life. Tune in to find out more about Rafael Casas' journey and the impact of personal passions on work.

Episode Highlights

· Discipline and work ethic are crucial in both sports and the professional world.
· Playing soccer and practicing Jiu Jitsu have provided Casas with valuable skills that transfer to his career.
· Putting in time and effort is essential for success.

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Podcast Transcript

Rafael Casas:

Hi. My name is Raphael Casas, and when I’m not playing soccer or a jiu jitsu enthusiast, I’m listening to John Garrett on What’s Your “And”?.

John Garrett:

Welcome to episode 595 of What’s Your “And”? This is John Garrett, and each Wednesday, I interview a professional who, just like me, is known for a hobby or a passion or an interest outside of work. And to put it in another way, it’s encouraging people to find their and. Those things above and beyond your technical skills, the things that actually differentiate you when you’re at work. To put it another way, it’s the answer to the question of who else are you beyond the job title. And if you like what the show’s about, be sure to check out the award winning book. It’s on Amazon, Indigo, Barnes and Noble, shop, a few other websites. All the links are at what’s your and .com. The book goes more in-depth with the research behind why these outside of work passions are so crucial to your corporate culture.

I can’t say how much it means that everyone’s reading it and writing such nice reviews on Amazon. Thank you so much for that. And more importantly, changing the cultures where they work because of it. And if you want me to read it to you, that’s right. This voice reading the book, look for What’s Your Hand on Audible or wherever you get your audiobooks. And please don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast. You don’t miss any of the future I love sharing such interesting stories each and every weekend. This week is no different with my guest, Rafael Casas.

He’s the director of strategic alliances and partnerships at QuickFee based out of San Diego, California, and now he’s with me here today. Rafael, thanks so much for taking time to be with me on What’s Your “And”?.

Rafael Casas:

Thanks so much, John, for having me. It’s an honor. I mean, I’ve always followed you and followed your podcast, and and it’s just it’s an honor to be here and looking forward to having some fun.

John Garrett:

No. I appreciate it, man. And, yeah, we’ve known each other for several years, so it’s cool to, yeah, just link up and have it happen. So, I have 17 rapid fire questions. Probably should’ve asked you when we were hanging out in Chicago at the, bridging the gap conference, but didn’t wanna make it weird. So make it weird now. So here we go. How about your first concert.

Rafael Casas:

It’s really hard to pinpoint the first one because my dad and my mom would always take us to like these. Motown ones and like Delmar Fairgrounds when we were growing up. So it would be it would it was it’s a I’ve had that question before and it’s like difficult to pinpoint. So it could be like a Smokey Robinson or things like that. I It’s hard. I remember the ones when I’m older, but as a kid, I felt like it was always we’re just listening to concerts all the time.

John Garrett:

That’s very cool, man. I’m super jealous. That’s that’s awesome. How about a favorite color?

Rafael Casas:

Gosh. Blue?

John Garrett:

Solid. There we go. We can keep going. How about a least favorite color?

Rafael Casas:

That’s a tough one. I I I don’t think I have one, but that question always comes up because it thinks it reminds me of like a Mitch Hedgesberg Skit. Right? So I don’t I don’t really have one, but that one always reminds you of, like, the one where he’s like, oh, purple people. He’s like, wanna hang around with purple people. So

John Garrett:

Right. Exactly. Man, he was so funny. So funny. How about a favorite Disney character Or any animated character. I’ll take it, because I think Disney owns all of them now.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. Disney, I think, monopolized all of them now. You know what? It’s funny because my son just really got into teenage mutant Ninja Turtles. So we’ve been like, yeah, we got little outfit. He’s gonna be Raphael. Nintendo.

John Garrett:

There we go. Is that the red one?

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. The red one. So we

John Garrett:

got it. Alright. Yeah. That’s awesome. That’s super cool, man. How about, puzzles? Sudoku, crossword, jigsaw puzzle, Wordle, I guess? I don’t know.

Rafael Casas:

Gosh. That one’s a good one too. Rumi cube, actually, is kind of fun.

John Garrett:

I’ve always liked that one.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. Yeah.

John Garrett:

I haven’t gone to that one yet. So, alright. Now I got a new thing to do on planes. Check out. Alright. Very cool. How about, favorite actor or an actress?

Rafael Casas:

Again, this one, there’s so many good ones. I’ve always liked Daniel Day Lewis. He’s been I’ve really loved, You know? Yeah. Really insult me on those, on those movies. Yeah.

John Garrett:

How about, this is an important one, toilet paper roll. Are we going over or under?

Rafael Casas:

Oh, God. Over. The only time I’ve ever heard someone, it was funny. I was actually having dinner with some partners, and he was saying that They love the preschool that his kid went at, but they were teaching them how to, you know, unravel toilet paper. And so he had to make it under, so his kid unraveling. He’s like, can you guys please just not teach my kid to do this anymore? Because I’m wasting so much money on toilet paper.

John Garrett:

That’s awesome. That’s hilarious. Actually, it makes me wanna go be an elementary school teacher now. It’s like, oh, that’s great.

Rafael Casas:

I see, man.

John Garrett:

Right. All of a sudden, we have a a bunch of adults in 20 years who can’t do math, but they can unravel toilet paper. Like like, there we go. That’s hilarious. Bunch of zombies walking around with toilet paper. Here we go. Star Wars or Star Trek?

Rafael Casas:

Star Wars.

John Garrett:

Star Wars. Yeah.

Rafael Casas:

Star Wars for sure. Yeah. Ewoks, all that stuff.

John Garrett:

Oh, man. Yeah.

Rafael Casas:

My wife used to live in, like, Brentwood in LA for many years, and we were actually one time we were up there, we were having this new barbecue place to open and right next to me sitting They’re eating with me with Harrison Ford. I was like, no way.

John Garrett:

That’s incredible. Yeah.

Rafael Casas:

So Star Wars over Star Trek for sure.

John Garrett:

How about your computer, more of a PC or a Mac?

Rafael Casas:

PC, but I noticed a lot of your guys a lot of people on the podcast are like Macs. I’ve always been just, You know, I’ve been in the tech space for so long. For some reason, just PCs has always been, like, so much more familiar with me.

John Garrett:

Yeah. I mean, it’s how I grew up. So, like, I don’t know. It’s just easier that way. But, oh, oceans or mountains?

Rafael Casas:

Oceans. Because I live here in Encinitas and, like, By the ocean, you know, although I haven’t been bodyboarding and surfing for so long, like, I just it’s just so much humble, although mountains I love. But, you know, bound to love. But it’s always nice to come home to the ocean.

John Garrett:

Yeah. You can see both, sort of.

Rafael Casas:

For me, yeah. For me, I’m

John Garrett:

very lucky. So it’s like, alright. Like, there we go. Oh, this is a fun one. Shower or bath?

Rafael Casas:

Shower. I’ve always been a shower guy. Yeah. Exactly.

John Garrett:

And I’m an ice cream huge ice cream junkie. Are you in a cup or in a cone?

Rafael Casas:

Nostalgia cone, but, like, practicality, I’m always wearing a cup. I got a cup on.

John Garrett:

Yeah. There you go. Sometimes I try to smooth talk them and get the cone on top of like, a hat Yeah. Yeah. The cup. So then it’s everything. What’s a typical breakfast?

Rafael Casas:

We try to actually have pretty solid breakfast. Like, yesterday we did breakfast, tacos, but it’s like Bacon or sausage, eggs, potatoes, house browns.

John Garrett:

Wow. You got a whole legit diner going on. All right.

Rafael Casas:


John Garrett:

I like that. How about, a favorite number?

Rafael Casas:

21 for me. It’s always been my favorite number.

John Garrett:

Yeah. Was there a reason?

Rafael Casas:

Sports, growing up, you know, playing soccer as as Zidane. Was always a resistant. Oh, yeah. He’s my favorite player as growing up playing, and his number is 21.

John Garrett:

So Before he head butted somebody?

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. That was just pure passion.

John Garrett:

Right. Totally. I wish more companies had passion like that. Like, bam. That’s hilarious. Well, this is a fun one. Socks or shoes?

Rafael Casas:

I’d say, well, indoor socks, outdoor shoes.

John Garrett:

Okay. Yeah. No. That works. That works. Yeah. Because socks can be a little more fun and a little more

Rafael Casas:

creative. Exactly.

John Garrett:

2 more when it comes to books. Audio version ebook or the real book?

Rafael Casas:

The real book. I’d say the real book. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I sometimes it’s hard sometimes with a listening, like all I have podcasts. It’s I can do that, but like listening to books on tape, it’s puts me to sleep. So

John Garrett:

For sure. And the last 1, the favorite thing you have or the favorite thing you own?

Rafael Casas:

I’d say my sanity for now, I think is what I owe.

John Garrett:

Yeah. Yeah. Because it’s fleeting, so it’s gonna go.

Rafael Casas:

You and that’s debatable.

John Garrett:

You’re on this show, so kudos, man. That’s a I agree. You said yes to John. So, there you go. But that’s that’s totally a fair answer because yeah. It depends on the day, really. Totally. I can feel you on that one.

John Garrett:

So yeah. So let’s talk Soccer, and, you grew up playing?

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. Yeah. I actually grew up playing soccer and baseball. Although soccer, I think it was my first Love and always watching that. It’s funny you had Zack Gordon on, who’s a friend of mine, and he and I were kind of connecting on baseball and track. Cause like an off season, we would do those things. But yeah, now I grew up playing soccer at, you know, early, early young ages and, and then, you No, really just kind of fell in love with it, and I, I, a lot of my 1st soccer years are really formidable of, You know, it wasn’t even the game of soccer. Like I still, my 1st soccer coaches are still, you know, people that I see all the time and, And they would always laugh because I said, you know, you guys, you really you guys really helped me build like a foundation to be a really good soccer player going up.

Rafael Casas:

And they were, They’d always laugh and say, hey, we didn’t know anything about soccer. We just knew how to get you guys disciplined and formalized and standardized, and that’s all we’ve we’ve focused on. And was like, that

John Garrett:

was kid soccer. Yeah. Totally. Little kid soccer, man. That’s, like, impossible. I mean, it’s just like a herd of both Teams. Like, in in you have the 1 kid that’s over here, like, picking clovers or something, and they’re the ones who scores the goal because the ball pops out and they’re a wide open. Yeah.

John Garrett:

That’s impressive, man, to get

Rafael Casas:

kids into

John Garrett:

little kids.

Rafael Casas:

Bumblebee’s soccer. I coached my oldest one when he did it. And I, I remember I still to this day, I bring it up because One of the great because it was coed. 1 of the girls on my team came in with a tutu, you know, and she wanted to be like a ballerina soccer player. And The goalie was just trying to catch butterflies, and so it was

John Garrett:

really fun. Right? My niece, actually, she played goalie because she didn’t wanna run. And then I was watching a game. I mean, she was probably, like, 10, so she’s a little bit older, and she was tying her shoes and a ball just rolled right by her into the goal. You’re like, no. You gotta like, not only do you not wanna run, but now you’re tying shoes. Like, you gotta get out. Like, you there’s something better for you.

John Garrett:

Now she’s in theater, and she’s amazing. So it’s like, alright. Play to your strong suits there. There we go. But that’s awesome, man. So, like and but growing up and getting those fundamentals as young, you know, as that, then then you’re able to to play better As you get older, for sure.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. I think that’s something that I still always take along with me even to this day of just the discipline, you know? Because that’s, I think that’s so important. Because I think a lot of times these days, There’s a lot of entitlement, and people just don’t wanna put in that work. So it’s translated to me heavily in my my work ethic, I think along with my, like, My family, my dad, you know, coming from the Spanish and Mexican, you know, background, you know, that work ethic is such a strong thing to have.

John Garrett:

Yeah. That’s awesome, man. And and especially that crossover, you know, no one during college or any of your trainings is saying, you know, go, You know, play soccer because it’s gonna make you better at your job, but clearly it did from a young age, you know, and and that skill set translates.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I I have always kinda been grateful for that. It’s helped me along the ways of playing in high school and semi pro after High school and even play now, but ultimately you just, you know, I think you have to put in the time, you have to put in the effort and, You know, nothing should come really easy. If it comes easy, it’s probably not gonna be something that’s worthwhile.

John Garrett:

That’s a good point right there. There you go. And yeah. And it’s so I mean, like, what were some of your favorite moments from playing? I mean, you you obviously, you know, after high school semi, bro, it’s like, oh, well, you can’t accidentally say that. So, you know, that that’s awesome, man. You’ve had some cool success and and gotten to play with some really incredible players.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. No. I think, one big thing outside of just like the accolades and was just the fact that I got when I was playing in these club teams and other teams, I got to really meet expand my network and meet people that I didn’t go to school with. You know, so I was that was really cool that as I got older, they were still friends, but I didn’t get to see them day to day. And we had like a cool dynamic, but A lot of it was just, you know, in high school, you know, I was, you know, was able to get, like, an MVP and got these, you know, The military extinct, you know, US Army Distinguished Athlete Awards and All State and things like that. But, you know, I think The biggest thing was just making lifelong friends that I wasn’t necessarily seen in in school. So that was also like a really cool benefit. And then, You know, the things that I’ve always taken to from it was just, you know, again, really putting the time and effort.

Rafael Casas:

I was guys that I was looking up to and saying like they were in the gym before and after normal practice and really just, you know, they wanted to take that to the next level. And so it was a lot of Discipline and structure and mindset, the mindset’s super huge, especially at a young age.

John Garrett:


Rafael Casas:

I would always make it a point, when I wasn’t in a game or in a tournament, I would, you know, watch other teams play, watch other players that were playing really well and what they were doing and kind of how they were getting ready for those matches.

John Garrett:

Yeah. No. For sure, man. And do you have any, like, favorite games or moments that stand out As like, oh, that was I remember I mean, I remember once in in my senior year, scored a header to, like, game winner in overtime. I was like, That’s crazy. It’s like on a corner kick. Like, what? I didn’t even think the ball it kinda half hit my face. I didn’t did it on accident until I counted.

John Garrett:

You know, it’s one of those.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. It’s

John Garrett:

such a cool moment, you know, that you just never forget.

Rafael Casas:

One that I always still I think about this To this day, it was like, it was a final of the game. It was still zero zero, final of a tournament in high school. And, we had got this free kick, like, You know, it was just past halfway line, but I grew up playing defensive center mid. And so I ended up, I was like, Man, we just gotta get something going, and everyone pushed up front. I I actually went for the shot, and I was able to keep, but it didn’t go in, but The goalie couldn’t get it. He hit the crossbar and bounced off, and one of our forwards hit it, and we won the final. And I was like, it’s just how to go for it. Like, there’s no It’s so much more difficult where everyone’s getting tired going over time and, you know, penalty kicks.

Rafael Casas:

And so that was one where that was a huge game that where I went for it. I’m like, I Go for glory and see what happens.

John Garrett:

And, I mean, that’s far. That’s impressive, man. And, yeah, to get it on yeah. That’s that’s pretty cool, man. That’s that’s really cool. Yeah. I mean, it’s old stuff, Like, that’s that’s just super fun and the passion and the emotions that you felt, I mean, they come back. You know, as you’re telling the story, it’s like, oh, yeah.

John Garrett:

Yeah, that’s cool.

Rafael Casas:

And you learn a lot of leader leadership skills too. Because like I was, you know, captain of those teams and, you know, you have to like lead by Example. And those are big deals. Like especially now in leadership, you have to lead by example of you’re doing these things. That’s the only way that you’re gonna have like the rising tide of Your team, you know?

John Garrett:

Yeah. I mean, I growing up playing soccer and all through high school and stuff, you know, it’s mostly center mid and yeah. I mean, you’re sort of the quarterback ish. You know, it’s it’s the linebacker. It’s the what you know, you’re telling everything from the back as well. You see everything. So it’s like, alright. You call people out and you’re able to tell them everything.

John Garrett:

Yeah. That’s that’s super cool, man. That’s awesome. That’s so great. And and so are you playing soccer now? Or, like, how’s that journey been?

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. I’ve taken ebbs and flows. I even actually I didn’t, I was going to play in college and I didn’t because I was through high school. I was also in parallel bodyboarding, professionally bodyboarding, had Sponsors and and, and ended up kinda doing that because my head won my heart was halfway in it and I’m like, I don’t wanna do it. But I I’ve had ebbs and flows the last, God, I don’t even know when I graduated. In 1999, so 20 something years, but I’m playing and going back and, you know, early twenties when a lot of my Friends from college came back, and we all played on semi professional teams together. You know, I’ve had years of ebbs and flows, and I’m playing right now.

John Garrett:

That’s awesome.

Rafael Casas:

I actually ended up, I plan on a couple of really 18 and up competitive teams, and I’m by far the old. I’m playing for a team called the Red Bulls, and I was actually so I The reason with the last 6 months I actually started playing hardcore again is because my alma mater, my high school team was ranked 10th in the nation. And so I just saw that I was like, I wanna see if I can get in shape enough. And, you know, October, November of last year, I was trying to get fit again and Certainly not as fit as I am now, but I wanted to plan the alumni game, and it was really fun. So I got to play in it, and then we ended up being the team, but it was because 90% of the team was everyone still in college.

John Garrett:

Oh. The alumni team. Of the alumni team. Yeah. So they were Just, like, 2 years removed?

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. Yeah. Just a couple years removed. And then there was me, like, 20 years out.

John Garrett:

Right? Like, is is Coach playing? Like, who is this? Who’s dad is here? What is going on?

Rafael Casas:

And the the coach of the team actually was a guy that he and I grew up playing together. I played with his older brother, so it was really fun.

John Garrett:

That’s awesome. He’s even younger. Yeah. That’s hilarious. Younger. But good for you, man. Getting out there and, like, that’s what lights you up. So, I mean but I mean, in 18 over league, holy cow.

John Garrett:

Yeah. I pulled my hamstring just thinking about it. It’s like, oh

Rafael Casas:

my gosh. I’ve got my massage gun. That’s the thing that’s keeping me alive. So

John Garrett:

Okay. There you go. Yeah. Because I I played a little bit after I mean, just in, like, you know, adult rec type leagues, and my brain is like, yeah, I’ll totally chase that ball down. And then my body is, like, no, you are not. Like, it is not even clothed. Like, that ball is gonna hit the line. You it’s out of bounds.

John Garrett:

Like, just let it go.

Rafael Casas:

And it’s funny how your your game changes as you get older. Like you you you from an IQ standpoint, your IQ is better, but you’re also you’re like, what can I do with what I have?

John Garrett:

Exactly. Exactly. People call Messi out for not running a lot. It’s like that’s he’s killing it. Like, this sounds like he’s he’s doing very, very good job.

Rafael Casas:

It’s been efficient.

John Garrett:

Right? Exactly. Yeah. And so at the in the times when soccer wasn’t a thing, did you have an and, or did work fill that space?

Rafael Casas:

Yeah, I think I had an end with like jujitsu. Work really filled my space just because of like, you know, the technology side of things, the Technology, and that was always, I always loved learning there. But there was a very big point where I was probably 6 years into my career, and I I’ve always studied jiu jitsu and martial arts and mixed martial arts for a long time, and I I had an opportunity to really focus a lot of time on just doing jiu jitsu. And so I studied out of, at the time, this was like 2009, 2010 where I started, Like a full time jujitsu doing 2 times a day, and I was working at Sage in Irvine, and I was traveling all the way back down to San Diego, At the sports arena area to learn at the University of Jujitsu in San Diego, and that was Salo and John g Herbero. And at at that particular time, they were the biggest, you know, jujitsu school in the world. So there was a reason why, you know, I did lot of research of where I wanted to go and, you know, because it’s not, it’s not cheap.

John Garrett:


Rafael Casas:

So I was, I was spending a lot of time there and there was a lot of amazing Mixed martial artists that were there, and jujitsu legends that were there, and they themselves were jujitsu practitioners. And so it was an amazing time to be there, and it It helps in a lot of ways, business and personal kind of gets to where I’m at now.

John Garrett:

Yeah. And I mean, You gotta really wanna do that. I mean, twice a day and especially that far. Like, it’s like, man, you gotta that’s that’s not an accident. You know? And and you’re paying money to do it and your time. You know? Like, if if it was like, oh, well, I have to do that for my work. Well, yeah, they’re paying you. So you know? Alright.

John Garrett:

But that’s, you know, something that lights you up, and and it’s cool that you didn’t just let, you know, the container of and go empty. It was like, no. No. No. There’s something else to who I am, you know, not letting work be a 100% of who you were all the time. I think that’s important.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. Exactly. And I think it was something that I’ve I’ve been passionate about. I’m like, I just I wanna really make time to focus on this and do this and, you know, not just study and learn it, but have, You know, put effort into really doing this, and what was really, really, and I actually do a deeper dive session on this. I’ve done this session once on how jujitsu made me a better And I did it for digital CPA before, but I I do a much deeper dive on that now this year. But there is some really, really, you know, not just again from, like, The discipline and the camaraderie and the humbleness, and there’s just a lot of different aspects to it. But during that time, in that 1st couple years of me training, I actually had got sick, so I I, you know, I was training all the time, and I was trying to figure out, you know, I would, I had a lump in my throat, and I was figuring, you know, I I was getting different kind of tired, and coming from like the sports, you know, growing up in sports. I was like, yeah, I just gotta like suck it up, you know, I’ll get

John Garrett:

Yeah. Just run some dirt on it. Right?

Rafael Casas:

I’ll be fine. And I’ll be fine. But it was like a different kind of like tired. And and so I ended up going to the doctors and I ended up, you know, I found out I had stage 4 papillary thyroid cancer.

John Garrett:

Holy moly.

Rafael Casas:

So like that’s where that lump was coming in, because I was feeling tired, and I was Feeling this weirdness on my right side of my body, in my ear and head, and that actually prepared me, my professors and my team, like kind of Really prepared me mentally because a lot of the stuff that you’re doing in jujitsu, it’s so difficult because you’ve got people that are Putting pressure that feels like a £1,000 on your chest or you, you know, you a thing that you think you could but that I really learned and helped prepare mentally was You have to be yourself. Like when you’re in a 1 on 1 match, you can’t just like you’re either gonna try to fight out of it, get out of a bad position, Try to adapt to it, or just tap out and you’re done. Like, you’re just giving up. Like, that’s your personality. You just give up. And so You can’t hide yourself. Everyone puts on the gi the same way. The difference is the heart of if they wanna get out of something or work hard to get out of something, and then You couldn’t hide it.

Rafael Casas:

So it kind of really helped me strengthen, like, my spirit and my mind to be like, okay, this is, You know, a fight that I’m gonna go through, you know, I have to be in the right mindset. Even my doctors were like, you’ve been been a good mindset. And, you know, most people are really upset or just, You know, are are in a mindset of just resentfulness of what’s good with what they’re going through. And I was like, there’s nothing I can do. I have to just kind of I have to, you know, go through this. Have a good mindset about it, that, you know, know that things are gonna be okay. But it was also like, I was in a position where I felt like, okay, I’ve, you know, Almost like I’m I’m going into like the real fight, you know, like Yeah. Like a Jujitsu fight.

Rafael Casas:

It’s like, I just have to stay calm, and think one of the biggest things that I always took away from my professor at the time, you know, Salo Rivera was it’s not the go with the flow term you always hear. You have to flow with the go, because you’re gonna be have someone stronger than you, someone that’s

John Garrett:

You have to

Rafael Casas:

flow with what they’re doing. And so you You go with those movements, and and that’s one thing that I, you know, I have to flow with the go of what’s happening.

John Garrett:

I love it, man. And kudos to you. That’s impressive. Yeah. I mean, not only does it make you better at your job, but just life. I mean, I’m sure that there’s some things from work that make you better at life, but I have to believe that the things from your ends are significantly more at impacting your life than the things from work, you know. And and that’s Such a great point that I’ve never thought about really either. Just how much the difference between the 2, I guess.

John Garrett:

You know, skills that you learn at work versus skills that you learned from your end, which ones play into life more? And I’d have to believe it’s at the end For sure, especially based on your story.

Rafael Casas:

I agree. There’s a lot of adaptability and, you know, overlap on those things. Yeah.

John Garrett:

Yeah. No. Absolutely. But it is impressive, you know, just how much You’ve been like you know, there’s other parts of me that need nurturing and need attention and don’t leave them abandoned, You know, like, in making time and making it happen. You know? And so do you have any words of encouragement to people that are like, you know, I have an hand, but I don’t think people Care because it has nothing to do with my job.

Rafael Casas:

Yeah. I I always would say is the intellectual curiosity is just always try to be a sponge, trying to be like a kid and learn and, you know, what whatever is out there and to just go for it. You know? It’s there’s so many things out there that Are great opportunities that could be something that, again, you may be intimidated by, but I, you know, at least just trying it once to see. It’s like Eating food as a child toddler. Like, just try it once. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to do it again. But at least try it. Right?

John Garrett:

Yeah. I love it, man. That’s so great. Well, I feel like it’s only fair to turn the tables since I peppered you with questions at the beginning. We’ll spin it around here and make it the Rafael Casas podcast. Thanks for having me on. And, whatever questions you wanna ask, I’m all yours.

Rafael Casas:

So one thing that I was so Nike or Adidas? Do some rapid fire here.

John Garrett:

Yeah. You know, I’m gonna go Adidas. Just growing up, I had the Copas, and then Nike was also too narrow for my foot. So but I I had the, and my senior year, we were able to do oh, no. Wait. You know what? That was my junior year. My senior year, Lobo had just come out, and they had this, like, all black. Oh, man.

John Garrett:

They were sweet. I think I’m a girl. Leather. Yeah. They yes. They were sweet. I wasn’t, like, hitting crossbars from midfield good, but, like, you know, they they were pretty good. I think it’s

Rafael Casas:

What’s the most gosh. Because I know you’ve traveled a little bit here and there. What was the most impressive place you’ve been to around the world?

John Garrett:

Wow. Yeah. So, I mean, I know I mean, Cape Town is just a cool city. That’s come up many times. But maybe Iceland? Because it’s just like a the whole island is like a national park. I mean, it’s like, you’re you’re not going there for the food. You know? But there are waterfalls, I don’t know. Every 100 yards.

John Garrett:

And I mean, they’re not little. They’re huge. And it’s just such a cool nature playground, and it’s not As frozen tundra as you think, but they do have glaciers so you can, like, run and, you know, do all that. You can it’s just a cool place. I mean, black sand beach. It’s just like stuff where you’re like, this is crazy. It’s just like all these cool Earth things and the same tiny island. So, yeah, that’s probably the place where I was just like, man, this is this is crazy.

John Garrett:

This is awesome.

Rafael Casas:

I’ve flown over it, but never had a chance to do it. And then the other question I had was you. If Three people from history, dead or alive, that you could have dinner with.

John Garrett:

That’s a good one. That’s a good one. Gosh. You know, part of me would be, like, super philosophical about it and have it be, like, I don’t know, Buddha and Jesus and somebody from, like, the Hindu space, I don’t know, and just be like, yo. Are you guys really that much different or, like, are we all kinda like, are we all under the same umbrella? Like, is it is there, like, a bigger one that you guys are all 3 poles on? Like, what’s, You know, but I think that that would be that would be pretty trippy. Just the the amount of overlap between Yeah. Of them. And No.

John Garrett:

I agree. Yeah. I think that would be cool.

Rafael Casas:

That lads leads to my last one because this is always one that I’ve always like, it’s difficult for me. Like, if you could go one day back in time anywhere in history, like, where would you wanna be going to?

John Garrett:

Yeah. Man, like, that’s such a good one too. Yeah. I mean, there’s so many, like

Rafael Casas:

For me, it was always a toss-up.

John Garrett:

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Like, if if I know I’m gonna survive and it’s just an experience, like, I think the D Day landing because that’s crazy. Like, crazy. Like, what? Like, you’re gonna be in these, like, little boats that aren’t really they’re just kinda land like, they’re more for transporting cargo. And then, like, we’re just gonna ram into a beach, and you just run. And it’s like, holy cow. Like, that’s Crazy.

John Garrett:

So I don’t know why that came to mind. I mean, my grandpa was d day plus 12, so maybe it’s a little bit of that nostalgia from him. But but that’s kind of a A crazy moment where you’re just like, man, I don’t even know. Like, you know, and then and then the next day, we come back to 2023, and we’re all good.

Rafael Casas:

Yep. That’s funny you brought the survival thing because too, if like you know you’re gonna survive, for like me it was always I wanted to see what ancient Egypt looked like, Or I wanted to see what, like, what the ice age looked like. People have survived the ice age. Like

John Garrett:

There you go. Oh, wow. You show up with your, like, smartphone taking video. Wait. What? Like, it’s like a Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure. Exactly.

Rafael Casas:


John Garrett:

Right? Yeah. No. Yeah. No. Exact I mean, that’s that’d be super cool too, I guess. Yeah. I mean, I went all the way back 60 years Or 80 years, I guess. But, but, yeah, it’s like, no.

John Garrett:

No. There’s further back, John. I was like, oh, yeah. Good point. Like, it’s but I mean, so many Cool moments to just, you know, experience that. Yeah. Man, that gets me thinking. Yeah.

John Garrett:

Man, your podcast is so much deeper than mine. I like it. That’s good. Like, it’s But thank you so much for being a part of What’s Your Hand. This was super, super fun.

Rafael Casas:

Oh, thank you so much. This is I mean, I’ve this is such a fun podcast, and, you know, I keep love comedy just like me, and I, you know, I love just getting to know and when being a part of something special like this. Thank you for having

John Garrett:

Everyone listening, if you wanna see some pictures of Raphael in action or connect with him on social media, be sure to go to whatsyourand.com. All the links are there. And while you’re on the page, please click that big button to The anonymous research survey about corporate culture, and don’t forget to check out the book. So thanks again for subscribing on Apple Podcasts or whatever app you use and for sharing this with your friends so they get the message that we’re all trying to spread that who you are is so much more than what you do!

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