Episode 67 – Jennie Moore

Jennie skates her way to better client connections


Jennie Moore has been figure skating since she was very little. It’s something almost everyone does growing up in Canada. Even today, she continues to perform in competitions and can be found practicing at the skating rink alongside her children. She doesn’t want to brag but she’s gotten very good at lacing up skates for a whole row of kids.

In this episode, we talk about how much figure skating has impacted her business career. From self-correcting to being able to accept coaching to listening well, she has always remembered that it truly takes a team to become great. She also feels that sharing her figure skating with coworkers — even scheduling meetings around practice — has lead to more engagement and has helped her firm blossom. She says, “People want to know you’re human. If you care about their personal lives then they realize you care about them as a person.”

Jennie Moore is the founder of Moore Details Bookkeeping. In 2016, Intuit recognized the firm as a finalist for the “Global Firm of the Future Contest”.

She graduated from Loyalist College with a degree in Accounting and Finance. Since then she has received her Level 3 Certified General Accountant and Payroll Compliance Practitioner Certification.

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Jennie skates with her 3 girls

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    John: Welcome to Episode 67 of the Green Apple Podcast where each Wednesday I interview a professional known for a hobby or a passion, making them stand out like a green apple in a red apple world. And by doing so, these professionals not only work more interesting and fun, but their careers have benefited from having stronger coworker relationships or maybe stronger client connections or even a unique skill set that others don’t have. And there are so many stories to be told so I’d just like to let you know that I’m always interested in finding new guests for the show.

    So please let me know if you or someone you know has a life outside of work, just send me a message at greenapplepodcast.com. And while you’re there, please take 60 seconds and click that big green button, do my anonymous research survey for the book I’m writing about this whole Green Apple message. It’ll really help me out and it takes less than a minute to do, I promise, so thank you so much for doing that.

    Okay, now it’s time for me to introduce this week’s guest, Jennie Moore, who started Moore Details Bookkeeping several years ago and last year was named Canada’s Intuit Firm of the Future finalist. She’s doing some amazing things and I’m so lucky that she’s able to take time to be with me today. Rather than give your full introduction, Jennie, how about I’ll let you tell everyone a little bit about where you’re at now and how you got there.

    Jennie: Oh, wow. I got to tell you, where I am now and how I got here, it just seems like it’s just been a tornado of events. First and foremost, I broke it on my own coming from a corporate life, working long hours. Everybody knows this story, right, I don’t need to be preaching this story per se but I think you feel my pain.

    John: Yes.

    Jennie: When I became a mom, which is awesome, I decided to break it on my own and create Moore Details Bookkeeping. And so baby number one came along and apparently I wasn’t busy enough so I decided to have two more children. So three children within six years and one growing practice.

    John: Oh, wow.

    Jennie: When I say that those years were crazy, I mean those years were crazy, like really crazy, and where I got to where I am now was basically learning what my pain points were. The technology that was available to me at that time was what I was taught in school, what I used in corporate life, very traditional, lot of paper. It was like the code of conduct to photocopy something four times and have 16 people look at it and then we’d have a board meeting about it, right? But the truth is is that when I broke it on my own, I was still using these traditional work flows and what I thought was a good idea, breaking on my own and start a business, ended up being something that was a lot harder than working full-time and working those long-term hours.

    John: Oh, for sure. Yeah.

    Jennie: Yeah, right. An entrepreneur is an entrepreneur’s dilemma. So after really doing some soul searching, looking at my values, looking at where I want to be, being visionary, looking to where I want to be, I realized something needed to change and that’s when I adopted the Cloud movement and all the great applications with that.

    And that’s really what enabled me to be able to speak to you today, John, is just making the time to change, accepting change, and now I’m able to share my story quite a bit with other individuals. It’s been a very busy journey of a very supporting husband, three amazing kids and they’ve always been in my back corner to help me and be my cheerleaders even when I fell down on my face, if you will, stand back up and keep going.

    John: That’s great.

    Jennie: And now we have a great, I could only say the word work-life balance but really it’s just harmony, right?

    John: A great life.

    Jennie: You just make it work.

    John: Yeah, you’re right, exactly. And thanks to Al Gore and the internet, that’s what made it all happen, so there we go.

    Jennie: Right.

    John: That’s awesome. So one question I love to ask everyone is just how did you get into accounting?

    Jennie: I think it all starts out with accounting professionals, we tend to have this passion to help. Once we boil everything down with somebody, we tend to realize that they come into accounting because they want to help a business or they want to help. Or maybe because they’re such a control freak that they know that they’re correct because they have a balance sheet which, by the way, is me.

    John: Right, okay. There it is.

    Jennie: I was really good at doing puzzles when I was a kid, I had a lot of great teachers in school that really encouraged me with that. When I realize that with reconciling, it was like this accomplishment like you know, like you know, like you freaking, freaking know that you’re right. I really wanted that job because no one could contest with me. I know I’m right, I reconcile.

    John: Right. Oh, man.

    Jennie: Yeah. Perfect for a type A personality.

    John: Exactly.

    Jennie: So that’s where I went, that’s where I got my drive.

    John: All right. So ever since you were little and then all through maybe high school and then yeah, and then just encouraged that to keep going.

    Jennie: Yeah. I got to see like right off the bat, it probably wasn’t like I woke up and realized, “Oh, I want to be a bookkeeper.” What I wanted to do was solve problems for people. I wanted to solve puzzles, I liked finding solutions, and that’s really what I do today. When I look at my inner kid self, we’re just like having so much fun. It’s like I’m doing exactly what I want except now I’m getting paid to do it.

    John: Right, which is like surreal. And when you can prove that you’re right because it’s reconciled and it’s Math and then there you go.

    Jennie: That’s right. Yeah, girl got skills, exactly.

    John: Right. See, I was the exact opposite. I started out in something else and then backed into accounting which probably explains why you’re still doing it and I’m not. Somebody once asked me, “So do you maintain your license?” and I said “I’m about 300 hours behind on my CPEs, I think so.” That’s a no, that’s definitely a no.

    So when you’re not like ruling the accounting world, what kind of hobbies or passions do you love to do nights and weekends and when you have that little bit of free time.

    Jennie: Oh, yeah. I’m going to play the cheesy card and it’s the truth. It’s spending time with my family, that’s really what’s important. I mean that’s the reason why I made the change in the first place, right? I didn’t do it because for really anything else, that’s really what I value is my family.

    And with that, it’s so much to spend time with each other, frankly, you put both of us in a room for an hour and we end up screaming and yelling. I mean, my God, that’s called family. It’s also called love. But we need to do other things, right? So what we do is up here in Canada, we call it figure skating, down South you all call it ice skating. So there is an official definition for everybody that’s following this podcast now on. You can call it figure skating.

    So I grew up being a figure skater, where I come in early stage and perfect for type A personality. I did a lot of coaching as well for younger students as well, it really brought out that drive to help people and really push myself. It also brought out some pretty amazing skill sets that I never thought at the time I would apply to business. And it’s so nice now that I am still an adult figure skater at 38 years old. Yes, I just got a brand new pair of skates and I’m out there trying my best at doubles. But am I going to make it to the Olympics next year? Oh, no.

    John: I was going to say “Come on.

    Jennie: I mean I might be there as a volunteer, does that count?

    John: Okay, all right. Do you know how to lace up skates? Are you good at lacing? You can tie a bow like a double knot?

    Jennie: Oh, you have no idea. Okay, so let me roll out this vision for you. So me and my kids, I pick them up in a minivan because I’m a mama. So I’m working from home, working on Moore Details Bookkeeping, I go to the local school, I pick up all my litter of kids, if you will. We’d go to the arena, they sit down on the bench one by one by one, and that’s all I do is I lace skates for like first ten minutes and randomly shove food in their mouths as well. And then they get on the ice, I warm up, I put my skates on and then we’re out there.

    The really interesting and epic moment that I get, being on the ice as mature as I am, but yet being there for my children that are also learning the sport as well and I’m not coaching them, I don’t want to be a coach frankly, I want to be their mom. But to have this creative outlet where what I do, I love what I do but it can take a lot of energy and when I can redirect that to something I like and really just punish myself after a long day, like trying to do a new spin or trying to do a jump or just trying to stand on my own two feet because really, some days that’s just what it’s like.

    John: Sure.

    Jennie: It’s great. It’s a wonderful experience and it’s really what we do, that’s what life’s like in the Moore household.

    John: That’s awesome. When you say figure skating, I mean this is like doing twirls and jumps and —

    Jennie: You got it.

    John: This isn’t just like out there just trying to get around.

    Jennie: Oh, no. Exactly, I’m a nomad.

    John: That’s right. No. I mean I’m just making sure, that’s impressive, that’s awesome. That’s a lot of falling and getting back up and I mean that’s an excellent metaphor that everyone talks about with business and what have you. But yeah, that’s so cool. So do you do like an outfit?

    Jennie: Well, I got to tell you though and I’m trying not to give you this vision and I apologize for everyone that’s listening. I have given birth to three children so wearing those nice cute tiny little outfits, I got to tell you just doesn’t make things look real bright. So I’m very good at different types. So the answer to your question is yes, but maybe not as quite as what you would expect.

    John: Not like you see on TV. Got it.

    Jennie: That’s right.

    John: All right, that works. You’re not the 15-year-old child in the Olympics anymore.

    Jennie: Exactly, right. I got mommy bumps, let’s put it that way.

    John: No, that’s awesome. I think that’s so cool that you’re out there doing it and that you’re still doing it from when you were a kid. And like you said, the most rewarding thing is just being out there with your kids and showing them the passion and the love for something besides work, it’s really neat. That’s really cool.

    Jennie: Yeah, so many things to learn from that sport. Like even right now, even today, it constantly reminds me the things I need to build in my practice. Can I take a couple of minutes and maybe tell you some of those?

    John: Yeah. I was going to say that. That’s exactly where I was going.

    Jennie: What does figure skating got to do bookkeeping?!

    John: That’s exactly where I want to go is how cool this passion is and that you’re out there doing jumps and twirls and all the stuff that I can barely do on tennis shoes.

    Jennie: You come up to Canada, I’ll show you how to do that. We’ll have you tapping trees for maple syrup and figure skating in no time.

    John: Right, I’ll need two knee braces in no time. It’ll be awesome.

    Jennie: That’s great. But by then, I’ll be sending you back home…

    John: Right, exactly. But I’m curious to hear, what are some of the skills that you have developed from doing the ice skating, figure skating, I apologize. I almost messed up. And then the figure skating that translates to work.

    Jennie: Okay, well let’s just start with a couple of things. Let’s start with listening. That sounds strange but the skill of listening I believe is very undervalued in a lot of aspects. But in figure skating, we’re taught to listen very well and I just don’t mean while the music is playing, listen to the beat of the music. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I totally get that. No, the stuff I’m talking about is that the person that’s going down the ice about to do a double axel and you’re in their way. And they say, excuse me. You listen and you get out of the way. I mean that’s the funny side of it, right? It’s very important for self-preservation that you listen when you’re a figure skater. By the way, if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of somebody doing the double axel landing it on you, it really only takes once.

    John: Right, I can believe it.

    Jennie: I mean, let’s face it, we’ve got blades on our feet and they are sharp.

    John: Yes, yes. I mean, gosh. They look like they’re tiny individuals but when they’re flying and spinning with that torque, that’s awesome.

    Jennie: Oh, yeah. You give all momentum.

    John: So I should just yell “Excuse me” before I even get out there like, “Hey, everybody, excuse me.”

    Jennie: “Excuse me!”

    John: Exactly. I imagine that on the other side are some F-bombs and some other words but I said it.

    Jennie: Who is this John guy?

    John: Exactly. He’s an American, don’t worry about it.

    Jennie: I call them your collaborators because really in figure skating, it is an individual sport, right? It’s not like we’re a hockey team going out there and winning the Stanley Cup but it really is an individual sport. Listening to your coaching team and this is really important to me. So I have about four coaches at any one time that helps me. Wait, I’m 38, for crying out loud, I need all the help I can get, right?

    So what does that mean? It means I have to listen to them. When they tell me I’m off balance, I’m going into — Well first of all, I know when I’m off balance, let’s just face it. But when they tell me that the reason why I’m off balance I’m going to listen to that and self-correct. So I’ve been taught how to receive mentorship or coaching from a very early, early stage. And what I mean by that is when you have a coach that’s like screaming at you and telling you to do it right — no, I don’t have any of those coaches anymore — but you learn pretty quick to listen.

    John: Well, yeah, because that’s when your parents were paying for them.

    Jennie: Yeah, that’s what my parents were — yeah. They’re not paying for it anymore but I am.

    John: Exactly, yeah, that’s excellent. It’s just taking guidance and yeah, I’d certainly believe that as an athlete you certainly have a leg up on people that can take some criticism, take some coaching, take some guidance and realize that you’re not the smartest person in the room at the time and maybe someone else can help you out with that.

    Jennie: It’s called teamwork, right? You nailed it, John. You need to listen to that feedback, you are not the all-star all the time, it’s your team that’s the all-star. For me, that what it’s like in my practice right now, I have a phenomenal team that somehow managed to get my poor key type A personality and haven’t ran for the hills yet. So I’m very, very … and no, nobody else can.

    John: Right.

    Jennie: But really, that’s really what it is the team of coaching that I’ve always had growing up and it’s not that I’m an all-star athlete, I’m just in it really for fun and fitness. But I do have a team of coaches that help me and taking direction from them, all of us were in together to attain an objective, but maybe it’s just me finishing my solo without collapsing and meeting the paddles on the …

    John: That’s a huge win. That’s a huge win.

    Jennie: That’s a good day. That’s a really good day when Jennie doesn’t fall on her face at the end of a solo, and I sweat like a pig but that’s a different story. But it’s taught me to be that for my team, to be that mentor, to provide that constructive feedback to define the team members that will take it, right?

    John: Yeah. Do you still compete? Do you do routines if you will?

    Jennie: Yeah, I do. Again, not in those little dresses you’re envisioning.

    John: No, no, no. Not at all but I mean you’re out there with the music and you’re all by yourself.

    Jennie: It’s like I have snowsuit from Canada, I got this like…

    John: One of those big sumo costumes that people ran into each other, those big blow-up things.

    Jennie: I’m just going to do that and record it and give it to you.

    John: I would totally be out there in that and just “Excuse me, excuse me!” Why is everyone else on the ground? Because that big fat John is out there with his big sumo suit.

    Jennie: Hey, that’s one way to knock out the competition, John.

    John: Pretty much. I got zero bruises from my figure skating, I’m just going to tell everybody that. I don’t have to say that what I was wearing but it doesn’t matter, it’s all good. How often do these competitions happen then? I mean I think that’s great.

    Jennie: We have about two in a year. It’s really obviously for people our age.

    John: Sure, sure.

    Jennie: I mean let’s face it, we’re a bit of an anomaly and that’s another thing that’s taught me about business. So what, so what that you’re different? Go with it and have freaking fun.

    John: Yeah, yeah.

    Jennie: Naysayers and haters, go for it Fine. But I’m still going to go for fun.

    John: Yeah, so is this ice skating or figure skating? For me, it’s ice skating clearly. No, it’s figure skating.

    Jennie: Okay, from now on we’ll call it figure skating ice skating for our…

    John: No. They’ll pick up, it’s figure skating. It’s just when I do it, it’s barely ice skating. It’s ice, it’s really what it is. But the figure skating, do you talk about this at work? Do your clients know about this, the rest of your team?

    Jennie: Oh yeah, yeah. They know it because our schedule has to change sometimes because of figure skating. Like if the girls are preparing for a competition we might need to cut a day short or I have to pick them up at school. I have an amazing assistant. Her name is Tamara. No, nobody else can have Tamara.

    John: Right.

    Jennie: Tamara is awesome, she totally gets the work life thing that I have going on. So yeah, I know that. They cheer them on. When they’re at competitions, we’ll have little pictures of whatnot and they just get it.

    John: Yeah.

    Jennie: So what? For me, it’s figure skating. Someone else, it might be lifting weights, for someone else, it might be painting, whatever.

    John: Binge watching Netflix, whatever you got to do, I mean whatever the thing is. It doesn’t even have to be –everything you’re saying involves exercise. I’m like whoa, slow down Jennie.

    Jennie: I’m okay.

    John: Eating ice cream. I mean I’m a huge ice cream fan, just like by the tub.

    Jennie: I need to go to an ice cream tournament, that would be great.

    John: Forget about it, don’t even enter. I already got the trophy, it’s over. But so when you bring in the clients and maybe a new team member, does it just come up organically or is it right out of the gate? Like “Look, figure skating, it’s what I do.” Or how does that happen.

    Jennie: Yeah, yeah. It’s not like right off the bat, saying “Hi, my name is Jennie Moore. I’m an adult figure skater.” No, it doesn’t go that way.

    John: It sounds more like an intervention.

    Jennie: It does, it sounds like I need an accountability partner, doesn’t it? What makes it unique and the reason why the clients know about my personal life is because I have a personality.

    John: Okay, there you go.

    Jennie: And with that, I build relationships with my client. We don’t have a practice that’s huge in a sense of volume of clients. We don’t. We deal with high value clients. So we’re looking —

    John: In more depth.

    Jennie: That’s really where our metric is. When I look at …, we’re looking for building a relationship with a client and we actually reject about 95% of inquiries that come to our firm just because they’re not the fit. It doesn’t mean they’re not a fit for Cloud technology or a bookkeeping professional in general.

    John: They keep saying ice skating and it’s like you’re done, you’re out. What’s wrong with that?

    Jennie: Yeah, they keep saying ice skating and saying that I suck at eating ice cream.

    John: So far, I’m two for two.

    Jennie: So when we build relationships with clients, I mean yeah, of course, we’re professional, we’re on the business side. But we understand at Moore Details Bookkeeping that the bookkeeping engagements is far more understood and we get better results when we open up and talk about our personal lives. And maybe not for me, it’s not I’m going to tell them “Oh, my hips are really sore”, I’m not going to get all like Debbie Downer on them. But when we involve our personality with those relationships, it really helps us blossom and help them grow and feel comfortable. Like for many of my clients, I know stuff about them that their own spouses don’t even know. And it’s not that it’s in a weird way, it’s the relationship because we understand that personal effects business, vice versa. Go figure, right?

    John: Yeah, right.

    Jennie: Yes, they know about figure skating; yes, they ask about the kids, how they’re doing. Do they come to their birthday parties and give us presents? No, that would be weird. Or maybe they should.

    John: Right. Tamara, get on that right away.

    Jennie: Yeah, maybe they could bring ice cream. But you know what I mean, right?

    John: Yeah.

    Jennie: It comes out naturally and then I’m at something, maybe they’re in the baseball or hotkey or whatever, we have something else to talk about that kind of destresses maybe a difficult topic to overcome as well

    John: Yeah, that’s excellent, that’s really important. And I love how you said that it helps you blossom, that that relationship gives you that freedom to serve the clients better and that’s really great where if you didn’t open up, if you didn’t share, if you didn’t show your personality, then none of that would happen.

    Jennie: Yeah. Sorry. Totally type A came and then interrupted you John, I apologize.

    John: No. This is your show. This is all you, Jennie.

    Jennie: Oh, is it? It’s now the Jennie Moore Podcast?

    John: Exactly.

    Jennie: Okay.

    John: Right. And it’s figure skating.

    Jennie: This is the thing, think about going to the doctor’s office — and I apologize for anybody that may be in the situation that they need to do this right now — but you feel uncomfortable, right? And you want to make sure that the practitioner you’re talking to is compassionate and that they care — same thing for accounting professionals, just different diagnosis. And when we show that we care about their personal lives, we care about them as a person, we care about their relationships, that’s where we start forming those bonds.

    John: Yeah, that’s awesome.

    Jennie: People are going to start picking on the mike that my 85-pound Golden Retriever has joined the conversation.

    John: Oh, that’s excellent. No, very good. Welcome to the show. That’s great. We’ll get Duke’s picture in there and we’ll be all good. Yeah, I think that this is so fantastic. And I guess when you think of maybe bigger organizations and ones maybe that you were a part of before you started your own or your team is how much do you think it’s on the individual to be willing to share, or how much is it on the organization to create that culture to allow it to happen?

    Jennie: I’m going to say it’s both but it’s definitely for the corporation or the employer or the organization to foster it, like none of this, let’s get down to brass tacks kind of stuff. Let’s really have these team building exercises. Maybe it’s playing golf in the hallway which one of my friends does in her organization.

    John: Oh, that’s fantastic.

    Jennie: Really, I can’t have that with an 85-pound golden retriever at home because he just hides the golf ball. But I don’t care what it is, maybe you all go out for a walk or eat a sandwich together or I don’t know, but just being able to foster relationship is important for the organization. If you’re expecting people to be a number, they’re going to leave you eventually.

    John: Absolutely, absolutely. From your business, clients are the same way. I mean if you just treat a client as a number, then they’re out.

    Jennie: Exactly. Yeah, the biggest question I get is, “Jennie, what’s your conversion rate? How many clients? How many this, how many that?” I’m like “Well, there is your first problem right there why you’re not succeeding. You’re treating them like a metric. You’re treating them like a number and they’re going to feel it.”

    No, you got to kind of get away from that. I mean, obviously, profitability is important, TPIs are important, but you need to make sure if you are flicking people and then using a conversion rate, then you need to make sure that ratio for people associated with it and those relationships are being fostered. I don’t care what business you’re in. If you’re working on high volume, chances are at some point, being compassionate, building relationship is going to take into effect and to — what do they call that when they eventually drop off? There is a certain word for it and I can’t think of it right now because I’m not being smart. But, basically, people eventually toggle off because they’re not getting what they want.

    John: Right, yeah, exactly. Just interest wanes and I’m out, there you go.

    So it sounds like with the figure skating, you shared pretty much all through your career, what might be some words of encouragement to others that maybe “I figure skate but no one else does and no one is going to be interested in it” or what have you. Do you have any words of encouragement of how this helped?

    Jennie: How figure skating helped with bringing it into my business…

    John: Or any words of encouragement to people that have a hobby or a passion that maybe they’re reluctant to share.

    Jennie: No, don’t be reluctant. No, people are going to know you’re a human being. I mean let’s face it, us as accounting professionals, we get a bad rap for being born in the first place. Don’t add to it.

    John: Right, yeah. Don’t perpetuate the stereotype, right?

    Jennie: Hey, if you like knitting scarves, tell the world you love knitting scarves.

    John: Yes, because you probably do it the most frugally way possible.

    Jennie: Exactly. Maybe you spin your own yarn, maybe you have an alpaca in your backyard. I don’t know.

    John: Right, and if you do, I want to hear about it on the podcast, just as a side note.

    Jennie: That’s right. I’ll jump in immediately.

    John: I think this is so awesome. Like you said earlier, so what that you’re different, own it and then be you. I think that’s great. That’s awesome.

    Before I fly up there to Canada and we figure skating and I yell “excuse me” 17 minutes, I do have my rapid fire 17 questions that I like to run everybody through before I see if we should really hang out. So let me fire up this machine here. So here we go. First question, do you have a favorite color?

    Jennie: My favorite color is royal blue. Not blue, royal blue.

    John: I hear you, I hear you. Do you have a least favorite color?

    Jennie: I don’t like red.

    John: Red? Yeah, I don’t trust anybody who likes red, starting with my brother. But how about pens or pencils?

    Jennie: Oh, I love pencils. I love pencils.

    John: Okay, all right. How about Sudoku or crossword puzzle?

    Jennie: Crossword puzzles, come on.

    John: Yeah, all right. Some of these are easy, some of these are soft balls. Diamonds or pearls?

    Jennie: Pearls.

    John: Okay. Star Wars or Star Trek?

    Jennie: Oh, Star Trek: The Next Generation. I really loved all that, yeah.

    John: Okay. Do you have a favorite actor or actress?

    Jennie: Peter Swanson.

    John: Oh, okay. Yeah, sure. When it comes to computers, PC or Mac?

    Jennie: Mac. Hello, Mac.

    John: I’m not even allowed in the Mac stores, I’m not even cool enough, so yeah. How about a favorite topping on a pizza?

    Jennie: I love a bunch of stuff.

    John: Okay, load it up.

    Jennie: And I don’t like a lot of meat on my pizza. So I like things like caramelized onions, peppers, mushrooms. You know, if you want to put a little bit of pineapple on there, that’s fine. Different types of cheeses like not just regular mozzarella. Now I’m hungry for pizza, John. You can go order me one.

    John: That’s what I do. Pizza and then you’re going to want ice cream right after?

    Jennie: That’s right.

    John: I’m a terrible influence.

    Jennie: You’re not a good accountability partner at all.

    John: No. I’m not at all. I’m the opposite. I’m the devil shoulder. How about do you have a favorite adult beverage?

    Jennie: Oh, man. I do like Moscato Wine.

    John: Okay, very cool. How about a movie that makes you cry?

    Jennie: Oh, you know what, the only movie that’s ever been successful in doing that is Homeward Bound.

    John: Right. When it comes to financials, balance sheet or income statement?

    Jennie: I’m going to be honest with you, I really like the trial balance, I like saying that it’s higher story. And I don’t just want eight trial balances, I want to compare the trial balance. So both.

    John: Okay, I love it. A comparative trial balance, like we just kicked it up a notch. How about, do you have a favorite ice cream flavor? Let’s go to that.

    Jennie: It has to be matcha.

    John: Okay. That’s a solid answer. Do you have a favorite number?

    Jennie: No, not really. Oh, let’s just take it like type A personality, number one.

    John: Number one, okay. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?

    Jennie: You know what, night owl.

    John: Sure. Two more. This is an easy one, cats or dogs?

    Jennie: Dogs.

    John: Right. And the last one, the favorite thing you own or the favorite thing you have.

    Jennie: The most favorite thing I have, toothbrush. I couldn’t live without a toothbrush, so I’m going with toothbrush.

    John: Toothbrush, like a special kind of toothbrush?

    Jennie: Like an Oral-B toothbrush.

    John: Toothbrush, I love it. That’s awesome, very cool. Well, thank you so much Jennie for being with me today on the Green Apple Podcast.

    Jennie: Thank you for having me.

    John: Wow. That was really great. I like how Jennie said, “You know what, so what if you’re different,” because showing that side of yourself lets everyone around you know that you’re human and I bet you’ll be surprised that you aren’t actually that different at all because others around you could have the similar interests but you’ll never know if none of you share.

    If you like to see some pictures of Jennie in her element, go to greenapplepodcast.com and while you’re there, please click that big green button and do my anonymous research survey. Thank you so much for sharing this with your friends so they get the message that we are all trying to spread which is to go out and be a green apple.

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