Episode 36 – Joe Fleenor

Joe bikes, swims and runs his way to better connections   Joe Fleenor is crazy about triathlons. He only started participating in them seven years ago but all of his coworkers and clients know this is one of his passions….

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Episode 35 – Mary Yetto

Mary hunts her way to better client relationships   Looking at Mary Yetto, it might not be obvious that she loves to be outdoors. She’s an avid hunter and also a veteran kickball player, both of which have helped her…

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Episode 34 – Evan Hackel

Evan skis his way to business success   Evan Hackel loves skiing. So much so that he says it’s more than a passion — it’s an addiction. He averages 60-80 days on the slopes each season, skiing all over the…

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Episode 33 – Edie Gardner

Edie’s clients loved following her as she visited all 50 states   When Edie Gardner turned 40, she set a goal to have an experience in all 50 states over the next ten years. Mission accomplished! The stories she shares…

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Episode 32 – Jen Slaw

Jen juggles great coworker relationships   Jen Slaw started juggling in middle school and hasn’t stopped since, now teaching corporate audiences to be more balanced and productive. She took the balancing act literally as she spent several years performing juggling…

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Episode 31 – Ruth Ross

Ruth goes “all in” for better coworker relationships   Ruth Ross learned how to play poker at age 10 from her father. Little did she realize that it would give her the skills she would use a Human Resources executive….

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Episode 30 – Kelly Richmond Pope

Kelly films her way to better connections   Kelly Richmond Pope is on a mission to show what an accountant is not. She’s shattering the stereotype of an accounting professor by continuously looking for new ways to keep students engaged…

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Episode 29 – Rebecca Berneck

Rebecca speeds to better client connections   Rebecca Berneck likes to go fast. Really fast. Land speed record holder fast. All on a vintage motorcycle. And when she’s not doing that, Rebecca road races competitively throughout the country. In this…

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Episode 28 – Christine DeAngelis

Christine trains her way to better connections   This year, Christine DeAngelis will complete a half marathon and several obstacle course races, including the Bone Frog Challenge and Spartan Trifecta. Those names alone intimidate me enough to not even want…

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Episode 27 – Kristen Rampe

Kristen views client connections through a different lens   Kristen Rampe is a very busy woman. When she’s not running her own consulting firm, she’s shuttling her twin boys around and finding free time to pursue her creative side through…

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